"I don't know if this is a shameless thing, but what I know is that choice is more important than hard work!"

"In this case, I'd better switch to meteorite collection!"

"Brother, persistence is more important. Maybe if you keep collecting, you will encounter diamonds!"

"Made, where did you see so much Chicken Soup for the Soul? Collect them one by one honestly. Those who should be yours will not be able to escape, and those who are not yours will not be forced to come!"

Xiao Yi took another look at the recharge list and shook his head slightly. He was sure someone would sprint at the last moment.

The top positions on the current recharge list are definitely unstable.

It's just like an auction. The real big guys are waiting at the back, and the front are just clowns.

Xiao Yi stood up and walked aside. Seeing that everyone was still busy, he clapped his hands and said, "Everyone, please stop your work. Su Wan, please announce to the outside world that you will take an hour and a half break at noon and 1:30 p.m. Go ahead! Of course, they can choose to buy our computers for independent recharge.”

Independent recharge means that after trading the cornerstone and dark gold to the designated person, the screenshot will be uploaded to the virtual currency system on the computer. After the system recognizes it, the recharge can be successful.

But because the computer costs 500, it is still a bit expensive. In addition, the computer is not of much use to other survivors, so many people do not buy it.

"Yes!" Su Wan responded.

When Su Wan posted Xiao Yi's words to the public channel, everyone immediately started talking.

"Boss, is this a bundle sale? It's a bundle we can't refuse!"

"Why can't you refuse? You can choose not to buy it and recharge it after the staff goes to work in the afternoon!"

"It's just that you can't want to go fast and don't want to pay for it at the same time!"

"But, to be honest, this computer is not of much use to us. It can only check the money in our own account."

"That's wrong. From now on, Yiranpin Alliance's products can be found on the computer. There is no need to entrust staff to help every time. It can be said that if you want to buy Yiranpin items, it will be convenient to have their computers. Too much too much!"

"Other than that? There shouldn't be any other use for it. It's just something that can be done with just a few questions. Five hundred is still a bit expensive."

"I heard that the Yiranpin Alliance has established its own website, but the main problem is the language barrier!"

"To put it bluntly, Yiranpin Alliance's computer is very user-friendly. It already has simple tutorials in the official text of Yiranpin Alliance."

"Do you need to learn a foreign language in order to buy something?"

"Otherwise? If you have enough advanced items, you can choose not to learn them!"

"It's not just for buying something. If you learn the language of Yiranpin Alliance, you can browse all kinds of information on the website. This information is all wealth!"

"I don't believe that the Yiranpin Alliance will disclose any important information on the website!"

"Yes, but whether this is important or not depends on who it is for. Information that is not important to the boss may be very important to us. Some information leaked from the boss is enough for us. Benefited.”

"This matter is a matter of opinion. Let's all disperse. The bosses have all taken a break, and you are here quarreling."

"I would like to ask those brothers who have bought computers, is it difficult to use the language of Yiranpin Alliance?"

"It's a bit difficult, but for those of us survivors with SSS-level physiques, it can be learned quickly!"

"Okay, I'll buy a computer too."

While everyone was discussing, Xiao Yi had already set up the buffet table in the cockpit again.

Because there are more staff recharging, the buffet is more convenient.

"Thank you for your hard work!" Xiao Yi said looking at everyone.

"It's not hard!" Everyone responded in unison.

Xiao Yi waved his hand and continued: "Let me introduce these new companions to you first. This is Sun Gudao, Feng Menglong..."

The Chaos Stars and the survivors of other civilizations nodded to Sun Gudao and others, and silently wrote down their names in their hearts.

"These are my companions in the first stage, and we will fight side by side again in the future!" Xiao Yi continued, "For convenience, we will continue to help ourselves today, and everyone can eat freely. Everyone has one and a half hours to eat and rest. "

"Yes, thank you Island Master!" Everyone responded in unison.

At this time, Sun Gudao and the others had already smelled the aroma of food.

"It smells so good. It's better to have gravity. You can cook and eat on the spaceship." Sun Gudao said, licking his lips.

"Even if you have gravity, do you have so much food to eat?" Feng Menglong curled his lips and replied.

"Even if you have so much food, are you sure you can make it so delicious?" Qiu Sheng also mocked.

Sun Gudao rolled his eyes and replied: "Are you unable to live without quarreling with me?"

"Of course, in such a boring survival, you have to have some fun." Feng Menglong replied matter-of-factly.

"Damn, look at Bai Qi, you two have already started eating. Let's go there quickly. If you're too late, we'll be gone!" Sun Gudao pointed at Bai Qi and said.

Feng Menglong replied nonchalantly: "The island owner has already said that he will have enough food, so why are you so anxious?"

"Then we have to grab a head start." Sun Gudao ran over directly.

Feng Qingluan looked at the food in surprise and said: "Brother, why do you think the island owner has developed so fast? We all have the cornerstone given to us by the island owner. Now we are only micro-ships at most. Life is tight. Island owner The breeze in my sleeves makes me feel like I’m on vacation!”

"This is the gap between us and the island owner." Feng Menglong spread his hands and replied, then picked up the dinner plate on the side and walked to the food table.

Sun Gudao had already eaten so much that he started shouting: "It is indeed SSS-level food, and the cooking method fully meets the standards of a five-star hotel."

"I feel like I haven't eaten such delicious food for a long time!" Qin Feng couldn't help but sigh.

"How long? We have entered the second stage, which is fifty days. How long?" Wei Bo replied with a smile.

"Haven't you heard that one day is like three autumns? 50 days is 150 autumns. This is 150 years!" Qin Feng started to argue randomly!

Feng Menglong happened to hear Qin Feng's nonsense and couldn't help but said: "If you don't study well, talk less, it will easily show your cowardice!"

Qin Feng was a little unconvinced: "Why don't I study less? I am a serious college graduate!"

Feng Menglong rolled his eyes and explained while choosing food: "Not seeing each other for one day is like three autumns. Three autumns are not three autumns, but three quarters, that is, nine months."

"Is that so?" Qin Feng was stunned for a moment and asked uncertainly.

"Look, I'll explain it casually, but you're not sure. Please read more ancient Chinese dictionaries in the future!" Feng Menglong replied with a smile.

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