"I admit it when you call me rich, but you say I don't have good hand speed? I've been single for thirty years. Is it a joke?" Lingji said angrily.

The boy on the side continued to smile and said: "Maybe it's because I've been single for a long time that I can't grab it!"

"Get lost!" Lingji scolded with a smile, "Looks like I'm going to take it from someone else at a high price again."

"Boss, actually we are not in that hurry. We can just wait. Didn't the marketing department of Yiranpin Alliance also speak up? Once the raw materials are collected, we will continue to sell them!" The boy said nonchalantly.

Lingji shook his head and said: "This trial space is changing rapidly. Since we have this strength, we must arm ourselves as soon as possible. It is not yet certain whether it will be easy to collect this raw material. We don't know when the Yiranpin Alliance will be able to collect it." Qi, so I’d better buy it first, it doesn’t matter if the price is higher.”

The little brother nodded slightly, then rolled his eyes slightly and suggested: "Boss, haven't we already established a line with the big boss? Why don't you ask the big boss directly, maybe you can get some directly from the big boss?"

After hearing his younger brother's words, Lingji's eyes lit up and he said, "I didn't expect that your little brain is quite flexible!"

If it hadn't been for this little brother's suggestion, Lingji would have definitely acquired it on the public channel.

When the time comes, those survivors will definitely increase their prices randomly. They don't have the world-wide ambitions of Yi Ranpin.

If you can buy some from the big guy, even if the price is slightly expensive, it is still a good deal. At least you have maintained a good trading relationship with the big guy.

At this time, someone in the public channel has already started to acquire.

"Is there any aerospace suit? I'll pay a hundred more to buy it!"

"One hundred? Are you sending the beggar away? I'll pay an additional five hundred to buy it!"

"Are you all sending beggars away? With such good and important equipment, if you own it a day earlier, your safety will be greatly improved. You want to buy my safety for five hundred yuan? You are thinking too much!"

"Then how much are you willing to sell?"

"At least 10,000 yuan, which is 30,000 yuan per set. Do you want it?"

"Wancao, you are too shady! You made ten thousand yuan by changing hands?"

"I want one set for 30,000 yuan. I will accept five sets. If you are willing to sell them, let me know!"

"There are really rich people. If I had known, I would have grabbed a few more sets!"

"Hey, I just grabbed three more sets, bought them again, and made a net profit of thirty thousand!"

"You are still a thief!"

Looking at the messages in the public channel, Lingji twitched the corner of his mouth and then switched to the private channel.

"Is the boss here? I didn't grab any of the space suits you just sold. Do you have any extra ones? I want to buy a few sets." Lingji asked directly.

Seeing this news, Xiao Yi was slightly startled, and then replied: "There are some more, how many do you want?"

"Twelve sets." Lingji said, "Are there any?"

Xiao Yi was stunned again and responded: "Yes, are you planning to buy a set for the captives too?"

"No, I transferred eleven first-stage companions here." Lingji explained with a smile.

"Eleven, that's awesome. It seems that your prestige in the first stage is also pretty good!" Xiao Yi said with some surprise, and then initiated the transaction.

"[Aerospace Suit] (SSS Level)*12 Transaction None."

Lingji immediately agreed to the deal and then asked: "What's the price?"

"According to the market price, a set of 20,000 yuan." Xiao Yi replied.

"Thank you, boss!" Lingji said happily, "But, boss, why don't you stop those survivors from becoming scalpers?"

"It's okay, let them go for it!" Xiao Yi replied nonchalantly, "As long as they don't get items through special channels like you and use them as scalpers. They can use them as scalpers to buy things normally."

Lingji knew that Xiao Yi was targeting him, so he replied: "Don't worry, boss, what I bought is for my own use and will never be sold to anyone else!"

"Don't be nervous, I'm just giving you an example!" Xiao Yi replied with a smile, "If there is nothing else, let's do this first."

"No, thank you, boss!" Lingji responded.

After the chat ended, Lingji immediately transferred 240,000 yuan to Yiranpin Alliance in the online market.

The survivor who had just made the Mantis Knife put on the aerospace suit he had grabbed and said with emotion: "The high-end equipment is still comfortable to wear! There happens to be a lone insect, go and try it!"

After fastening the safety rope, the survivor chose to leave the cabin and jump to the meteorite not far away.

The giant caterpillar on the meteorite immediately lifted the front half of its body, opened and closed its mouthparts, and faced the flying survivors.

The survivor sneered and slashed with the mantis knife.

Who would have thought that the giant caterpillar would spray a ball of liquid directly from its mouthparts!

The survivor was shocked and hurriedly stopped his attack, turning from slashing to blocking. The mantis knife was very wide and could still block the liquid.

The liquid hit the mantis knife and broke into many tiny water droplets, scattering in all directions.

After such an obstacle, the survivor stagnated. He had no choice but to activate the propeller and continue to approach the giant caterpillar.

I saw the survivor quickly approaching the caterpillar. From a distance of about one meter, the survivor slashed it with a knife.

The giant caterpillar looked very bloated, but it actually moved very quickly. It twisted its waist to dodge the opponent's attack!

The survivor's reaction was also not slow, and he changed from chopping to sweeping, sweeping directly towards the head of the caterpillar.

Unexpectedly, the caterpillar did not dodge, but directly bit the blade with its mouthparts!

This is to prepare for an empty talk!

The survivor's heart skipped a beat and he swept over with all his strength!

Although he couldn't hear the sound, he could feel that the mouthparts of the caterpillar were extremely hard, and the mantis knife was also bitten!

Without panicking, he immediately pulled out the laser pistol he wore on his waist, pointed at the caterpillar at close range, and pulled the trigger!

Naturally, the giant caterpillar would not sit still and wait for death. With a sudden twist of its body, its tail whipped directly towards the survivors!

A laser flew out and hit the meteorite directly.

The laser pistol was also shot away!

The survivor looked at the caterpillar in shock, and then pulled out his mantis knife with force!

Perhaps because he had just tried to take away the laser pistol in his hand, the mouthpart that was tightly biting the mantis knife was loosened, and he successfully pulled out the mantis knife.

Then he took advantage of the situation and chopped it down again!

The green insect repeated its old trick, preparing to use its tail to swipe the weapon away from his hand again, but this time the survivor was already prepared, and when it reached the halfway point, it turned into a crosscut!

Wormtail flew out directly and hit the survivor in the face.

The caterpillar, which was cut in two by the survivors, turned its body violently and floated from the meteorite into space.

It seems that the green insect that was cut off can no longer hold on to the meteorite!

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