Sign in, the Man Is on an Isolated Island, and He Has Just Built a Luxury Villa by Himself

Chapter 1950 About the Comet Merchant, Recycling the Damaged Spaceship

"Thank you, I don't want to get to know you in depth!" Du Kang replied with a smile when he heard that Zhu Wu wanted to get to know them in depth.

Zhu Wu also smiled and said: "We have gone deep enough, there is no need to go deeper!"

After saying that, Zhu Wu left gracefully.

When Sun Gudao and others heard this, their eyes changed when they looked at Du Kang.

"With those sexy smiles on your faces, you two must be gay!" Sun Gudao said with certainty.

Du Kang saw something was wrong in everyone's eyes and immediately explained: "It's not what you think!"

"What did we imagine?" Sun Gudao asked.

Du Kang gave up the explanation feebly. He knew that the more he explained this thing, the less clear it became!

"Is this considered your acquiescence?" Sun Gudao continued to ask with a smile.

"I'm just acquiescing. Anyway, there is only pure friendship between us!" Du Kang replied, "Whatever you think!"

At this time, Feng Menglong asked the question that everyone was confused about: "Island owner, you said Zhu Wu is leaving this galaxy? How did he leave? Did he leave in a spaceship?"

"Yes, island owner, do you still have a spaceship that can sail between galaxies?" Sun Gudao also asked curiously.

The ones they had been introducing to Sun Gudao and the others before were all about Xiao Yi's situation, so they were not very clear about Zhu Wu's situation.

"It's like this, Zhu Wu is the comet merchant of our alliance." Xiao Yi began to introduce.

Following Xiao Yi's introduction, everyone's eyes widened in shock.

"Is this okay?" Feng Menglong said, "Can you still follow the comet? This is too exaggerated!"

"Of course!" Du Kang replied, "Before I came to this galaxy, I relied on the things Zhu Wu brought there to survive!"

"No wonder they are gay, they have hooked up a long time ago!" Sun Gudao added.

"I shouldn't talk too much!" Du Kang slapped himself and said.

Xiao Yi continued: "Although I don't know whether this talisman conforms to the scientific knowledge of our earth, this thing has happened now."

"In other words, Zhu Wu is traveling through three galaxies now!" Feng Menglong said.

Xiao Yi nodded slightly and responded: "Yes, that's it. It basically takes about two days. Our Chaos Galaxy stays a little longer."

"With the rich supplies of the island owner, and being able to travel between three galaxies, it is indeed a good opportunity to do business!" Feng Menglong said with emotion.

"Actually, before the galaxy collision, Zhu Wu was able to pass through four galaxies. As a result, all four galaxies merged into the current galaxy!" Jiang Yuntian introduced.

"Is this a new galaxy formed by the fusion of four galaxies?" Qiu Sheng said in shock.

Xiao Yi nodded slightly and said, "Yes, after today's task is completed, we will talk about this slowly!"

"Yes!" Everyone responded, and then sat back in front of their computers again.

"No, island owner, I have another question. Since Zhu Wu's spaceship is flying with the comet, why is he on our spaceship? How did he get back to his spaceship?" Qin Feng Suddenly I discovered a question, so I stood up again and asked.

"We have a teleportation array, otherwise Jie Coin would not have come to our spaceship!" Xiao Yi explained.

"So that's it, the island owner even has a teleportation array!" Qin Feng said in shock.

"Work hard for more than two hours, and we will talk all night long. Tomorrow is a holiday, so everyone can have a good rest!" Xiao Yi said with a smile.


Xiao Yi returned to the island monument and found that someone had started advertising his laser cannon!

"The medium-sized laser cannon is really powerful. A miniature spaceship just came over, and I killed it with just one shot!"

"Is it so cruel? What type of spaceship is yours? It can actually be equipped with a medium-sized laser cannon!"

"Upstairs, you haven't seen the IDs of the top three in the recharge list before! He is the number one in the recharge list! The boss rewarded a large spaceship!"

"So this guy named Lingji is the top brother on the list!"

"Brother Bang, how many people are on your spaceship? You can't drive it and shoot at the same time, right?"

Lingji replied: "I have three companions now. Although it is a bit difficult to control a large spaceship, I can barely fly it!"

"The Lingji boss is so awesome, he actually got three transfer cards!"

"This transfer card is nothing. As long as you collect more supplies, you can always collect them!"

"That's nonsense. I've been collecting it for a damn day, and I haven't collected any transfer cards yet. The only one I got was from the supply box."

"That only shows that you have a bad face. There is nothing you can do about it."

Lingji asked again: " @Yi Ranpin, I would like to ask, can you recycle the destroyed small spaceship? What is the price?"

Seeing his question, Xiao Yi thought for a while and replied: "Of course we will recycle it, but we will only recycle it with virtual currency. If you only fire one shot, I can offer you 20 million!"

If you upgrade from an escape capsule to a small spaceship, you need two upgrade cards, as well as 30 million cornerstones and unique gold.

Lingji frowned slightly when he saw Xiao Yi's reply. He killed 10 million with one shot and the price of two upgrade cards.

But he didn't have a lot of foundation stones and secret gold to repair the destroyed small spacecraft, which was another burden.

While Lingji was meditating, others began to discuss.

"You just got the reward for a large spaceship, and you made 20 million by changing hands with this large spaceship?"

"However, I feel that the price is a bit too high. After all, a small spaceship is worth 30 million and two upgrade cards!"

"You can't say that. After all, it's a damaged small spaceship. It will cost a lot of dark gold and foundation stones to repair it. So it's really not certain who will win and who will pay!"

Lingji spoke again at this time: " @Yi Ranpin, repairing this destroyed spaceship requires four million foundation stones and secret gold, so if you can give me twenty-five million, I will make a deal with you!"

Obviously, Lingji also left Xiao Yi with the value of one million and two upgrade cards to earn.

Xiao Yi thought for a moment and then responded: "Okay, today's situation is special, so just 25 million!"

Everyone thought that what was special about today was that the Yi Ranpin Alliance implemented virtual currency on the first day, but Xiao Yi meant that there would be four times the status today, otherwise he would not have agreed to the price so easily!

Seeing that Xiao Yi had agreed, Lingji immediately performed a recharge operation on the Internet and at the same time traded the destroyed small spaceship.

"[Damaged small spaceship]*1 Transaction None, designated trader: Yi Ranpin."

Xiao Yi immediately agreed.

"The transaction was successful...triggered a quadruple harvest and obtained supplies: damaged small spaceship*4."

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