Sign in, the Man Is on an Isolated Island, and He Has Just Built a Luxury Villa by Himself

Chapter 1942 Yang Damei is looking for a job and is not selling it for the time being.

Yang Damei smiled and said: "Third brother, this is straightforward and true to me. I envy such people, but I can't do it!"

"Brother, look at my second sister-in-law. Most of her people are good at talking, so you should learn from her!" Lu Di immediately turned around and scolded Lu Meiyu.

"Begging for a beating!" Lu Meiyu kicked him.

Brother Lu quickly dodged and replied: "Haha, you can't hit me!"

"Brother, the relationship between you brothers is so good!" Yang Damei said enviously.

Lu Meiyu shook his hand and replied with a smile: "This kid just deserves a beating!"

Yang Damei continued to ask: "Brother, what will be my future job?"

Lu Meiyu was stunned for a moment, glanced at Yang Yangyang, and replied: "His salary should be enough for you."

"Then you can't stay idle forever!" Yang Damei said.

Lu Meiyu thought for a moment and asked, "Can you cook?"

"Yes!" Yang Damei replied affirmatively.

"Then you will be responsible for cooking from now on!" Lu Meiyu said.

"Great, we finally have our own chef!" Lu Di shouted happily.

Lu Meiyu glared at him, and then said: "The current weekly salary is tentatively fifty. In the future, as the workload increases, the salary will also increase accordingly!"

There are only four people on his side, and cooking is relatively simple, so he gives Yang Damei a basic income.

With one more survivor, you can grab two more supply boxes every day. According to the previous probability of getting cornerstones and secret gold, it is about sixty.

"Okay, thank you!" Yang Damei didn't pick a job and just accepted.

She knew that it was good enough to survive here.

Lu Di suddenly said: "I think the second sister-in-law should go to the big boss to further her studies. The big boss has a lot of delicious food!"

"It's good to eat some, but you're so picky!" Lu Meiyu scolded with a smile.

Yang Damei pondered for a moment and said: "What Brother Lu said makes sense. I just ate the food from the boss. In addition to the ingredients being very good, the cooking skills are also very good. When I make money, I will pay for it myself." Go over and learn the techniques from the big guys!”

"This kind of thing that benefits us all cannot be paid for at your own expense. However, we will talk about this later. You'd better rest first and take good care of yourself!" Lu Meiyu said.

"Thank you for your concern, brother!" Yang Damei responded.

Yang Yangyang then spoke: "Look, Brother Lu and Brother Lu get along very well. If you still don't believe it, you should believe it now!"

When they first came out, Yang Damei wanted to communicate with Lu Meiyu by herself, so Yang Yangyang didn't interrupt.

Yang Damei nodded, bowed to Lu Meiyu again and said, "Thank you, big brother, for taking in my husband and I!"

"Brothers and sisters, what are you talking about? Since we have the conditions to work together, it is better to work together than to fight alone!" Lu Meiyu replied, "Let's not thank you here anymore, Yang Yangyang, take your brothers and sisters with you Go back and rest!”

"Yes, brother!" Yang Yangyang continued to help Yang Damei back to his bedroom.

After helping Yang Damei to the bed, Yang Yangyang said: "You can rest for a while. I'll go to my eldest brother to see if there is anything I can help with. If you need anything, use the intercom on the bedside to call me!"

"Okay, you go ahead, you can't stop working because of me!" Yang Damei knew she had to behave better when she was living under someone else's roof!


As soon as Yang Yangyang walked to the door, Yang Damei stopped him and asked, "You said the boss gave each of you a computer?"

"Yes!" Yang Yangyang responded.

"Bring it to me and use it!" Yang Damei continued, "I can't sleep now, so I'll take a look first and get in touch with the big boss's situation."

Yang Yangyang hesitated.

"Don't worry, if I get tired, I will definitely rest. Only if I am in good health can I continue walking with you!" Yang Damei persuaded with a smile.

"Okay!" Yang Yangyang nodded slightly, then took out the computer from the cabinet on the side, helped her turn it on, and set Yang Damei as the administrator so that she could use it by herself.

Yang Damei opened the basic Xia Mandarin tutorial on her computer and started learning.

If you want to understand the culture of a planet, you must first understand the writing of that planet.

Yang Damei is now very interested in Xiao Yi's earth civilization.

So she immediately began to learn the language of Xia.

At this time, everyone on Xiao Yi's spaceship had finished lunch, went back to their bedrooms to rest, and returned to their jobs in the cockpit.

"This is the best sleep I've had since entering the second stage!" Sun Gudao stretched and said excitedly.

"Yes, if you can eat well and sleep well, this place is simply paradise!" Wei Bo said with emotion.

"I wonder if anyone has refused the island owner's call." Qin Feng said with a smile.

"I feel there must be!" Sun Gudao said in a deep voice.

"They later joined the Yiranpin Alliance. Although they enjoyed the benefits provided by the island owner, they did not have much sense of belonging, let alone the island owner who left home and came to the second stage. As long as they develop better, No one will agree to the transfer of the island owner!" Feng Menglong said.

He was right. In addition to Xiao Yi, Jiang Yuntian and others also used designated transfer cards yesterday, but the other party rejected them immediately!

"Everyone has a life! Don't be too emotional. You have to walk the path you choose on your knees!" Xiao Yi came over and said.

Everyone nodded.

"Okay, we're going to start working in the afternoon." Xiao Yi said, "Everyone's work should be easier in the afternoon. Many people bought laptops at noon, and they can operate part of it themselves."

"Yes!" everyone responded.

The current sales volume of laptop computers seen by Xiao Yi is 420,000 units. Nearly half of the survivors should have their own computers.

As long as they have a computer, they can recharge by themselves. Xiao Yi only needs to review it!

After some research, many survivors started to get started.

"This computer is good and can access the Internet. There are many good things you can buy online!"

"That forum is also good. You can see the interesting souls in Xiao Yi's team."

"Yeah, it's good to kill time when you're bored every day."

"You couldn't have been hired by the boss to sell the boss's computer so hard."

When Xiao Yi saw someone questioning, he immediately said: "Due to limited raw materials and limited laptop inventory, we are temporarily not selling it to the outside world! As for whether I am asking for help, you can think whatever you want!"

"No, boss, I just said that casually, just think I'm farting, don't sell it!"

"You're overthinking. You don't have that much energy. Just one sentence made me take off the laptop. I'm just telling the truth!" Xiao Yi curled his lips and replied with a smile, "The raw materials are limited and the output is not high. , please forgive me!"

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