Seeing that everyone stopped protesting, Xiao Yi said slowly: "No more noise? Now the time has come, let's draw a lottery first, and then reward the top three! We have screenshots of the relevant information of the top three recharges in the background, etc. It will be posted to the public channel next time.”

"The lottery has finally started, I've been waiting all day!"

"Yeah, I hope good luck can come to my house this time!"

"You don't have a chance, this miniature spaceship is mine!"

"Are you dreaming? Let's wait and see how the boss determines the winner!"

Xiao Yi continued: "The rules of the lottery are very simple. We will scroll all the accounts on the screen. The scrolling time is up to you! Ten accounts will be drawn first, and then one of these ten accounts will be drawn as the winner. !”

"What do we say about the rolling duration? How do we decide?"

"Yes, the control lies with you, no matter what we say, it's useless!"

Xiao Yi smiled and explained: "We can enter the scrolling time and let it stop automatically!"

"I heard that this lottery program can set the winner in the background!"

"If you think so, I have no choice. You can choose to give up participating in the lottery!" Xiao Yi was helpless.

How dark are these people's hearts? They think everything is shady.

"No, no, no, I'm just joking, boss, don't worry."

"Everyone can tell you the rolling time you want. You will choose from the ninth valid reply. You will choose a time every tenth. Remember, the time cannot exceed ten minutes!" Xiao Yi did not pay attention to the previous person's doubts. Instead, he continued.

"1 minute 32 seconds 23!"

"9 minutes, 29 seconds and 64 seconds!"


A bunch of time appeared in the public channel.

According to what Xiao Yi just said, ten valid times were selected, and then the live broadcast started on the public channel!

Enter those ten time points into the system and hit start scrolling!

Soon after reaching the first point in time, the scrolling accounts on the screen stopped.

"Okay, the first lucky person has been born! His account number is..." Xiao Yi read out the digital code of the account.

"Lie on the grass, sleep on the grass, sleep on the grass!"

"What's going on upstairs? What's this reaction? It's not good to keep swearing. It will teach bad things to children!"

"It's me, it's me, it's me!" the man said excitedly.

"Wucao, it's you! You are so lucky!"

"I didn't expect that I would be chosen first!"

"So what if you were selected first? This is just the first round. You may not be able to get the miniature spaceship yet!" Some survivors began to feel sour.

"Then at least there is a chance. After being selected in the first round, there is a 10% probability of being selected in the second round."

"Brother, I feel a sour taste from your speech. Keep your mind straight and don't be sour to others."

"Don't make any noise, the second account has also come out!"

Xiao Yi announced the second shaken account, and there was another burst of cheers, envy, and jealousy!

Since the time was limited to ten minutes, all ten accounts were quickly shaken out.

"Congratulations to the above ten survivors. You have entered the final lottery. The rules are exactly the same as the first round. You can tell the time you want to roll. I will take the ninety-ninth valid speech!" Xiao Yi continued .

This kind of lottery that everyone can participate in is very interesting for everyone.

Almost instantly, there were hundreds of speeches.

Xiao Yi found the 99th floor and got a rolling time: "6 minutes, 26 seconds and 36."

Enter this time into the system, and then Xiao Yi clicks the start button.

The accounts of the ten lucky people scrolled quickly on the screen.

Soon, the scrolling time ended, the screen scrolling stopped, and an account stopped in the center of the screen.

"Lying on grass, lying on grass, lying on grass!" It was the first survivor who was selected just now.

"No, is it Brother Wocao again?"

Because that survivor came up with three-letter grass, he was nicknamed by everyone, Brother Wocao!

"Who said just now that people can't get micro spaceships?"

"Yeah, I guess it's even more sour now!"

"Made, I'm so sad, boss, are you just giving this miniature spaceship to Brother Wocao?"

Xiao Yi immediately started to initiate designated transactions in the public channel.

"[Micro Spaceship]*1 Transaction None, designated trader: Gou Sheng."

Brother Wucao's ID is Gou Sheng!

"This is true! Brother Wucao's writing is obviously different from that of the big brother. Plus he is so excited, I want to believe that this is not a shady story!"

"Yes, I also want to believe the boss."

"Oh, why not me? Yesterday I dreamed that I won the lottery!"

"We have about one million survivors, and the probability of winning the lottery is too low!"

"You said it was a dream, it's definitely not possible in reality!"

Xiao Yi ignored everyone's discussion and continued: "Just now our alliance's Tianzhiya has posted the eight o'clock recharge ranking to the public channel, everyone has seen it, there is nothing to say, just distribute the rewards! "

"[Small Spaceship]*1 Transaction None, designated trader: Fengshen."

"[Medium-sized spaceship]*1 No transaction, designated trader: Mu Yu."

"[Large Spaceship]*1 Transaction None, designated trader: Lingji."

"My mouth is drooling. Are you sending so many spaceships away like this?"

"The language of these traders is different from that of the big guys. This should be true."

"I really envy them! I'm still just an escape hatch."

"Most people are escape pods, that's normal!"

Seeing everyone's discussion, Xiao Yi spoke again: "Don't envy them. After discussions within our alliance, we decided to immediately start selling the micro spacecraft, priced at 8 million. If you need it, you can contact us! "

"No, the boss is really planning to continue selling spaceships? Does the boss have so many spaceships?"

"Eight million? Isn't that equivalent to eight million foundation stones and secret gold that can be exchanged for a miniature spaceship?"

"Yes, this is too cheap. A normal upgrade requires 10 million plus an upgrade card. Now it's 8 million and you can drive it home directly?"

"Boss, I want it!" The survivor who had previously recharged 10 million immediately shouted in the public channel.

He just hasn't been able to get the upgrade card. He already has 10 million cornerstones and secret gold in his hand. He originally wanted to top up with Xiao Yi and get the spaceship reward in the top three.

In the end, two more Cheng Yaojin appeared out of nowhere, knocking him out of the top three!

He failed to receive the spaceship reward and threw all the cornerstones and secret gold in his hand into the virtual currency system of the Yiranpin Alliance.

To be honest, he regretted it to death, but now he had hope again!

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