The Zerg have snatched the island monument, can they really occupy it?

If they can capture it, what will they do with the island monument after capture?

"What a headache!" Xiao Yi rubbed his forehead and muttered.

At this time, the intelligence department sent another message: "Island Master, there is something strange about the Zerg."

"There's something strange happening again. This is not safe at all!" Xiao Yi complained, and then opened the email just sent by the intelligence department.

"No, what are these Zerg tribes going to do? Are they planning to fill up the entire chaotic galaxy?"

Xiao Yi looked at the email sent by the intelligence department in shock.

In the email are still videos sent back by the detection satellites that monitor the Zerg wormholes on various planets.

In the video, a large number of bugs emerged from the Zerg wormhole again, which made Xiao Yi feel numb.

There were already a lot of bugs on the planet originally. These new bugs could only pile on top of the original bugs. After a while, the planet became thicker again.

"The Zerg really took the violence to the extreme." Xiao Yi said with a frown.

At this time, Jiang Yuntian walked in from outside.

"I knew you wouldn't call me?" Jiang Yuntian said complainingly.

"This is not an urgent matter. It won't be too late to understand it after you wake up from practice!" Xiao Yi said helplessly.

Jiang Yuntian was slightly startled, and then replied: "If I had known, I could have made corresponding preparations earlier!"

"Okay, what are you going to do now?" Xiao Yi asked helplessly.

"Let's take a look first and then talk!" Jiang Yuntian responded.

Xiao Yi rolled his eyes and said, "I thought you were going to mobilize the army?"

Jiang Yuntian had told the intelligence department before practicing that if anything unusual happened, he would be notified immediately.

So when the Zerg moved, they notified Jiang Yuntian.

After Jiang Yuntian read all the intelligence information, he frowned and started thinking.

"What can these bugs do with our island monument?" Jiang Yuntian muttered, "The advantages of the island monument are nothing more than manufacturing, trading, acceleration, and refreshing. Which attribute are they doing it for?"

Hearing Jiang Yuntian's muttering, Xiao Yi's heart moved slightly, as if he had grasped the key point.

"The Zerg robbed our island monument to speed up the process!" Xiao Yi said with certainty.

"Why?" Jiang Yuntian asked with a frown.

"Because only by speeding up can they have enough food. Only by speeding up can they reproduce faster and so many bugs come to this galaxy!" Xiao Yi said in a deep voice.

"You mean that the Zerg breeded so many bugs to invade our galaxy because they grabbed the island monument?" Jiang Yuntian said in surprise.

Xiao Yi nodded slightly and replied: "Well, if that wasn't the case, why did the Zerg wait for such a period of time before arranging the army to come?"

The Zerg wormholes have existed for a long time, and no one has tried to destroy them. The forces that have the ability to destroy these wormholes already know that the Zerg wormholes cannot be destroyed at all. Even if you destroy one, the second and third will still appear. ....

There is no need for the Zerg to wait this period of time, it makes no sense.

Therefore, the most likely explanation is that the Zerg did not have so many bugs before.

Now the bugs have reproduced enough, so the phenomenon of bug tentacles appears.

Jiang Yuntian nodded slightly, frowned and said, "If what you said is correct, after the Zerg harvests enough island monuments, will they fill the galaxy with bugs?"

Xiao Yi was slightly startled, and then his heart was pounding. He felt that the Zerg might be Jiang Yuntian.

Although it’s crazy, it’s not impossible!

Originally, the Zerg's reproductive ability was very strong, and now with the bonus of the Island Monument, the reproduction rate is expected to be even faster!

"Maybe they really have this plan!" Xiao Yi said uncertainly.

"This is too crazy!" Jiang Yuntian was stunned for a moment and said, "Borrowing our resources and breeding like crazy, why do they feel like they are a group of parasites?"

"It doesn't seem like they are!" Xiao Yi replied, "We can't let them expand unbridled."

"It's probably difficult to stop them just by relying on us," Jiang Yuntian said.

Xiao Yi nodded slightly, and then sent a message on the public channel of Dao Bei.

"Fear survivors, according to our speculation, the Zerg robbed our island monument for the acceleration function of the island monument. They use this function to make their population grow faster, so that they can occupy our galaxy faster."

When the other survivors saw the news, they were stunned for a moment, and then began to discuss it.

"Boss, is your guess true?"

"I said it's just speculation, of course it's not true!"

"Our island monument can accelerate the reproduction and growth of animals, and naturally it can also accelerate the reproduction and growth of Zerg."

"The Zerg itself is a violent force. Theoretically speaking, the possibility of this speculation is very high!"

"Even if the Zerg capture the island monument, it is too exaggerated to take over this galaxy. I feel it is still impossible."

"Most of the space in this galaxy is empty. The Zerg can only occupy some planets and meteorites."

"Even if we just occupy planets and meteorites, it will completely cut off the source of our resources. Are we just going to stay in those empty spaces and not develop?"

"If all the planets and meteorites are occupied by the Zerg, it will be equivalent to occupying this galaxy."

"That's right, we can't let this happen, we have to stop it."

"Yes, we really need to stop it. The meteorite belt near me has changed from jellyfish to spider webs. It is estimated that it will be connected soon."

"Spider web, isn't this too exaggerated?"

"Look at the picture, too lazy to explain."

The survivor directly sent a picture.

The tentacles on different meteorites are really pulled together and connected together, as if the meteorites are covered with spider webs!

"Wucao, don't you think we are little flying insects?"

"It's very possible, but as long as we don't take the initiative to rush forward, isn't it okay?"

"That's right, we're not those little brainless insects."

"But there are always some who are stupid. Just like the survivor who was eliminated before. Everyone was saying that he must be more careful, but he still gave the Zerg an island monument. I was really speechless."

"So those survivors who were robbed of the island monument by the bugs can be regarded as accomplices of the bugs."

"Yeah, if it weren't for them, there wouldn't be so many bugs!"

"Insects have begun to appear again in the wormholes I can observe here."

"Oh, it's getting harder and harder!"

"Yes, after these bugs are connected together, it will be more difficult for us to fight. Once one is broken, support from various meteorites may come."

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