Hearing the guard's words, Jiandie curled his lips: "There is no other space in my escape cabin!"

The guard ignored Jiandie, but walked to the side and stood with the weapon in his hand still pointing faintly at Jiandie.

Jiandie was operating on his island monument nonchalantly.

At this time, on another battleship, Huohuang asked doubtfully: "Captain, hasn't Sword Butterfly arrived yet?"

"I'm already here, but you can't meet each other. If you want to chat, just chat on the island monument." Sun Xun replied.

Fire Phoenix was startled for a moment, then nodded.

Obviously Sun Hong still didn't believe in himself.

Fire Phoenix thought for a moment and sent a message to Jiandie on the island monument: "Hello, I am Fire Phoenix, welcome to join the Munken Star Fleet!"

"Thank you very much. I didn't have any freedom when I came here, and I didn't see any high-end ships. To be honest, I'm a little disappointed!" Jiandie replied with a smile, "If our captain really wants to recruit a younger brother, then he has to get it." You need to show some courage, no one will be willing to come here if you are so petty."

"Ahem!" Huo Huang was speechless.

Even if you have an opinion against Sun Xun, you can't say it so directly. Now their lives are all controlled by Sun Xun.

"What can I say? Just like Mr. Yiranpin, if I want to promote virtual currency and let more people recharge, I have to give big discounts and even set up a few models, like Lingji This model should be well established, so that everyone will trust you more and more and put more money into it." Jiandie continued, "The captain didn't even think of setting up this model that came to my door. Even if it’s just a show, at least let everyone know that there are many benefits to joining the Munken Star Fleet.”

Jiandie knew that Sun Xun must have seen her chatting with Huo Huang, so she said it deliberately, hoping to attract Sun Xun's attention.

At this time, the chat interface between the two appeared on Sun Hong's computer.

Seeing Jiandie's words, Sun Hong frowned and was silent for a while before he said, "Do you think I should set a role model to attract others?"

"Captain, I feel that what this survivor said makes sense. They must have come to us for some benefit. If there is no benefit at all, no one will come!"

"Yes, take the Sword Butterfly to walk around other ships and take a video. You should be able to attract some survivors."

"No, I think this may be a conspiracy of the survivors. She must want to learn something through this matter!"

"Yes, I felt a little weird too. This survivor was too calm after he came over. There was no surprise or disappointment."

"You are thinking too much. She has our electronic tracking device on her ankle, which completely controls his lifeline. Even if she has any conspiracy, she can't use it!"

"But these outsiders have many magical props themselves, so we have to guard against them!"

Sun Hong listened to the discussion of his staff, thought for a while, and said: "Then follow what Jiandie said, wait for her to go to other spaceships to go through the motions, and while she is going through the motions, the other battleships will be aimed at me. If there is a problem with the ship where Sword Butterfly is located, then attack directly!"

"Yes!" everyone responded.

This method can not only achieve the purpose of publicity, but also ensure that Sword Butterfly cannot cause any trouble!

While Huohuang and Jiandie were chatting, a team came to Jiandie's escape cabin. The leader said to Jiandie: "Let's go, fulfill your wish, and let you visit our medium-sized battleship!"

When Jian Die heard this, he raised his eyebrows and said, "Can you bring the island monument with you, otherwise, we won't be able to communicate in depth!"

"No!" The captain refused without hesitation, "You can't bring anything with you, you can only go and visit alone!"

"Okay then!" Jiandie said helplessly, then stood up and walked out with the team.

Through the docking channel, Jiandie was escorted to a medium-sized space battleship.

Jiandie looked curiously at all the spaces and equipment in the battleship, and this scene was recorded by them.

Soon, Jiandie was taken back again.

"Report, Jiandie has been escorted back to the escape cabin, and no abnormality has been found!" the captain reported to Sun Honghui.

"I know! Give Huohuang the video you took and let him continue to help me recruit people!" Sun Xun relaxed slightly and ordered.

Maybe Jiandie really just wanted to visit a high-end ship. After all, she only had one escape cabin.

The video just taken was quickly sent to Huo Huang.

Huohuang watched the video and saw Jiandie. While visiting, he was still mumbling something.

"It's not easy to find such high-end equipment. What model is the machine? Could it be fake..."

Hearing the words from Jiandie's mouth, Huohuang's heart moved slightly, because she actually used Xia Guoyu, there must be some mystery in it.

But on the surface, he remained calm and posted the video to the public channel, and helped to promote Munkin Star.

"After Jiandie joined our fleet, she immediately had the right to use a medium-sized battleship. As long as she can complete certain tasks, the ownership of this medium-sized battleship will belong to her. This is what the captain did to recruit talents. Operation at any cost!" Huo Huang promoted vigorously.

"Wucao, is it true? In the past, it was given to medium-sized battleships? This is too embarrassing!"

"It doesn't feel like it's real. Planet Menken must have forced Sword Butterfly to film it."

"Jiandie, if you are being coerced, just blink!"

"2B upstairs, this is a video of someone blinking their eyes!"

"It doesn't seem to be fake. Look at how relaxed Jiandie is. As a lady, if she can still be so relaxed after being coerced, then her acting skills are definitely at the level of a movie star!"

"Yes, she is still muttering incessantly, and it seems she is still in Xia Guoyu. She has not forgotten to learn Xia Guoyu in the fleet of Munken Star. She is really diligent!"

"If it is true, I have thought about it. After all, it is a medium-sized battleship!"

"Yeah, I'm getting more and more annoyed looking at my own escape cabin!"

At this time, Xiao Yi and the others were also watching this video.

"Island owner, will this Munken planet really send medium-sized battleships?" Du Kang said in surprise after watching the video.

"Dukang, you are too naive, I bet you won't give it away!" Sun Gudao said immediately.

Du Kang looked at Jiang Yuntian unconvinced and asked, "Brother Jiang, what do you think?"

"I see with my eyes!" Jiang Yuntian replied directly.

Du Kang was stunned for a moment, then rolled his eyes and said, "Seriously, do you think this is a show?"

Jiang Yuntian nodded slightly: "Of course it's just a show. If I hadn't seen Jiandie and knew that she was in an extremely relaxed state, maybe I would have thought it was true."

Du Kang nodded slightly.

Xiao Yi said at this time: "I think everyone should pay attention to what Jian Die muttered!"

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