Although it was not clear what Xiao Yi meant when he said the time had not come yet, Lu Meiyu was wise enough not to ask any more questions.

"By the way, take advantage of this period of time to arrange for someone to come over and see if you can train him to be a teleporter." Xiao Yi continued.

Lu Meiyu was stunned for a moment, and then asked: "Is it someone like Hu Yi who can control the teleportation array?"

"Yes, just like him." Xiao Yi replied.

"Okay, I'll make arrangements right away." Lu Meiyu responded happily.

As long as you have your own teleporter, you don't have to bother Yi Ranpin if you want to teleport to other places in the future.

With this in mind, Lu Meiyu stood up and said to the others: "The boss is going to help us train teleporters. We need to select some people to participate in the training!"

"Me!" Brother Lu immediately raised his hand and said, "Choose me!"

Lu Meiyu glared at him and replied: "I don't know you yet. You just go there for the food from the big boss. Can you learn something?"

"Brother, we can't keep looking at people with the same old eyes!" Lu Di continued to argue, "I am no longer the person I used to be."

Lu Meiyu directly ignored his efforts and said: "This time I will take Yang Yangyang and his wife there, let the boss choose for himself!"

"No, brother, what about me?" Lu Di was anxious.

"Of course you are responsible for guarding the house!" Lu Meiyu replied with a smile.

"No, are you really my brother?" Lu Di said with a bitter face.

Lu Meiyu kicked him away and said: "I regret finding you even if I step on the horse. I don't want to be your brother, you are a shameful thing!"

After being kicked by Lu Meiyu, Lu Di came forward with a smile: "Brother, you can do it without me, just don't forget to bring me something delicious!"

"Get out!" Lu Meiyu cursed angrily and kicked him out again.

This time, Lu Di was quick to dodge the kick. After escaping far away, Lu Di said loudly: "Brother, don't forget to bring my favorite local fresh food!"


Soon, the miniature spaceship with the teleportation array was rented to Lu Meiyu again. Without any delay, Lu Meiyu took Yang Yangyang and his wife to Xiao Yi's spaceship through the teleportation array.

After various inspections, Lu Meiyu and others were brought to Xiao Yi.

"Boss, there are three of us here. Do you think there is a chance to be trained as teleporters?" Lu Meiyu said respectfully.

Xiao Yi glanced at the three of them and asked with a smile: "Is this Yang Yangyang's wife?"

"Yes, thank you big man for helping me!" Yang Damei said gratefully.

"You're welcome!" Xiao Yi waved his hand, then called Su Wan over and said, "Come and test, do they have spatial attributes?"

"Yes!" Su Wan responded.

Following the method Shi Kong taught them in the first stage, Su Wan began to test.

Soon, Su Wan had the result: "Island owner, they all have spatial attributes, and Yang Damei's spatial attribute affinity is higher."

Xiao Yi nodded slightly, looked at Lu Meiyu and the others and said, "You all do have the opportunity to become teleporters, but I can't keep all of you here to participate in training, so I can only choose the one with the best spatial attributes to stay, and wait. After she learns it, she can go back and teach others."

"Okay, thank you, boss!" Lu Meiyu said happily, "Then who among the three of us has the best spatial attributes?"

They didn't understand what Amelia Su said just now.

"Yang Damei, her spatial attributes are the best, let her stay and study with Su Wan." Xiao Yi replied.

Lu Meiyu was slightly startled, while Yang Yangyang frowned slightly. He didn't want to leave his wife in this unfamiliar place.

"Is there a problem?" Xiao Yi asked, raising his eyebrows slightly.

"No problem!" Yang Damei immediately replied, "I can stay, and I promise to study hard, and I will definitely become a qualified teleporter."

As she spoke, she also tugged on the corner of Yang Yangyang's clothes. Yang Yangyang reacted immediately and said, "There is no problem on my side. Thank you for your trouble, boss!"

Lu Meiyu also said hurriedly: "No problem, thank you for the cultivation!"

"Don't thank me too much. The training fee is five hundred. This is an internal preferential price!" Xiao Yi replied directly.

"Okay, no problem, I'll pay now!" Lu Meiyu directly opened the computer he carried with him and paid the training fee online.

Xiao Yi nodded slightly and said: "Then Yang Damei, please stay. You can go back. The length of study depends on her ability to accept it. If it is fast, it will take two or three days. If it is slow, it will probably take several weeks."

"Yes, I understand!" Lu Meiyu responded, "Then we will go back."

Xiao Yi waved his hand, indicating that they could leave. Lu Meiyu took Yang Yangyang back to his spaceship through the teleportation array.

"Thankfully Damei responded quickly today, otherwise, the boss would definitely have objections to us!" Lu Meiyu said with emotion.

"Brother Lu, it's my fault this time. When I heard that I wanted to keep Damei, I had an expression on my face that I shouldn't have. This made the boss a little resentful!" Yang Yangyang took the initiative to admit his mistake.

"It's okay, Damei has already made up for the mistakes you made!" Lu Meiyu shook his head and replied.

When Brother Lu saw his brother coming back, he immediately came over and said, "Brother, did you bring anything delicious?"

"Eat, eat, eat, you know how to eat! Get out of here, I'm annoying you!" Lu Meiyu replied angrily.

Brother Lu hurriedly ran away, muttering: "You must have been defeated by the boss, and he came back to take it out on me. He is really a real brother!"

"Come back here and see if I can beat you to death!" Lu Meiyu cursed.

On Xiao Yi's spaceship, Xiao Yi thought for a while and said to Su Wan: "When I teach Yang Damei, I will call Jie Bin. In the future, he will also arrange a teleportation array there, and he will even need to build it himself!"

"Okay!" Su Wan responded, "However, I need your help with translation when I teach Yang Damei."

Before he finished speaking, a somewhat stiff Xia Guoyu came from the side: "I think there is no need for translation. I can understand it, probably."

Xiao Yi and Su Wan looked at Yang Damei on the side in surprise.

"When did you learn Xia Guoyu?" Su Wan asked in surprise.

"It's on my husband's computer." Yang Damei replied.

Xiao Yi nodded slightly and said: "It seems that he is another young man with language talent!"

Su Wan nodded in agreement and said, "How about giving her a computer, which will make it easier for her to study."

"Well, you can go to the logistics department to apply." Xiao Yi replied, "However, it is only for her temporary use at the moment!"

"Yes!" Su Wan responded.

Yang Damei on the side was also very surprised when she heard this. Although it was not given to herself, she could at least use it as she pleased.

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