Sign in, the Man Is on an Isolated Island, and He Has Just Built a Luxury Villa by Himself

Chapter 2145 The level of the elixir and the island monument will be automatically updated

"This Sword Butterfly is too bold. This plan can easily cause problems."

"Yeah, if the other party can check out her identity as a gold-type superpower, wouldn't it be like falling into a trap?"

"It shouldn't be possible. After all, the physical fitness of these first-level civilizations is still at the ordinary level. Their bodies are not even at the SSS level, and they are even less likely to know about awakening powers."

"That's not necessarily the case. There are always one or two strange people and strange things. In the past, there were people with special powers on our home planet."

"That must be a crooked and deceptive trick. It is completely impossible to improve your physical fitness to the SSS level on our home planet!"

"Don't be so absolute! What if some people are born with mental powers that are different from ordinary people!"

"Forget it, let's not argue about this, but Jiandie's operation this time was very successful!"

"At first, when they defected to Munken Star, I thought they had given up on the trial, but it turns out they were holding back some bad water!"

"I remember that in addition to Fire Phoenix, there should be five people who took refuge in the past. I just @checked them one by one. Puppet thorns cannot @. I guess they also paid a bloody price for this plan!"

"Puppet Thorn betrayed us, and he was executed by the captain of the Munken Star Fleet!" At this time, Huo Huang couldn't help but speak.

Seeing Huo Huang speak, everyone immediately became curious.

"Why did he betray you?"

"Yes, with you, at least I can come out alive!"

"Maybe it's just to please the Munken Star Fleet!" Fire Phoenix replied, "He deciphered the information sent to me by Boss Jiandie and gave it to the Munken Star Captain."

"Information? When did Jiandie deliver the information to you?" Everyone asked curiously.

Huohuang glanced at Jiandie who was sitting next to him. Jiandie said, "Tell them and let them learn more. Maybe they can use it in the future!"

"Yes! Sister Die!" Huohuang responded.

Then he immediately explained Jiandie's use of Xia Guoyu's hidden head to convey information.

"Wucao, Sword Butterfly is awesome! You can think of this!"

"I asked why Jiandie kept mumbling at that time. It turned out to be to pass on information!"

"I listened carefully to what Jiandie said at the time, but I really didn't realize that this was actually hidden information!"

"This shows a problem. Fire Phoenix is ​​also very smart and can actually see this information."

"Nonsense, if you're not smart enough to work under Munken Star until Jian Die takes him away?"

"It seems that it is very necessary to learn Xia Guoyu well! You can still play like this at critical moments!"

"Stop talking, I'm going to learn Xia Mandarin!"

Xiao Yi saw that there was another wave of learning Xia Guoyu on the public channel, and smiled and shook his head.

Then he got up and found an empty cabin, walked in, and took out the Shennong Alchemy Furnace that he signed in for today from the system space.

"Shennong's Alchemy Furnace: Using this furnace to make elixirs can increase the rate of elixir formation and better eliminate the erysipelas in the elixirs. It needs to be refined with spiritual fire. The level of the refined elixirs is related to the user's mental power."

Seeing the system prompt, Xiao Yi's eyes widened. This alchemy furnace actually has this effect?

Immediately, he was overjoyed again. With this alchemy furnace, Jiang Yuntian and the others could use the elixirs without worrying about erysipelas.

But what is this spiritual fire?

"To simply understand, it is the fire released by the fire superpower!"

The system responded to Xiao Yi's question again.

"So, only people with fire powers can use this pill furnace!" Xiao Yi secretly thought.

However, Xiao Yi is a full range of superpowers, so he can naturally use them.

Xiao Yi only had the raw materials for the Rejuvenation Pill here. He made a phone call and asked Amelia Su to send those raw materials over.

Su Wanying responded and soon brought the herbs to this cabin, which would become the alchemy room from now on.

Su Wan entered the cabin with the herbs, saw the unusually simple alchemy furnace, and asked in surprise: "Island Master, when was this forged?"

Xiao Yi smiled and shook his head, and replied: "It's not forged, it's today's harvest. Its name is Shennong's Alchemy Furnace."

"Shen Nong!"

After hearing this name from ancient myths and legends, Su Wan knew that this alchemy furnace was not simple!

Xiao Yi nodded slightly, and then immediately started to refine the elixir according to the steps in Daozang.

About half an hour later, Xiao Yi harvested two hundred recovery pills.

The rejuvenation pill he refined was completely different from the one refined by Sun Yao. The surface was more rounded and shiny, and the medicinal fragrance was stronger!

"Island Master, the Rejuvenation Pill you refined smells better than the one refined by Sun Yao!" Su Wan said in surprise.

Xiao Yi nodded slightly and replied with a smile: "It's the bonus effect of this alchemy furnace."

Su Wan looked at the alchemy furnace in shock and asked, "What level is this alchemy furnace?"

"There is no level!" Xiao Yi spread his hands and walked out with the rejuvenating pill he had just refined.

Amelia Su was stunned for a moment, and then followed.

Arriving in front of the island monument, Xiao Yi placed the magical elixir on the island monument.

"[Advanced Rejuvenation Pill]*1."

"What's going on? Why did a new level suddenly appear?" Xiao Yi looked at the display on the island monument in confusion and muttered.

Then he put the rejuvenation pill refined by Sun Yao and the others, and this time it showed a different name than before!

"[Low-level Rejuvenation Pill]*1."

"Can this island monument be automatically updated based on the things I take out?" Xiao Yi muttered.

Naturally, the island monument would not answer his question. Xiao Yi shook his head slightly, and then immediately said in the public channel: "Fellow survivors, hello everyone, I would like to inform you that the recovery pill we have been selling has been renamed as low-level recovery pill. Pill, please pay attention. Special reminder, it is a three-part poison. This low-level recovery pill will still contain some erysipelas, which is the impurity in the pill. Please be aware of it and decide whether to continue using it."

"What's going on? This elixir is poisonous? Boss Yi Ranpin, you can't cheat me like this!"

"Yes, you are deceiving consumers. I want a refund!"

"Brother upstairs, may I ask why Mr. Yi Ranpin deceived you?"

"First of all, the name is wrong, and secondly, it's poisonous. Aren't these two points enough?"

"The name is wrong. It is recognized by Dao Bei. The online market of Yiranpin Alliance is consistent with the name on Dao Monument. The name is wrong because Dao Monument generated the wrong name. Do you want Dao Monument to refund the money?"

"As for the issue of erysipelas (impurities), it seems that the Yiranpin Alliance has never promised the purity of this elixir, right?"

"That's right, stop making trouble unreasonably. Boss Yi Ranpin must have just found out about this and informed us about it. If it were me, I would definitely not talk about it. No one knows about it anyway, so it's better to do something about it!"

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