Sign in, the Man Is on an Isolated Island, and He Has Just Built a Luxury Villa by Himself

Chapter 2002 Could it be possible? There are too many praying mantises

Before, Jiang Yuntian and the others only had four soldiers attacking, and the rest were alert to the surrounding situation.

When the masks of the four soldiers were covered with minced meat, Jiang Yuntian immediately asked the four of them to retreat and replaced them with four soldiers.

The four soldiers who were replaced immediately began to clean the scraps of flesh and blood on their masks.

"These mantises are really cruel, they even chopped up the corpses of their companions!"

"This is nothing. I heard that the cockroaches we encountered before even ate the corpses of their companions!"

"These bugs are so crazy!"

While chatting, these soldiers cleaned their masks and then alerted the surroundings.

In this way, they rotated four people each time, but they also blocked the impact of those mantises.

The battle lasted for half an hour, and the number of praying mantises that rushed out finally decreased.

After dealing with the last mantis, Jiang Yuntian said in a deep voice: "Go forward, pay attention to the cabins on both sides!"

"Yes!" everyone responded.

They passed through the floating mantis corpses and began to float forward.

Qisi, who was waiting outside, was a little anxious. When Jiang Yuntian and the others boarded the ship just now, they showed very strong fighting power.

If there weren't many praying mantises in this ruined spaceship, they should have already taken care of it.

But now he has been waiting for nearly an hour!

This shows that the Yi Ranpin Alliance team must be in trouble, and Qi Si is a little worried.

If Jiang Yuntian and the others were unable to complete this task, then his 50,000 yuan would be completely wasted.

Even in the public channel, everyone began to care about whether Qisi hired a team from the Yi Ranpin Alliance to get rid of the ruins.

" @Qisi, brother, have you finished the ruins here?"

"Yeah, I just saw how strong the Yi Ranpin Alliance team is, so we should be done!"

"It's definitely done, maybe we're taking stock of the harvest now."

"Let's take stock of the yarn!" Chisi couldn't help but say, "Up to now, the Yiranpin Alliance team has not come out yet, and we don't know what's going on inside!"

"Not out yet? Does the Yiranpin Alliance team want to invade this spaceship?"

"It shouldn't be the case. Boss Yi Ranpin's reputation is still very good. This is their first mercenary mission. They will definitely do their best to complete this mission so that they can continue to promote their alliance's business."

"If they don't want to invade the spacecraft, it can only mean that they are in trouble inside the spacecraft."

"If such an elite team can't take down this spaceship, wouldn't we ordinary survivors have no chance?"

"Yeah, is it so difficult to even relic now?"

"It is indeed more difficult than before, but I still believe that the boss's team can cope with the current situation!"

"I also hope that the big brother's team can succeed, otherwise, all my early investment will be in vain!" Gass said helplessly.

When Xiao Yi saw everyone's discussion, he immediately contacted Jiang Yuntian.

"Brother Jiang, what's going on over there now? Is it difficult?" Xiao Yi asked straight to the point.

Jiang Yuntian replied: "It's okay, it's not difficult, it's just that there are a lot of them, what? Has our alliance encountered an enemy?"

"No, now in the public channel, everyone is discussing your mission. Many people are worried that you will not be able to complete this mission." Xiao Yi replied.

Jiang Yuntian was startled for a moment, then said with a smile: "It does take a long time, but the cleanup is almost finished. I will send you a few videos. You can post them on the public channel!"

"Well, send it over!" Xiao Yi responded.

Jiang Yuntian sent the video of them blocking the mantis swarm.

Xiao Yi took a look and said in surprise: "So many?"

"Yes, when I saw so many praying mantises rushing out, I felt a little numb!" Jiang Yuntian said with a smile.

"Pay attention to safety!" Xiao Yi finally reminded.

"Yes!" Jiang Yuntian responded.

After getting the video, Xiao Yi transferred it to the island monument.

"Don't worry, everyone. Our alliance team is still cleaning up the bugs in the ruins. There are a lot of bugs. Please be patient!" Xiao Yi also sent a message.

After other survivors saw this video posted by Xiao Yi, they started talking again.

"Wucao, why are there so many bugs!"

"These bugs are so crazy, they are totally fearless of death!"

"If we don't have the kind of weapons in the big boss's team, if we go there with the laser pistol, Chun Chun will be looking for death!"

"Yes, brother Qisi, you were right to purchase mercenary services this time, and you made a lot of money."

When Qi Si saw the video of Jiang Yuntian's battle with the insect swarm, his eyes widened in shock.

"Made, luckily we invited the big boss's team this time. If I had gone in by myself, I would have been dead!" Gass said with a chill running down his back.

He only has one person and a laser pistol. Faced with so many bugs, how many can he kill?

"Yes, you made a lot of money this time! Boss Yi Ranpin's team is making steady progress and should be able to get it done soon!"

"After this mission is completed, I will compensate them another 100,000 yuan!" Qisi said directly.

"Brother, you are so generous! One hundred thousand, just take it out as soon as you say it!"

"One hundred thousand is not too much. This ruins and the spaceship alone are worth more than ten million!"

"You can't say that. No matter how valuable the ruins are, they agreed that the fixed fee is only 50,000. Now Brother Qisi has given an extra 100,000, which is twice the fixed fee, which is quite a lot!"

"Yes, don't forget, Yi Ranpin Alliance will also share 10% of the harvest!"

"Anyway, if you can give more to the mercenary team, that is recognition of the mercenary team!"

"It seems like I'm going to buy mercenary services too."

"Brother upstairs, have you also found the ruins?"

"Yeah, didn't I tell you before? Now I don't dare to explore alone at all."

While everyone was discussing, Jiang Yuntian and the others had already cleared the central area of ​​the spacecraft.

"Wait!" Jiang Yuntian raised his hand and stopped the team.

In the images fed back from the drone, you can see many dormant mantises in the center of the spacecraft.

"Why are there so many praying mantises?"

"It feels like we killed more people than we did before!"

"It seems they regard this as their nest!"

Jiang Yuntian looked at the structure of the entire spacecraft, then chose a location where he would not be attacked from both sides, and followed the method of cleaning up the mantises before, and did it again.

After the soldiers prepared their defenses, Jiang Yuntian said in a deep voice: "Start the monsters!"

He immediately controlled one of the drones and flew towards the central location!

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