Sign in, the Man Is on an Isolated Island, and He Has Just Built a Luxury Villa by Himself

Chapter 2113 Don’t care about the life and death of cannon fodder, biological equipment

Hearing Tirena's words, Dai Liang was slightly surprised: "Does the island owner have a more powerful trick?"

Tirena shook his head and replied: "I don't know. If we find out, it won't be a big deal."

He paused and continued: "But you have to know that none of our spaceships have a gravity system. The island owner has it. We haven't built a space aircraft carrier yet. The island owner also has it, let alone the spaceship. Of the equipment we have, most of them are of ordinary level, with better manufacturing technology, and are at most C level, while the island owner’s side is all SSS level, with only a few of other levels, doesn’t this mean anything?”

Dai Liang was stunned, and then asked: "Is all the equipment here, the island owner, so powerful?"

They, the grassroots soldiers, did not know the specific situation of the Yi Ranpin Alliance.

It was mainly due to the order issued by Dynasty to block some news about the Yi Ranpin Alliance from grassroots soldiers.

If everyone knew the reality of the situation, the soldiers would probably be timid before fighting!

Tirina nodded slightly: "That's why I suggest you come here and don't make unnecessary sacrifices."

"It turns out that the Yi Ranpin Alliance is so powerful!" Dai Liang said in surprise, "It's a pity that our clan leader didn't know, otherwise, he wouldn't have given the order to attack so easily."

Tirena sneered and said, "The patriarch must know that this information has been discussed in the public channel of Island Monument, but he will not tell you!"

Dai Liang was stunned. Although he violently killed the commander, he just wanted to live and still had feelings for the Dai Na clan.

He didn't expect that they were all kept in the dark by the clan leader.

"Why did the patriarch do this?" Dai Liang said angrily.

"It's very simple, good to manage, good to rule, and good to command!" Tirena replied with a smile, "Moreover, we are cannon fodder ourselves, and the superiors have never cared about our life and death. I dare say that if you had not killed the commander just now, Commander, he will definitely get on the escape hatch and leave, and your self-destruction is to cover his departure!"

Dai Liang was stunned again, and then lowered his head helplessly.

Tirena patted him on the shoulder, then looked at the others and said, "You should have heard what I just said. You can question it, but here, you can slowly understand it, but there must be no other words. Thoughts, because you will die!”

"Okay, everyone will follow me to where we are staying. Once there, you can ask the old man if you have anything you don't understand." Tirena said and walked towards the docking passage first.

The others immediately followed, and Dai Liang also raised his head and walked over.

Including the people captured this time, the number of prisoners of the Dai Na clan has approached 30,000.

With a wave of his hand, Xiao Yi designated ten large spaceships for the Daina prisoners to live in. On average, there were nearly three thousand prisoners on each large spaceship, as well as one thousand guards. These guards were mainly responsible for guarding, management, and escorting the captives.

The old and new captives in the ten large spaceships are all placed together, so that the old will lead the new ones, so that there is no need to introduce the rules to the new captives.

When the prisoners arrived at their accommodation, they were extremely surprised when they looked at the clean, tidy and well-equipped dormitories.

"Is this really our dormitory? I thought it was a dark cell!"

"Yeah, I didn't expect there to be a bed and a separate bathroom!"

“It feels like the equipment and facilities here are more complete than where we lived before!”

"Is this true for every dormitory? How many resources are needed to build so many suites?"

Tirena said with a smile: "This is the strength of the Yi Ranpin Alliance."

Indeed, only Xiao Yi has the ability to build so many suites. Even if others can do business with Comet, the resources they gain will definitely not be enough.

Xiao Yi can have so many resources mainly because of the four times the trigger probability of 20%!

The resources of the survivors in the four galaxies were pooled together, and then quadrupled, and the amount of resources became an astronomical figure.

Hearing what Tirena said, the new prisoners nodded with deep understanding.

While the prisoners continued to be shocked, Jiang Yuntian was complaining: "I originally thought that today we could test the combat effectiveness of our team and even make the high-energy particle sniper rifle debut for the first time, but I didn't expect that they surrendered readily. It's so boring. !”

Xiao Yi smiled slightly and said, "Wouldn't it be nice? When you come out of the mountain, wouldn't it be nice to have the sniper rifle in your hands?"

Jiang Yuntian was startled for a moment, then nodded happily: "Not bad, not bad, I can go out tomorrow! That's great!"

"However, after this defeat, the Dai Na clan may not dare to come here for a long time!" Xiao Yi smiled and shook his head.

"No, if that's the case, why not take the initiative!" Jiang Yuntian said with a frown.

"Don't worry!" Xiao Yi immediately glared at him and replied, "After several victories, you don't really think that we are stronger than the Dai Na clan, do you?"

"No, I just want to harass them. After all, we don't have a single satellite-class warship, so we can't fight!" Jiang Yuntian replied with a smile.

"It's good that you know." Xiao Yi replied angrily, "You'd better enjoy yourself by killing bugs first!"

"Okay, it's much safer with a sniper rifle!" Jiang Yuntian replied with a smile, then frowned and said, "We seem to have killed a lot of lone bugs, right? Let's reveal a manufacturing diagram?"

"Well, it only means that the explosion rate of those biological equipment manufacturing diagrams is still a bit low!" Xiao Yi said helplessly.

"Actually, I don't think these biological equipment are of much use!" Jiang Yuntian shook his head, "They are all manufacturing diagrams. At most, one can be made. It is not a very strong equipment. It is useless against swarms of insects. It can only be used by a single soldier. It’s not as good as our sniper rifle!”

"Not necessarily, maybe these equipments have other uses, but we haven't encountered the situation of using them yet." Xiao Yi shook his head and said.

"Maybe!" Jiang Yuntian spread his hands. In his opinion, no matter how powerful the equipment is, a sniper rifle can knock him down!

As everyone kills more and more bugs, more and more bug corpses are being sold on the Yiranpin Alliance's online market.

The survivors who had previously produced biological equipment manufacturing diagrams slowly gathered the raw materials and manufactured the biological equipment.

"Made, we finally gathered the raw materials, let me see what the big sword looks like!"

"Biological equipment? Let's show it!"

"[Mantis Knife]*1, this thing cost me 10,000 yuan to buy raw materials!"

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