Sign in, the Man Is on an Isolated Island, and He Has Just Built a Luxury Villa by Himself

Chapter 2128 Someone wants to take refuge, but she is a heroine

Xiao Yi smiled and replied: "We are collaborators, but the method of cooperation has been made very clear. I provide high-end weapons, and you rent different types of ships. We don't seem to have any other agreements, right?"

Sun Hong looked at Xiao Yi's reply on the island monument angrily.

"Besides, you have forgotten my identity, right? I am a survivor. Naturally, I stand on a united front with the survivors. I hope that as many survivors as possible will survive, so that there will be more in the future. Many people come with me to deal with the people behind the scenes!" Xiao Yi replied, "I also advise you, don't accept too many survivors, you won't be able to control it!"

Seeing this, Sun Hong frowned and thought deeply: "What does he mean by this?"

Looking at Huo Huang aside, Sun Hong felt that he could completely control him!

How could he not be able to control himself? It must have been Xiao Yi who was just scaring himself.

The tracker on Fire Phoenix's ankle could completely control Fire Phoenix's life and death, and he would never dare to make any changes.

Thinking of this, Sun Hao snorted coldly and said: "In this case, you can't control me when I go to hunt those survivors?"

"Of course, it's up to you!" Xiao Yi replied.

Sun Xun narrowed his eyes, closed the chat, and ordered in a deep voice: "Immediately arrange for large warships to radiate around, and attack any escape cabins they see!"


Several large battleships immediately flew out of the fleet of Planet Menken and flew around.

Xiao Yi said in the public channel, "Everyone must be careful. Although the target of those advanced civilizations is me, they will not let go of the survivors they meet on the road!"

"Please rest assured, boss, we will definitely be more careful!"

"Why did the boss suddenly emphasize this issue again?"

"Did something just happen? Or did the boss get some inside information?"

"No matter what the situation is, everyone just needs to be careful!"

"However, I really want to join the Munken Star Fleet!"

"No, the boss has made it so clear. Are you stupid?"

"No one is stupid, they just make the decision that's best for them at the moment."

"That is, those who call others fools without knowing their specific circumstances are fools!"

After seeing the content in the public channel, Huohuang immediately chatted with the person privately: "Are you sure you want to join Munken Star?" Huohuang asked straight to the point.

The survivor with the ID name Jiandie replied: "Of course, how can I get there?"

"After you come here, you have no freedom, do you understand?" Huo Huang said.

"I understand, but now that we can come into contact with a higher civilization, we must seize this opportunity. As for the future, no one can be sure, are you right?" Jiandie replied.

Huohuang nodded slightly, and then said: "I will report to the captain, you wait here."

"Okay!" Jiandie responded, "By the way, I learned Xia Guoyu pretty well too."

Huohuang was stunned for a moment, and then replied: "Yes, I understand."

Soon, Sun Hong got the news, and he said doubtfully: "Didn't this person see what Yi Ranpin said?"

"It should be that his current situation is a bit sad, so he wants to join you!" Huohuang replied, "Not every survivor wants to be as relaxed as the boss."

Sun Xun nodded slightly, then walked to the island monument and asked, "Why did you choose to seek refuge with me?"

When Jiandie saw the news, he immediately understood that it must be the captain of the Munken star fleet who was coming.

"To be honest, I am just an escape capsule now, and there is no way to upgrade to a spaceship. If I don't join a powerful enough force, I will probably be eliminated soon!" Jian Die immediately replied, "But Boss Yi Ranpin I won’t accept my little brother, since you have given us the opportunity, I naturally don’t want to let it go. As for the development prospects mentioned by the boss, I personally think that if we can’t get through now, what development prospects are there?”

Seeing Jiandie's answer, Sun Hong really couldn't find anything obvious wrong with him.

"Send me your current location!" Sun Hong ordered.

"Okay, wait a minute!" Jiandie immediately shared his location with Sun Hong.

"So far!" Sun Hong looked at the map. The sword butterfly was on the opposite edge of the galaxy.

This just confirms the difficulty of the other party's situation. There is no meteorite belt on the edge, and it is far away from the planet. There is no place to collect resources, so it cannot naturally develop.

"The distance is too far, I'm afraid you won't be able to catch up!" Sun Hong replied directly, "I will leave this galaxy in a month."

Jiandie was startled for a moment, then replied: "Is that so? Then I guess I can't escape the fate of being eliminated."

Huo Huang on the side suggested: "How about borrowing the teleportation array from Boss Yi Ranpin!"

Sun Xun frowned and said, "Will he really lend it to us?"

"As long as we pay a corresponding price, the boss will definitely lend it to us!" Huohuang replied in a deep voice, "After all, the boss is a businessman!"

"Then I'll leave this matter to you." Sun Hong didn't want to chat with Xiao Yi anymore.

"Yes!" Huo Huang responded.

Sun Hong sat aside and motioned for him to start.

Huohuang immediately contacted Xiao Yi: "Boss, can I borrow your teleportation array?"

When Xiao Yi saw Huo Huang's request, he was slightly startled, then frowned and asked, "Do you want to transfer the survivor?"

"Yes, everyone has their own choice." Huo Huang responded.

Before Xiao Yi could answer, Su Wan said from the side: "Island owner, the survivor named Jiandie contacted us and said he wanted to borrow our teleportation array."

Xiao Yi was startled for a moment, and then said: "Ask him what he thinks?"

Su Wan nodded immediately and then sent a message to Jiandie.

After a while, Su Wan was stunned when she saw the other party's reply. Then she looked at Xiao Yi and said, "Island owner, this guy wants to get the spaceship from the Munken Star Fleet."

"Huh?" Xiao Yi was also stunned for a moment and said, "Ask him if he would like to come to my place to have a chat first, and then go to Munken Star?"


Soon, Amelia Su raised her head and said, "He said yes!"

Xiao Yi immediately rented the miniature spaceship with the teleportation array.

The other party did not hesitate and traded his escape cabin and other items over, and then he himself was teleported through the teleporter.

When Jiandie appeared from the teleportation array, everyone was stunned for a moment.

It turned out to be a beautiful lady with thin colorful wings on her back!

Xiao Yi said in surprise: "I didn't expect you to be a lady!"

Jiandie was a little surprised that she could understand Xiao Yi's words, but she quickly replied: "What? Boss Yi Ranpin is still sexist?"

"It's not that I'm sexist, I just didn't expect such a bold and radical person to be a heroine." Xiao Yi said with emotion.

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