Sign in, the Man Is on an Isolated Island, and He Has Just Built a Luxury Villa by Himself

Chapter 2106 Confidence, only six or seven thousand ships, don’t worry

"Thank you, Mr. Er, for reminding us. We all have received special training in aerospace, so there will be no problem!" the native replied.

"Okay, you go back and fix yourself!" Ji Zhentian nodded slightly.

After everyone was ready, Ji Batian and Ji Jiying also tied themselves to a seat.

Ji Zhentian sat on the seat in front of the island monument and began to install the gravity system.

For survivors, the island monument is also a plug-in. With the island monument, it can be manufactured and installed instantly.

Ji Zhentian only needs to click on the island monument to install and confirm, and the next moment the spacecraft will have a gravity system.

Everyone felt their bodies sink suddenly.

"Phew, it feels so good to have the added force of gravity!" Ji Batian sighed with emotion.

Ji Jiying nodded slightly: "I don't know when Yi Ranpin will harvest the gravity system."

"You will definitely enjoy it earlier than us!" Ji Batian said with a smile, "Okay, don't think about this matter. His luck is very good. We really can't compare with this, so we can only compare with diligence and strength. Come on and practice Bar!"

"Well, I know!" Ji Ji responded, "By the way, now that we have gravity, why don't we find some soil that can be planted? We also bought some seeds before."

"I'll handle this, don't worry!" Ji Batian said.

"Okay!" Ji Jiying turned around and walked to her bedroom.

The surrounding natives who were still unable to stand in the spacesuits in the cabin looked at Ji Jiying who could walk freely, and they all looked envious.

"Master, their physiques are really good!"

"Nonsense, can he take care of our entire spaceship by himself?"

When Ji Jiying harvested the first small spaceship, he pretended to surrender, entered the indigenous spaceship, went on a rampage, killed people, and robbed the small spaceship.

"It would be great if we also have such good physiques."

"I heard that you can improve your physique by eating grade food."

"Level food? The name sounds complicated. We probably won't be able to touch it."

"No, it seems that the uncle and the second uncle are already discussing to improve our physique so that we can better help them."

"Really? I believe it, don't lie to me!"

"I vaguely heard the conversation between the uncle and the second master last time. It may not be accurate. However, I believe that as long as we perform well, we will definitely have the opportunity to improve our physique."

"Then you must behave well. Our original spaceship didn't have gravity, but now we have it. Hold the young master's lap tightly, your future life will be beautiful!"

The native boys were all spread out in their positions, and Ji Batian and Ji Zhentian could only control the two spaceships themselves.

Zhu Wu traded the other four large spaceships and all their cargo to Sanyanzi.

"From now on, the business of this galaxy will be left to you. If you are unsure about anything, please contact me in time and pay attention to safety!" Zhu Wu warned.

The three-eyed boy looked at the four extra large spaceships and was stunned.

He swallowed and asked, "Boss, how many large spaceships like this do we have in our alliance?"

"Not many, only six or seven thousand ships!" Zhu Wu said nonchalantly.

"Hiss!" The three-eyed boy took a breath of cold air.

Nowadays, most of the survivors are survivors, but the Yi Ranpin Alliance has six to seven thousand large spaceships!

Sure enough, people will die when comparing with others, and goods will be thrown away when comparing goods!

Zhu Wu continued: "In addition to large spaceships, there are also several satellite-class spacecrafts. There will be more different types of spaceships and battleships in the future. Work hard. As long as the alliance has it, you will have it too!"

The three-eyed boy was completely stunned. After a while, he asked: "Boss, what kind of spaceship is this satellite-class spacecraft?"

"It is a spaceship that is two levels higher than the large one." Zhu Wu explained, "Of course, the satellite level is not the end, there are even higher levels."

It took a while for the three-eyed boy to react. He had always thought that large was the highest level.

"I didn't expect that there would be a larger spaceship than the large one!" Three-Eyed Boy said with emotion.

"Everyone thinks so before encountering a higher level. Just like we always think that the SSS level is the highest level of personal strength, we didn't expect that we can continue to improve spiritually!" Zhu Wu also expressed some emotion.

The three-eyed boy nodded with deep understanding, and then asked cautiously: "Can I buy the two exercises in our alliance?"

Zhu Wu smiled and replied: "The island owner said that these listed skills can be used by members of the alliance for free, you can just use them."

"Thank you boss, thank you island owner!" Three-eyed boy said excitedly.

"Remember, don't be greedy for too many skills!" Zhu Wu reminded, "However, I suggest you don't practice now. Then go to the island owner of the Chaos Galaxy to see if you can practice our alliance's skills. If you see it on the market, Have you scored the skills that came out?"

The three-eyed boy was stunned for a moment, then nodded and replied: "I see, meditation is one point, and telepathy is three points."

"Do you know how this score came from?" Zhu Wu continued to ask.

"I don't know." The three-eyed boy replied cooperatively.

Zhu Wu explained: "It is based on the bonus of practicing spiritual power based on the exercises, and the benchmark is the exercises of our alliance."

The three-eyed guy nodded slightly: "You mean our alliance's skills are the same, meditation is similar to our alliance's skills, and telepathy is better than ours?"

"Tch, how can these skills be compared with our alliance's skills? Our alliance's skills are much stronger than theirs, so the island owner set our alliance's skills to one hundred!" Zhu Wu said disdainfully, "If we If the alliance's power is one, then the score of meditation becomes 0.01, will anyone still buy it?"

The three-eyed boy said in shock: "What kind of skills does our alliance have? Why is it so powerful?"

"The technique is called Daozang, and it is said to be the technique from the island owner's home planet!" Zhu Wu said proudly, as if it was his own technique.

"Then boss, you must have cultivated to the point where you are about to awaken!" the three-eyed boy said enviously.

Why doesn't this kid open any pot?

"Ahem!" Zhu Wu coughed and covered up his embarrassment, "Actually, I can't practice Daozang. Now I can only practice telekinesis."

"Ah?" The three-eyed guy was stunned, and then said hurriedly, "Boss can't practice, so I definitely can't practice either!"

Zhu Wu waved his hand and said: "This has something to do with the compatibility between the individual and the technique. If you have a chance, go to the island owner's spaceship and see if you can practice it! If you can practice Daozang, it will definitely be much better than these two techniques. .”

"I understand, thank you boss!" said the three-eyed boy.

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