Sign in, the Man Is on an Isolated Island, and He Has Just Built a Luxury Villa by Himself

Chapter 2110 The polished commander, the ambush, and the chef of Lingji

The elder who proposed the raid on Xiao Yi sighed helplessly. He felt that with such a good opportunity, the entire army should attack to capture the satellite-class spacecraft left here by the Yi Ranpin Alliance!

But they didn't know that Dynasty's caution saved them once.

Xiao Yi just put all the spaceships in the independent planet space and did not move them away. These spaceships can come out to fight at any time.

The reason why the Dai Na clan did not see that Xiao Yi had an independent planet space was because Xiao Yi had a fog generator in his hand, which kept covering up the wormhole he could control.

Moreover, Xiao Yi moved his position before just to test whether those advanced civilizations were coming towards him, not because he was worried about the attack of the Dai Na clan because of insufficient troops.

The Dai Na clan thinks highly of themselves!

Soon, five large warships flew out from the Dai Na clan's fleet and flew directly towards Xiao Yi.

Jiang Yuntian, who was watching the content on the public channel, suddenly received a report from his subordinates.

"Report, there is something strange in the Dai Na family fleet, and five large warships are flying in our direction."

Jiang Yuntian was slightly startled, and then said: "Has this Dai Na clan healed their scars and forgotten the pain? Do you still dare to come here to provoke us?"

Xiao Yi on the side was also stunned for a moment, and soon he understood why the Dai Na clan did this.

"It's not that they have healed their scars and forgotten the pain, but they think we have fewer spaceships now, so they are ready to come and bully us!" Xiao Yi said with a smile.

Jiang Yuntian was slightly startled, but then he also reacted: "So that's what they thought, so let's teach them another lesson! Island Master, can I go on a mission?"

"Not until tomorrow. You should give remote command today!" Xiao Yi replied.

Jiang Yuntian had no choice but to answer.

Xiao Yi looked at the meteorite belt in front of him and said, "This is just the right place for an ambush!"

The environment of the meteorite belt is relatively complex, and it is very simple to hide some spaceships.

Xiao Yi used the fog generator to cover twenty large spaceships and moved deep into the meteorite belt. After leaving the monitoring range of the Daina clan's satellites, these spacecraft immediately ambush the way the Daina clan's spacecraft came.

After the fog generator was removed, Xiao Yi temporarily closed the wormhole in the independent planet space.

Xiao Yi didn't open it again until the mist came back.

On the Daiina tribe's spaceship, the Daiina tribe soldiers also began to talk about it.

"What do you think above? You've lost several battles in a row before, and now you still want to go?"

"Did the higher ups feel it was time to send some warmth, so they sent us there?"

"That's what it means. It's really confusing."

"Not necessarily. I heard that the Yiranpin Alliance only has one bare pole and four orders left. Our planet has specially built these large warships just for sneak attacks and attacking such a single target!"

The Dinar clan previously only had satellite-class battleships, but in order to improve the fleet's mobility, they temporarily built five large battleships.

Because of the help of Island Monument, the manufacturing process has been greatly shortened!

"Really? Can you keep this news true?"

"It's basically true. Our clan leader was very wary of Yi Ranpin in the previous battles, and he would definitely not let us send the spaceship easily."

"Great, I heard that the Yiranpin Alliance only has spaceships but no warships. If our five warships go there, we will definitely be able to take care of their spaceship."

"As long as we can capture the first spaceship of the Yiranpin Alliance, we will definitely be commended by the clan leader, and maybe we will be rewarded with some high-level food!"

"I can't wait any longer!"

The soldiers of the Dai Na clan are already gearing up and preparing for a big fight!

The people from Chaos Star who were ambushing in the meteorite belt were listening to Jiang Yuntian's speech.

"Everyone must be careful. The large battleships simulated in our game cabin are only speculations. The specific parameters may not be correct, so everyone must not be careless and concentrate on dealing with the large battleships of the Dainer clan!"

"Yes!" everyone responded.

"I hope that after this battle, our game cabin can simulate a large battleship that is the same as reality!" Jiang Yuntian continued.

"Yes! Promise to complete the mission!"

The meaning of Jiang Yuntian's words was obvious, that is, he wanted to take down the opponent and leave at least one large warship behind.

Only in this way can the specific parameters be obtained and input into the game cabin.

Jiang Yuntian nodded slightly and continued: "Everyone must remember that the opponent's ship will self-destruct. Once we paralyze the opponent's ship, we must immediately destroy its self-destruction system."


As for the self-destruction system, the prisoners of the Dinner clan who were captured before have already made it clear. As long as the Chaos Star soldiers are given a chance, they can destroy the self-destruction system as soon as possible.

Of course, Xiao Yi has also prepared prisoners here. If he has the opportunity to let the prisoners shout, it would be better if he can recruit them to surrender.

Before, the base of the Dai Na clan was about four or five hours' flight away from Xiao Yi. Now, Xiao Yi is more than six hours' flight away from the Dai Na clan.

Five large warships from the Dai Na clan flew towards Xiao Yi quickly. They thought they were here for a sneak attack, but their every move was exposed to spy satellites.

"It seems that the Dai Na clan is really in a hurry to come here and die!" Du Kang said with a smile while looking at the surveillance video transmitted back by the spy satellite.

"No, they are here in a hurry to grab the credit!" Xiao Yi smiled and shook his head.

Du Kang curled his lips, stood up, walked to the bar and ordered a glass of beer.

It was already after five o'clock in the afternoon, and Du Kang had already got off work, so he could drink without restraint.

Su Wan had already brought dinner to Xiao Yi. She knew that Xiao Yi had to keep an eye on the movements of the five large warships of the Dai Na clan and had no time to prepare meals, so she brought it to him.

Xiao Yi took it with a smile and said, "Thank you!"

Su Wan waved her hand and asked: "How long will it take for the Dai Na family to come to us?"

"It will probably take another forty minutes! If they don't slow down!" Xiao Yi replied while eating.

"Just in time for dinner, we can watch the show!" Su Wan said with a smile.

"That's right!"

Dinner is also being eaten on the Lingji spaceship. This time the dinner is prepared by the chef from Erwu.

Lingji and the others just took a taste, and their eyes lit up.

"Your cooking skills are very good!" Lingji looked at the chef who called Zhimi and praised him.

"Yes, it's not any worse than the taste of Yiranpin Alliance!"

"With this technology, it is completely possible to sell finished dishes on the online market."

"Yes, it's delicious!"

Everyone praised him one after another.

Zhe Mi was a little embarrassed by what they said: "I haven't done this for a long time, so I'm a little rusty!"

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