Sign in, the Man Is on an Isolated Island, and He Has Just Built a Luxury Villa by Himself

Chapter 2143 Jiandie was shocked, the effect of the concentration pill

Hearing Jiandie's words, Fire Phoenix was a little speechless: "If you want them to take action, you shouldn't be so strong. The weapons that destroyed the Munken Star team before, including the lectures given to the Munken Star soldiers on our battleship later, are enough to deter Any unawakened survivor."

Jiandie shook his head helplessly and said: "How can we have the best of both worlds? If I didn't act stronger, we might really be left behind in the Munken Star Fleet. At most, we would just be buried with Sun Xun, but that What’s the point? Here, survival is the last word.”

Huo Huang nodded with deep understanding.

Jiandie looked at him, continued to smile and asked, "What about you? Why did you choose to follow me?"

"I found that I am still suitable for auxiliary work. I don't know when I will be able to collect the money to buy a spaceship. Now I am following you, Sister Die, and I am already sitting on a large battleship." Huohuang replied with a smile.

Jiandie nodded slightly.

Huo Huang continued: "Besides, you are still an awakened survivor. I can always learn some of your awakening experience from following you, which is much better than me hitting the wall blindly."

"I didn't expect that you are so thoughtful!" Jiandie said with a smile.

"I don't have a sharp mind to see the information you passed on to me!" Huo Huang replied.

Jian Die nodded slightly, and then said: "Of course you choose to follow me, then follow well, I will not treat you badly!"

"Yes, please rest assured Sister Die, I will definitely not betray you!" Huohuang said in a deep voice.

Jiandie nodded slightly, and then said: "Next, we need to accumulate our existing advantages. Let's go to the meteorite belt first! While we are collecting resources, we will see if there are any cute little ones coming to our door."

"Yes!" Huohuang responded, turning around to convey Jiandie's order.

Jiandie contacted Xiao Yi on the island monument.

"Boss Xiao Yi, thank you for your help earlier. Before I get the God-Reviving Pill, I'll get it together and give it to you right away!" Jiandie sent a private message.

Xiao Yi saw this message and replied: "Don't worry, are you out of trouble already?"

"Well, thank you for reminding me. That Puppet Thorn really wanted to tell our plan. Fortunately, Sun Xun was confused and actually met with us." Jiandie replied, "Actually, I was very lucky to succeed this time. .”

"This is no fluke. Being able to control metal has a natural advantage on the current spacecraft!" Xiao Yi said with a smile.

Seeing Xiao Yi's reply, Jiandie was shocked and asked doubtfully: "How do you know I can control metal? Has someone contacted you?"

"Don't be nervous, no one has contacted me, and no one has revealed your information to me. I saw it when I saw you here before!" Xiao Yi explained.

Hearing this, Jiandie was even more shocked: "How did you see it?"

"I can feel the attributes in you." Xiao Yi replied with a smile.

"Feeling? How did you do it?" Jiandie's name for Xiao Yi finally changed from you to you!

This is respect for Xiao Yi's strength.

"If your mental power is strong enough, you might be able to feel it!" Xiao Yi replied uncertainly.

He was not sure whether he could sense the attributes of others because of his Daozang practice or because of his strong mental power.

Hearing Xiao Yi's words, Jiandie was a little unsure of how high Xiao Yi's mental power was.

Xiao Yi asked some more about their escape from the Munken planet fleet, and then ended the chat.

"It seems that super powers will be very useful in the future!" Xiao Yi thought for a moment and said.

"Why do you say that?" Du Kang asked doubtfully.

Jiang Yuntian explained: "If we fight alone, one has awakened his powers and the other has no powers. There is no need to elaborate on the gap, right?"

"In individual combat, those with special abilities must take advantage, but now in space, it is basically a battle between ships!" Du Kang said.

Xiao Yi continued: "What if the superpower can directly control a spaceship?"

"This..." Du Kang was stunned.

"Is it such an exaggeration?" Sun Gudao asked in disbelief.

Xiao Yi thought again of the mysterious man who rescued him in the first stage, but unfortunately no one else had any memory of him.

He could only shake his head and said, "Who knows!"

At this time, Xiao Yi's cell phone rang.

"Island Master, we have refined it!" Sun Yao's excited voice came from the mobile phone.

Xiao Yi nodded slightly: "Send some over first!"

"Yes!" Sun Yao responded, and then initiated the transaction on the island monument.

"[Concentration Pill]*20 Transaction None."

Xiao Yi immediately agreed to the deal and got the twenty concentration pills.

Jiang Yuntian on the side has already come up. Ever since he heard from Xiao Yi that Jiandie used his superpower to snatch a large battleship, he couldn't wait to improve his superpower.

Xiao Yi looked at his eager look and immediately gave him three pills.

"These three concentration pills cannot be given to you for free. You must report the effect after using them." Xiao Yi looked at Jiang Yuntian and said.

"Yes, Island Master!" Jiang Yuntian responded immediately.

Others also looked towards the island owner.

Xiao Yi looked at them and said: "Three pills for each of those who have awakened, and one for each of those who have not awakened to try!"

"Yes!" everyone responded.

"Of course you also have to pay attention to the differences before and after use, and you also have to report them." Xiao Yi continued.


Everyone happily received a concentration pill.

"It's getting late, let's take a rest early!" Xiao Yi stood up and left.

Everyone did not leave the cockpit immediately, but started talking.

"Sun Yao has really made a great contribution this time. It's really not easy to come up with such a pill."

"Yes, it just solves our urgent need."

"With this elixir, the efficiency of our cultivation will be greatly improved!"

"No, I won't brag with you here today. I have to go back and give it a try!"

"Me too!"

This was the first time that everyone was not chatting or spanking in the cockpit.

Jiang Yuntian returned to his bedroom, prepared everything, adjusted his condition, then took the pill and started practicing.

After taking the pill, Jiang Yuntian immediately felt that his mental power suddenly became easier to control. It used to take an hour to enter the state, but this time he entered the state of cultivation in about two minutes.

Now that you have entered the state, start practicing immediately.

About two hours later, Jiang Yuntian opened his eyes with satisfaction, looked at the time, and muttered: "The effectiveness of one pill can only last for two hours. These two hours of practice are comparable to the previous four." Hours of practice!”

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