Sign in, the Man Is on an Isolated Island, and He Has Just Built a Luxury Villa by Himself

Chapter 2195 Jiang Yuntian leads the team to control supernatural powers

Following Xiao Yi's order, the fleet of the Yi Ranpin Alliance stopped again.

The Munken Star Fleet immediately noticed that Xiao Yi and the others had stopped.

"Reporting to the captain, the Yiranpin Alliance fleet has stopped again."

Sun Hong frowned when he heard the news.

"What else is this Yi Ranpin Alliance doing?"

The staff beside him were also a little confused.

Theoretically, the Yi Ranpin Alliance's fleet should need to join them as soon as possible.

After all, they are about to face attacks from more than one first-level civilization fleet.

But now, they have to stop from time to time, looking so careless that people can't understand what the operation is.

"Captain, do you think the Yiranpin Alliance is delaying the time to rendezvous with us?"

"What's their purpose for doing this?"

“Is there a technology that’s about to have a breakthrough?”

"Impossible, the survivors have no scientific research capabilities, and the civilization that Yi Ranpin conquered is also a subpar civilization. Even if it breaks through, it will not reach the level of a first-class civilization."

"I think they are just waiting for the fleets of first-class civilizations that are chasing them because they are afraid of facing us alone."

"This is very possible. The Yiranpin Alliance must be worried that we will eat them, so they are walking around, hoping to wait until those civilizations come over and let us first-level civilizations fight so that he can profit from it."

"But this is a bit unrealistic. We and Yi Ranpin are heading towards each other, and other first-level civilizations are chasing them. No matter how slow the Yi Ranpin Alliance is, it cannot delay the arrival of other civilizations."

"What if the Yiranpin Alliance changes direction midway?"

"But haven't they changed direction yet? They have been rushing straight towards us."

"Then we can only see whether the Yiranpin Alliance will change its direction next."

Sun Hong listened to the discussion and nodded slightly. He also agreed with the results of these people's discussion.

"By the way, have you notified the Dai Na clan?" Sun Hong seemed to have just remembered this matter.

"Back to Captain, not yet!" the soldier on the side responded.

"Go tell them quickly, don't let them encounter it in advance." Sun Hao said with a smile.


After receiving the news from the Munken Star Fleet, the Dinah family immediately stopped.

"This Yiranpin Alliance is really not in a hurry at all!" Dinasi frowned and thought to himself.

"Clan Chief, I always feel like this Yiranpin Alliance is waiting for something?" said the elder on the side.

Dinas rubbed his forehead and replied: "I just don't know what they are waiting for. Let the ships on both sides be more careful!"


At this time, Xiao Yi has once again opened the wormhole leading to the independent planet space.

He took the spaceship and arrived in the independent planet space. At this time, all three fleets had taken off.

Each fleet has 20 warships, all of which are satellite-class warships.

Xiao Yi found Jiang Yuntian and handed him the three signal jammers.

"Safety first!" Xiao Yi only warned in four words.

"Yes!" Jiang Yuntian responded in a deep voice.

Next, Jiang Yuntian connected all the ships, and then said: "Everyone, there is a first-class civilized fleet that wants to eat our Yiranpin Alliance. Do you agree?"

"No!" All the soldiers on the battleship shouted in unison.

Jiang Yuntian nodded slightly, and then continued: "Raising troops takes a thousand days to use them. Now is the time for us to serve the alliance. In order to protect our alliance, our home, and our relatives, we must defeat the Munken Star Fleet this time. , do you have confidence?"


These soldiers have been rigorously trained by Jiang Yuntian and are made of iron and blood. Facing the enemy, they are only excited, not afraid.

"Okay, let me emphasize discipline one last time. Everyone must obey orders. If anyone dares to disobey military orders, I will kill him with my own hands!" Jiang Yuntian shouted in a deep voice.


After the mobilization, Jiang Yuntian traded two signal jammers to Bai Qi and Dili, and then asked: "Island owner, do you want to cut off the tails behind us?"

The tail in Jiang Yuntian's mouth naturally refers to the Dai Na clan.

After getting familiar with the satellite-class battleships of the real first-level civilization, Jiang Yuntian finally understood that the satellite-class battleships of the Dai Na clan were scum.

Even though the Yiranpin Alliance team is not particularly familiar with the satellite-class battleships of the first-level civilization, it is still easy to deal with the Daina clan!

Xiao Yi shook his head and replied: "The Dai Na clan should be linked to the Munken star fleet. If we take action now, it is very likely that we will alert the snake. I think it is better to give Sun Xun a surprise!"

Jiang Yuntian nodded slightly and said, "In that case, let's set off!"


Following Jiang Yuntian's order, the three teams sailed out from the independent planet space.

After leaving the independent planet space, the three fleets immediately sailed to the predetermined location.

After handling all this, Xiao Yi returned to his spaceship, closed the wormhole, and continued driving.

Jingle Bell!

Xiao Yi's phone rang. He looked at the caller ID and pressed the connect button.

"Hey, call me at this time. Have you gathered the raw materials for another elixir?" Xiao Yi asked with a smile.

"It's not that easy. There are more Zerg species on the planets in the Mutisen galaxy, and they are more difficult to deal with." Sun Yao said helplessly.

"Didn't you find insect repellent herbs before? Isn't this more suitable for use in the Mutisen galaxy!" Xiao Yi asked.

The planets in the Mutisen galaxy have atmospheres, and the Zerg species do not have that protective biofilm on the planets here.

So you can use repellent herbs to drive away those bugs, and then go collect the herbs.

Sun Yao replied: "It did work at first, but if you use it too much, the bugs will become resistant to the drug, and then the effect will become weaker and weaker."

Xiao Yi nodded slightly.

Sun Yao continued: "I'm calling you this time to tell you that Wei Bo can control fire powers."

Xiao Yi was startled and said in surprise: "Can you control it so quickly?"

You must know that Jiang Yuntian could control his own powers only after the moment of life and death. It took Du Kang a long time to reach the point of controlling his powers. Wei Bo had only been awakened for two days and was able to control it.

"Yes, my tears of envy have dried up!" Sun Yao said with emotion.

When Wei Bo awakened the fire element before, Sun Yao was already envious to death. He was even more envious when he was able to control it again in two days.

"You don't have to envy others, just practice hard." Xiao Yi replied with a smile, then walked to the island monument and traded one of the Shennong alchemy furnaces.

"Let Wei Bo try to use this alchemy furnace to make alchemy. Alchemy is also a way of cultivation!"

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