Sign in, the Man Is on an Isolated Island, and He Has Just Built a Luxury Villa by Himself

Chapter 2178 Intelligence, believe it or not, there are also acquaintances

As soon as these words came out, everyone immediately became interested.

"Of course I did. I've been wondering why they can survive in space?"

"Yes, why? Let this big guy tell us!"

"He is obviously a storyteller, don't believe him!"

Zhao Baishui continued: "This information is worth one cornerstone and one unit of dark gold. If necessary, send me a private transaction and I will report this information!"

"As long as there is one cornerstone and one unit of dark gold, it shouldn't be fake. Let me test the waters first!"

"Don't do it. Everyone thinks it's very cheap and buys it one after another. That's why they were fooled. One cornerstone and one unit of dark gold per person. You have to know that there are about 100,000 survivors in our galaxy. The total number is definitely not small. numbers."

"When you think about it, it seems so!"

"No matter what, what if it's true!"

"It's only true ten thousand times, it can't be true at all."

No matter how much everyone tries to persuade, some people still buy this information.

Just like no matter how good the propaganda is, someone will always be fooled.

But those survivors who bought the information soon became Zhao Baishui's supporters.

"Wucao, this information is true. Not only does it have research results, but it also has videos and pictures of the research!"

"Yes, you can find out by spending one cornerstone and one unit of dark gold!"

“It’s better for everyone to have this little resource!”

Zhao Baishui spoke again: "Integrity is what our Yiranpin Alliance pays most attention to when doing business. No one in our three star systems says that our Yiranpin Alliance is not good."

"Did you find a trustee so quickly?" Some people still didn't believe it.

But at this moment, someone suddenly spoke up and asked: "Are you from the Yi Ranpin Alliance? Is your alliance leader named Xiao Yi?"

Looking at the familiar Xia Guo characters, Zhao Baishui immediately felt extremely friendly.

But the next moment, he frowned.

This survivor uses the Xia language and is most likely from the same home planet as the island owner, but the same home planet does not mean that they are friends.

Especially since he called the island owner by his first name, he obviously didn't respect the island owner at all.

Maybe he is still the enemy of the island owner.

Zhao Baishui's thoughts were racing, and then he asked: "How do you know the name of our island owner?"

Seeing Zhao Baishui calling Xiao Yi the island owner, the other party immediately understood.

"It's indeed Xiao Yi."

The man sighed secretly and continued to ask: "Is the Yi Ranpin Alliance really able to sail between galaxies?"

"It's just a coincidence!" Zhao Baishui replied.

The other survivors were surprised when they saw the two actually chatting.

"Really? It feels like you two really know each other?"

"It must be a show, I don't believe anyone can travel across galaxies now!"

" @Dancing pig, since you said you came from other galaxies, then tell us how you came here, otherwise it will be difficult for us to believe you."

Zhao Baishui is currently using Zhu Wu's island tablet, and his ID is naturally Zhu Wu's.

Other survivors also started talking.

"Yes, tell us about how you travel between galaxies. We are all very curious."

Zhao Baishui looked at their speeches, sneered, and replied: "It's up to you to believe it or not. If you believe it, just make a deal with us. If you don't believe it, just pull us down. Why should I tell you the way we navigate between galaxies?"

Mainly considering that there are survivors in this galaxy who are suspected of being Xiao Yi's opponents, so they cannot reveal too much information to the other party.

But Zhao Baishui had already memorized the other party's ID, and the truth was revealed.

At this time, logistics has sorted out what can be sold on the spacecraft.

Special double-layer glass in space, laser pistols, small engines, electromagnetic rail guns, etc., although the number is not large, it is enough to drive them crazy.

And these things are not based on basic resources such as water, food, oxygen, etc. They can be priced freely.

Zhao Baishui's business style is different from Zhu Wu's. He directly sets a high price. As long as he sells a few, he can earn back the cost of the ship.

After thinking for a moment, Zhao Baishui placed all these high-end items in the trading hall.

Everyone in the public channel was still discussing whether Zhao Baishui and the others really came from other galaxies.

Suddenly someone said: "Stop talking about it, he should have come from other galaxies."

"How do you know? Is this another trap?"

"Take off your sister! You will know if you go to the trading hall and see for yourself. Our galaxy has never seen so many high-end equipment. Coupled with the news about the Zerg that he sold before, there is a 90% probability that he came from They came from other galaxies, because it is impossible for our galaxy to have such information and equipment."

"That's right. Instead of discussing this, you might as well go to the trading floor to see the high-end items they sell."

"That's right, those high-end items are definitely not produced in our galaxy. If you feel a little shaken in your heart, then go buy the Zerg intelligence and see for yourself!"

"Wucao, what kind of magical equipment are these? Most of them are SSS-level! @Dancing Pig, Brother Pig, how did your alliance obtain so many SSS-level equipment templates?"

"Boss Pig, isn't your galaxy full of gold?"

"Boss, your equipment is too expensive. I can't afford it! Can it be cheaper?"

"Cheaper? Those are all SSS-level equipment. Any one you buy can be regarded as a family heirloom. How can it be cheaper?"

"SSS-level items are indeed not expensive, but most survivors probably can't afford them!"

"You haven't finished speaking yet. Three thousand transactions have been completed on the trading floor. There are still many rich people!"

Zhao Baishui was extremely happy when he saw the 3,000 transactions that had been completed. These 3,000 transactions were already the cost of his shipment of goods, and he would make money no matter how much he sold next.

After thinking for a moment, he listed two more deals, which were special double-layer glass for space and laser pistol for food.

Zhao Baishui didn't know how long he would wander with this comet, so food was the top priority, and it was always good to prepare more.

So he put a limited number on the shelves in exchange for some food reserves.

Now all the survivors are going crazy, and they can even use food to exchange for high-end equipment.

"Wucao, what's going on? Did Brother Zhu's hand slip?"

"It doesn't matter if his hands are slippery or not, just replace them with food first."

"Don't be impulsive, don't change it yet, listen to me, I have a way to maximize the benefits!"

"What maximizes profits?" Everyone was confused.

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