Sign in, the Man Is on an Isolated Island, and He Has Just Built a Luxury Villa by Himself

Chapter 2167 Set off to the Munken Fleet and tell the Daina people

After hearing Sun Yao's feedback, Xiao Yi said: "Tell him not to be anxious. Haste makes waste when it comes to cultivation."

"Okay, I will tell him about this." Sun Yao replied helplessly, "Oh, I haven't awakened to the fire element, and I still have to worry about the cultivation of other awakened people of the fire element. This is not adding salt to my wounds. ?"

Xiao Yi smiled and replied: "Who made you the leader?"

"As an alchemy person, if you can't awaken the fire element, you won't be interested in anything." Sun Yao replied.

"You can't be so depressed. Your subordinates are watching, but you have to cheer up!" Xiao Yi said.

Jiang Yuntian, who was eating rice on the side, also interjected: "That's right, the fire element was only the basic requirement for alchemists in the past. Now we have a lot of equipment to meet this requirement. You have to find an unusual path to alchemy."

Sun Yao nodded and responded: "Island Master, Brother Jiang, don't worry, I will adjust my condition as soon as possible."

"Well, that's good, come on!" Xiao Yi nodded slightly and said.

After ending the call, Jiang Yuntian said: "Give me some of the potion that Sun Yao brought over later. I'll try it here!"

"Okay!" Xiao Yi responded.

After lunch, Xiao Yi returned to the island monument and gave part of the potion that Sun Yao had traded to Jiang Yuntian, and gave part to the independent planet space and gave it to Wang Yang, asking him to assign it to the laboratory to test the potion. composition, and what kind of repellent effect it has on various existing insect specimens.

Wang Yang took the potion and immediately conveyed the order.

"Wait a minute, our Yiranpin Alliance fleet is about to move. I will open the wormhole every six hours. If there are any problems, you can tell me at that time." Xiao Yi said.

Wang Yang was stunned for a moment and asked, "Why do you want to move?"

"In order to move the fleet of the Menken planet where the first-level civilizations are heading, we can only lead like this." Xiao Yi said helplessly.

Wang Yang frowned and asked, "Isn't this very dangerous?"

Xiao Yi nodded slightly and replied: "There are some risks, but staying where you are is even more dangerous!"

Wang Yang was slightly startled, and then said: "I understand, there should be no emergencies in the independent planet space. The main reason is that the enemies outside are more dangerous. If possible, can we all hide in this space?"

Xiao Yi was stunned for a moment, then said with a smile: "It's a method. When you really can't beat me, you can play like this!"

After hearing that Xiao Yi agreed with his approach, Wang Yang was slightly relieved. In his opinion, as long as Xiao Yi was alive, there was still a chance for everything.

He was afraid that Xiao Yi would get into trouble and confront the enemy head on.

After saying hello to Wang Yang, Xiao Yi flew out of the wormhole and then closed the wormhole.

Returning to his spaceship, Xiao Yi ordered in a deep voice: "Let's set off immediately and go to the location where Munken was found before. Be careful to avoid those insect tentacles!"


At the same time, those spacecraft that went out to perform various missions were also notified to rush to the location of the Munken Star Fleet.

All Yiranpin Alliance spacecraft are equipped with galaxy-level electronic navigation. Combined with the images fed back by the sold detection satellites, this electronic navigation is the most detailed star map in the entire Chaos Star.

No one’s star map is more detailed than Yi Ranpin’s!

The map on the island monument can only show images within a hundred kilometers around you, and it is not as detailed as imagined!

One hundred kilometers is okay in the first stage, but in the second stage, one hundred kilometers is really useless. Even the speed of the escape capsule is 8 kilometers per second, and it only takes 12.5 seconds to complete this journey. Hundreds of kilometers, not to mention those more advanced ships.

In the electronic navigation, all Yiranpin Alliance spacecraft are marked. If you encounter any trouble, you can send a distress call at any time, and nearby ships will rush over as soon as possible.

After the spacecraft performing the mission received the notification from Xiao Yi, if there were no special circumstances, they immediately moved closer to the main ship where Xiao Yi was located.

At this time, the fleet of Planet Munken immediately discovered that the light spot representing the treasure began to move again, and was coming in their direction.

"Report Captain, the treasure is moving towards us!"

Sun Xun nodded slightly and said, "It seems that Yi Ranpin has started to move."

"Well, do you want to tell the Dai Na family this news?" asked the staff officer on the side.

"Of course I have to tell them, and immediately send the Yi Ranpin Alliance's action trajectory to the Dai Na clan!" Sun Xun replied with a smile.


Soon the Dana family got the news.

Denasi frowned and pondered for a while after looking at this information, and then said: "Pay attention to the trajectory of the Yiranpin Alliance. If it goes towards our station, prepare to fight immediately!"

"Yes!" everyone responded.

"Clan Leader, will Mengkenxing lie to us?" an elder said with a frown.

Dinas shook his head and replied: "It is completely consistent with what they said before, and there is no benefit at all from them deceiving us."

Everyone nodded slightly.

"If the Yi Ranpin Alliance does not come to our station, then we can follow after we are prepared." Dinasi said in a deep voice.


"Do we want to leave a few spaceships here to watch over the wormhole?" asked an elder.

Dinasi shook his head: "No one should dare to go to the planet to provoke those bugs now. If you really have the strength to land on the planet, then leaving a few spaceships will definitely not be your opponent. It's meaningless!"

The elders nodded in agreement.

The Munken planet continues to share Yi Ranpin's location with the Dai Na family.

Soon, Dainas discovered that Xiao Yi was not coming in their direction at all, and quickly bypassed them and continued flying forward.

Seeing this scene, Dinas smiled and said: "Great, the Yiranpin Alliance is indeed sailing towards the Munken Star Fleet."

This means that Munken Star did not deceive them, and their cooperation can continue.

"Chief, we can set off now!" said an elder.

"Well, let's go!" Dinas replied, "The whole army attacks!"

Just as the Dai Na family's spaceship set off, Xiao Yi and Jiang Yuntian immediately received a report from the intelligence department.

"Report to the island owner and instructor, the fleet of the Dana family has begun to move. Judging from the direction of movement, they should be heading towards us."

Jiang Yuntian recovered from his cultivation state, picked up his mobile phone, and rushed to the cockpit.

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