Sign in, the Man Is on an Isolated Island, and He Has Just Built a Luxury Villa by Himself

Chapter 1999 Can’t lure him out, start the mercenary mission

In the image fed back by the drone, there were eight large praying mantises flying towards the drone.

Although drones are smart and flexible in avoiding obstacles, in the small space inside the spacecraft cabin, the flexibility of drones cannot be fully utilized.

It lasted less than a minute before being shot down by the giant mantis inside the spacecraft.

The last scene fed back by the drone was the giant mantis, its huge forelimbs waving towards the drone.

Seeing the message on the phone screen that the drone had been damaged, the survivor was stunned.

"There are so many big praying mantises inside, what else can we do?"

After thinking hard for a long time, the survivor purchased another drone and then carefully released it.

This time he planned to lure the mantises out, and whether he attacked them himself or let the big mantises fend for themselves in the vacuum, he could achieve the purpose of destroying them.

Arriving at the location where the first drone encountered the giant mantis, the survivor carefully observed the surrounding situation.

Suddenly, a big mantis rushed out, and he immediately ordered the drone to evacuate.

Sure enough, the big mantis rushed out following the drone.

The drone flew out of the spacecraft while dodging the attack of the giant mantis.

The big mantis behind him rushed out without any hesitation.

But after rushing out, the big mantis found that he had nowhere to borrow strength and could only keep flying forward.

The drone circled around and flew into the spacecraft again.

"Haha, you idiots with underdeveloped brains still want to fight me. I can't kill you!" The survivor shouted excitedly when he realized that his plan was working.

Using this method, he attracted two more praying mantises.

But when he entered again, the mantises attracted by the drone only moved inside the cabin. No matter how he teased them, the big mantises no longer rushed out of the spacecraft.

"So smart?" The survivor was confused. He only brought out three of them before the other party realized something was wrong.

According to the feedback from the last drone, there were at least eight praying mantises inside. Three were lured out, and there were five more inside. He had no chance of taking down five praying mantises by himself!

At this time, everyone in the public channel was still concerned about the battle situation on his side.

"Brother, have you finished exploring the drone? Are there any bugs in it?"

"Yes, we still want to wait for you to broadcast live, but if that doesn't work, can I give you a reward?"

"This is good. Live streaming of exploring ruins, live streaming of avoiding advanced civilizations, live streaming of battles with natives. I feel like these are all going to lead to something!"

"Yes, can the boss develop a live streaming software that will allow us to enjoy the live broadcasting experience? Maybe it can also generate income for the boss!"

Xiao Yi saw this and said with a smile: "The live broadcast software has been developed by a team. When they are ready, it will be uploaded to the Internet. Please support me!"

"He really made a live broadcast software! The boss is so awesome, he can still do these side jobs under such circumstances!"

"What do you mean by what the boss said? Isn't this software created by the boss?"

"The team the boss mentioned should also be affiliated with the Yiranpin Alliance!"

" @Yi Ranpin, boss, can others develop this kind of software?" A survivor immediately sensed an opportunity.

Xiao Yi was slightly startled and replied: "Of course, as long as you can make software that can run on our mobile phones and computers and pass the security review of our alliance, then it can be put on the application market."

"No, is the boss planning to push the business outside?"

"That's great. I used to make software. If I take the time to do it, I might be able to broaden my income channels."

Xiao Yi said with a smile: "Business is endless. Only by making money together can we develop better, so I very much welcome everyone to come and do business together!"

"The boss's pattern is big! Then can we also open a store on the Yiranpin Alliance's online market?"

"Of course!" Xiao Yi replied, "But we have to take a commission. I hope everyone understands this."

"This is natural. Since the big boss has provided a platform, we can't keep using it for nothing!"

"Then what are you waiting for? I'm going to open a store. Everyone is welcome to visit my store."

"Why did you suddenly change the topic to opening a store? Aren't we discussing the big bug that brother encountered before?"

"That brother didn't come forward to speak out, so we had no choice but to change the topic!"

"Yeah, I guess he encountered a big bug in the spaceship in the ruins, otherwise he wouldn't have been unresponsive for so long!"

"Alas, after seeing what happened to that brother, I don't even dare to explore the ruins in front of me!"

"Did the brothers upstairs also find a relic?"

"Yes, I can already see the abandoned ruins, but I don't dare to step forward!"

"Now that we're all here, we have to step forward and take a look. Otherwise, are you willing to leave like this?"

"Not willing to give in!"

"That's okay, just be careful anyway. Don't dare to move just because there are bugs!"

"We will definitely have a battle with bugs in the future. I think it is a good thing to be exposed to those bugs now."

"Since everyone says so, I'm going to rush!"

"Brother, be careful in everything!"

At this time, the survivor who encountered the giant mantis finally spoke up: "Mad, there are indeed bugs in the spacecraft. I have already lost a drone."

"Is the big bug so cruel? Didn't you say that the boss's five-person machine is very advanced and intelligent?"

"No matter how advanced you are, you can't defeat a few bugs. What's more, the space inside the spacecraft is limited, and you can't fully utilize the flexibility of the drone!"

"How many more bugs are there? How many bugs have you encountered?"

"God knows how many there are. Anyway, I bought a second drone now, and only three of them have been lured out. I really don't know how many more are inside."

"Then what do you do? There shouldn't be any way to get in now, right?"

"I really don't dare to go in. My small body can't bear the machete of that insect!"

"Have you given up?"

"Don't give up, I'm thinking of a way."

Jiang Yuntian saw the chat on the island monument public channel on the big screen. When he saw this, he suddenly turned his head and said to Xiao Yi: "Island owner, do you think we can start a mercenary mission?"

Jiang Yuntian himself is a mercenary. After seeing someone unable to complete the task, he immediately thought of the mercenary task system.

Xiao Yi was startled for a moment, then nodded and said, "Okay, you can make a plan and put it on our online market."

"Yes!" Jiang Yuntian responded, and then immediately started writing on his computer.

Because he had been a mercenary before, he was very familiar with this aspect, and soon a concise plan was formed!

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