Sign in, the Man Is on an Isolated Island, and He Has Just Built a Luxury Villa by Himself

Chapter 2151 Mass production using island tablets, Mad Demon Sutra

Hearing Wang Yang's words, Xiao Yi was slightly startled, and then said with a smile: "Don't worry, now we have the conditions for mass production."

This time it was Wang Yang's turn to be stunned. He asked doubtfully: "Island owner, do we have a spaceship with a larger space?"

Xiao Yi knew that Wang Yang had misunderstood, so he explained: "We can just use Dao Bei to produce it."

"Use the island monument?" Wang Yang became even more confused, "Don't you need a template to use the island monument?"

"I just received a piece of equipment today that can scan all mechanical equipment to generate templates." Xiao Yi replied.

Hearing what Xiao Yi said, Wang Yang's eyes widened and he said in shock: "Is there such equipment?"

Just scanning, many devices can achieve it, but it is too rare to be able to generate templates after scanning.

This requires that the equipment and the island monument must be compatible, otherwise the generated template will not be recognized by the island monument!

"Well, don't worry, as long as you can make one in the future, we can make countless copies." Xiao Yi said with a smile, "Of course, there are two major prerequisites, one is mechanical products, the other is raw materials adequate."

"Okay, I understand!" Wang Yang nodded happily.

In this way, you don’t have to worry about mass production when developing new mechanical products in the future.

"Well, I'll go back first." Xiao Yi said, taking the spaceship he came from, passing through the wormhole, and returning to his spaceship.

Returning to the cockpit, Su Wan was the only one there.

"These people are too impatient!" Xiao Yi said helplessly.

Su Wan smiled slightly and replied: "Now that they know that the high-level concentration pill can make them enter the state of enlightenment, they must be impatient."

"Why didn't you practice?" Xiao Yi asked.

"There must be someone watching in the cockpit." Su Wan replied with a smile, "I will go to practice after the party. I am not in a hurry for this one anyway."

"You need to have this kind of mentality to practice." Xiao Yi nodded slightly and said.

"By the way, that crazy guy contacted you just now. It seems that he wants to have his skills appraised." Su Wan looked at the memo on her computer and said.

Xiao Yi nodded, walked to the island monument, looked through the chat between Su Wan and Crazy Demon, and then sent him a message.

"Hello, I'm Xiao Yi, what do you want from me?"

"Hello, I'm Crazy Demon. I want to have my skills appraised. How much does it cost?" Crazy Demon gritted his teeth and asked in a deep voice.

Xiao Yi raised his eyebrows slightly and replied: "That depends on the length of your technique and the difficulty of our appraisal."

Seeing Xiao Yi's reply, Madman thought for a moment and said, "In other words, I need to give you the technique, and then you can tell me how much it will cost to appraise it?"

"That's right." Xiao Yi replied, "It's your choice whether you want to have it appraised or not!"

The madman hesitated for a moment, and finally said: "Okay, I'll identify it!"

After saying that, he sent his technique to Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi saw that the other party had sent the skills and immediately started browsing.

Soon, Xiao Yi frowned. Just after browsing it, he could feel a crazy killing coming towards him!

"It seems that what the madman said is right. If you don't control it well, practicing this kind of technique will be very dangerous!" Xiao Yi secretly thought, and then said to the madman on the island monument, "It's more troublesome to identify this technique of yours. Thirty thousand appraisal fees.”

Madman frowned and said, "It was ten thousand before, but why did it become thirty thousand when I came here?"

"Because your technique is indeed very special. If you don't identify it clearly, it will harm everyone!" Xiao Yi replied in a deep voice.

"Okay, thirty thousand is thirty thousand!" the madman replied, "However, I still want to remind you, don't try to practice, otherwise you will regret it."

The madman decisively paid the money online.

Seeing that the other party had already paid, Xiao Yi replied again: "Wait a moment!"

Next, Xiao Yi began to try to practice the Crazy Demon Sutra!

About twenty minutes later, Xiao Yi opened his eyes. At this time, his eyes turned blood red.

But soon, the blood redness in Xiao Yi's eyes faded.

"Huh, the evil aura of this Crazy Demon Sutra is too strong. If Daozang hadn't been powerful, it wouldn't have been able to eliminate the evil aura generated by the practice." Xiao Yi frowned and muttered.

After thinking for a while, Xiao Yi began to write the appraisal.

""Crazy Demon Sutra", rated 10. A large amount of evil spirits will be produced during practice. If it cannot be eliminated, it will affect your sanity. Practice with caution. ..."

After writing it, Xiao Yi first sent the appraisal to Crazy Demon.

Madman was shocked when he saw the identification results sent back by Xiao Yi.

It’s not the rating of the technique that shocked me, but the comments after it that shocked me, it hit the point completely and hit the nail on the head.

"How did the Yiranpin Alliance identify these results?" Madman thought in disbelief.

"Are you not the only one who agrees with the appraisal results?" Xiao Yi continued to ask, "Are you going to sell it on our online market?"

Madman came back to his senses and said, "I agree, and I'm ready to sell it for 30,000 yuan."

Seeing Crazy Demon's reply, Xiao Yi immediately sent the information related to Crazy Demon Sutra to the small group in the marketing department.

Feng Menglong is practicing at this time, but there are people who are responsible for putting the exercises on the shelves for sale.

Seeing the message from Xiao Yi, the staff member immediately responded: "Received, I will put it on the shelves immediately."

The Yi Ranpin Alliance had just put the Crazy Demonic Sutra on the shelves, and some survivors discovered it.

"Wucao, everyone, come and watch. There is a skill with a rating of ten in the skill area."

"A rating of ten? With such a high rating, isn't that even better than the previous telekinesis!"

"It goes without saying that it must be good, but not everyone can practice this technique!"

"I took a look, this should be the technique practiced by the mad devil, the one that can expel erysipelas!"

Crazy Demon also immediately spoke at this time: "Yes, this Crazy Demon Sutra is the skill of our Crazy Demon Clan. I won't say more. Boss Yi Ranpin has already made it very clear in his appraisal. Everyone can see it." Make sure you understand before buying!”

"Will there be evil spirits when practicing this technique? This is too outrageous!"

"Yes, I have only heard that killing people continuously will bring about evil spirits. Can you even cultivate evil spirits through practice?"

"Why, are the two people upstairs questioning Yi Ranpin Alliance's appraisal skills again?"

"Don't dare, it's just that this matter is too unbelievable!"

"Since such an appraisal has been given, then someone in the Yi Ranpin Alliance must have cultivated the evil spirit and affected their sanity. It is even more surprising that there are people in the Yi Ranpin Alliance who can practice the Mad Demon Sutra!"

"No, according to what you said, every time the Yi Ranpin Alliance identifies a technique, it has to find someone to practice it? How can it be such a coincidence that there is someone who can practice it every time?"

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