Sign in, the Man Is on an Isolated Island, and He Has Just Built a Luxury Villa by Himself

Chapter 2102 To adapt to management positions and sell information

Zhu Wu traded a large spaceship equipped with all the advanced equipment in the alliance to Sanyanzi.

The three-eyed boy immediately agreed to the deal, completed the docking, and arrived in the large spacecraft. He instantly felt that his entire field of vision was broadened.

He moved the island monument into the large spaceship, and then said: "Boss, I have successfully entered the large spaceship and can start transporting people."

"Okay!" Zhu Wu responded.

Before coming to the Duomire Galaxy, Zhu Wu had already discussed it with Xiao Yi and prepared enough personnel and materials.

Use the teleportation array to teleport those Chaos Stars over.



The Chaos Star and the Three-Eyed Boy said hello in unfamiliar Xia Guoyu.

Now all the Chaos Star people are working hard to learn Xia Guoyu, and Sanyanzi has been learning it for a week. Zhu Wu gave him a mobile phone and computer last time he came over!

Sanyanzi is learning Xia Mandarin using mobile phones and computers.

"Follow me!" Sanyanzi led those people to the island monument so that they could communicate smoothly.

"Welcome to your arrival. I hope we can work together to do the things ordered by the island master in the future." The three-eyed boy said while looking at everyone.

"Yes, three great men!" Everyone bowed and responded.

Hearing everyone's address, the corners of Three-Eyed Boy's mouth twitched, and then he immediately said: "I can't call you an adult yet, so please call me Three-Eyed Boy!"

"Don't dare, sir!" everyone responded.

The three-eyed boy had no choice but to say: "Forget it, it's just a title, whatever you want! I heard from the boss that you have already arranged your own work, so just follow the boss's arrangements."

"Yes!" Everyone responded, and then returned to their respective jobs.

Seeing those people skillfully operating the spacecraft and inspecting the weapons, the three-eyed boy felt relieved.

"Boss, the people you arranged are more professional than me!" Sanyanzi returned to the island monument and said, "I don't even know what to do!"

"Just collect information about the Domire Galaxy!" Zhu Wu said with a smile.

"Ah, this doesn't seem to waste much time!" The three-eyed boy was stunned for a moment and replied.

"As the leader of a team, you need to control the overall situation instead of spending your time on specific tasks. Therefore, you must learn to adapt to a management position rather than a working position. Do you understand?" Zhu Wu said.

Through this incident, Zhu Wu knew that the three-eyed boy must have been managed in the first stage.

The three-eyed boy was stunned for a moment, then nodded and said, "I understand!"

"By the way, you have to bear the wages and benefits of these people yourself. In the future, the business here will also be handed over to you. The requirement is that the price of basic materials does not increase, and other materials are measured by yourself. If it doesn't work, just Discuss it with me!"

"What if you are not in the Domi Hot Galaxy?" Three-Eyed Boy asked.

"I will leave the inter-galactic communicator with you!" Zhu Wu replied.

Now that these three galaxies have their own people, Zhu Wu can easily contact his people in any galaxy, so the inter-galactic communicator is not necessary for him.

"Ah! Thank you very much, boss!" the three-eyed guy said gratefully.

"In this way, you can contact the island owner directly if you have any questions." Zhu Wu continued.

"Would this disturb the island owner too much?" Three-Eyed Boy asked cautiously.

Zhu Wu said with a smile: "You don't have to be so cautious. As long as you don't make any principled mistakes, the boss is very kind!"

"Yes, I understand!" Three-eyed boy responded.

"Okay, you should familiarize yourself with the new spaceship and team first. I am preparing to sell the news!" Zhu Wu said and ended the chat.

Switching to the public channel, Zhu Wu thought for a moment and then said: "Dear survivors of the Domi Hot Galaxy, I am back again, and this time I have brought an island monument prompt that is completely different from your galaxy. Are you interested?"

"It turns out to be Brother Pig. When did Brother Pig arrive?"

"You don't pay too much attention to Brother Pig. He arrived twenty minutes ago!"

"Really? I really didn't pay attention, but, Brother Pig, what do you mean by this?"

"Yeah, what do you mean by different island monument prompts? Do the island monument prompts also depend on the person?"

"Brother Zhu probably means that different star systems will have different island monument prompts."

"Isn't the prompt from the Chaos Galaxy different from what we have here? What does the Chaos Galaxy prompt?"

"How could it be different? I don't believe it!"

Seeing everyone's discussion, Zhu Wu said with a smile: "Whether you believe it or not, the reminder of the island monument in our chaotic galaxy is indeed different from yours! But I have already posted this information in the trading hall, and I only need two cornerstones." And two units of dark gold, you need to take pictures yourself!”

"No way, Brother Pig, are you obsessed with money? Does this all cost money?"

"Otherwise, will the information collected by others be given to you for free?"

"Two units of cornerstones and dark gold are not expensive at all. I bought them!"

"Yes, others are just earning hard money. I don't know why so many people want to do it for nothing!"

"Already purchased, waiting for Brother Zhu to provide information."

Zhu Wu looked at the trading floor and saw that 400,000 transactions had been completed.

Feeling that it was almost done, he sent the reminder of the island monument in the Chaos Galaxy to everyone. Zhu Wu had a video of the island monument reminder, so he also sent the video.

At the same time, a propaganda message was included at the end of the intelligence.

"From now on, our Yiranpin Alliance will begin to identify and sell the exercises business. The exercises sold from the Yiranpin Alliance can be authentic."

After seeing the information sent by Zhu Wu, everyone was shocked.

"Wucao, isn't it? Your personal strength can still be improved?"

"Yeah, this is too outrageous, why didn't we give you a prompt?"

"Maybe it's because the number of people didn't meet the standard! You didn't see the number of people mentioned on the Chaos Star Island Monument."

"So that's what it is! This information is really shocking. The cornerstones and secret gold of both units are not lost!"

"What are you talking about? What does the intelligence say?"

"There's a prostitute upstairs, don't tell him! If you want to know, go buy the information yourself!"

Seeing that everyone was talking about it, those survivors who had not purchased the information at the beginning also began to trade privately.

Almost everyone bought a piece of information.

As one of the leaders in the development of the Domi Hot Galaxy, Ji Jiying naturally bought a copy.

After reading this information, Ji Jiying's eyes widened in disbelief: "Did I feel awakened when I sensed those light spots?"

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