Sign in, the Man Is on an Isolated Island, and He Has Just Built a Luxury Villa by Himself

Chapter 2200 Subvert the three concepts and create a first-class laser cannon

"Not advanced?" Qiyu asked in surprise.

On Qiyu's home planet, nano-medical robots are just conceptual things.

It has become a reality here, but Xiao Yi said that it is not advanced, which makes Qiyu very confused.

"If you have seen more advanced items, you won't think it is advanced." Xiao Yi shook his head and said.

"Huh?" Qiyu looked at Xiao Yi doubtfully, "Have you ever seen a more advanced medical machine than this nano-medical machine?"

Unexpectedly, Xiao Yi shook his head and said, "I haven't seen it before, but Mimi is just an SSS-level intelligent machine."

Listen, do people say it?

Just SSS level?

Without the SSS-level equipment brought by the Yiranpin Alliance, there would probably be no SSS-level equipment in the Maitou Galaxy now!

Seeing Qiyu's expression, Xiao Yi naturally guessed his thoughts and continued: "Do you know how the item levels in our second stage are divided?"

Hearing this, Qiyu became even more confused: "Is it still different from the first stage?"

Xiao Yi shook his head slightly and said, "There is also a set of item levels in this second stage."

This sentence made Qiyu's eyes widen even more.

Regarding the levels of these items, any survivor will know it sooner or later. Since Qiyu risked his life to help the Comet Caravan of the Yi Ranpin Alliance and also joined the Yi Ranpin Alliance, telling him this can be regarded as his joining Yi Ranpin. Gifts for new members of the Brand Alliance.

Xiao Yi continued: "It is divided according to the level of civilization. The symbols are represented by I to IX, representing level one to level nine civilization."

"How did you know this?" Qiyu still looked at Xiao Yi in disbelief. He felt that this was compiled by Xiao Yi himself.

"Because I have harvested items that have reached the first level of civilization, that's why I know this!" Xiao Yi replied, "I only know it one day earlier than you."

Qiyu was stunned for a moment, and then asked in disbelief: "Are all the items we obtained before inferior?"

"Most of them are, but not all. Some SSS-level items are still comparable to level I items." Xiao Yi thought for a while and replied, "Some special equipment is even more powerful than level I items. Of course, this is just a few cases. Condition."

Qiyu felt that his three views had been subverted.

I haven’t even seen all the previous levels, and now a new level has appeared?

Although I knew that the previous levels of items ranged from ordinary D level to SSS level, all I saw were items below S level.

Recently, thanks to the Yiranpin Alliance, I have seen a lot of SSS-level items, but there are still S and SS-level items that I have not seen.

Qiyu digested it for a while before asking: "Is this new level of items very strong?"

"Items of the same type must be very strong, and items of different types cannot be compared." Xiao Yi replied.

Qiyu felt as if he had asked a nonsense question.

At this time, Mimi stepped forward again and took the nanorobot back.

"Qiyu's body was mainly injured by impact, and there was slight internal bleeding. Even without my treatment, his body can heal on his own, and everything has been taken care of now." Mimi reported to Xiao Yihui.

Xiao Yi nodded slightly and said, "Okay, thank you for your hard work!"

Qiyu couldn't understand Mimi's report, so Xiao Yi relayed it with a smile.

After listening to Xiao Yi's account, Qiyu realized that he was still feeling a little unwell before, but now it's all gone.

"With Mimi, isn't this equivalent to having one more life?" Qiyu said with emotion.

"Yes, the virus mutated before because of Mimi's treatment, so we didn't eliminate the survivors on a large scale." Xiao Yi nodded slightly.

Qiyu was stunned for a moment, then asked: "When the virus mutated, did you use Mimi to treat other survivors?"

Xiao Yi nodded slightly.

"Then you must have made a lot of money, right?" Qiyu continued to ask.

Xiao Yi shook his head and replied: "It's very cheap. At least every survivor can afford the treatment."

Qiyu was slightly startled.

When Zhu Wu heard this, he probably guessed what Qiyu said, so he said: "Our island owner has made a rule, that is, the basic survival materials related to survivors are very low-priced, guaranteed Everyone’s survival.”

Xiao Yi helplessly translated this sentence, and Qiyu was stunned again.

But he soon came to his senses and said, "The island owner still has a long-term vision!"

Obviously he already understood the reason why Xiao Yi did this.

Xiao Yi waved his hand and said, "Since you have joined our Yi Ranpin Alliance, your things must be handed over to the alliance. Do you have any problems here?"

"No!" Qiyu replied decisively, and then said sheepishly, "Because I don't have many resources to begin with."

He joined the Yiranpin Alliance because he had no resources at all and survival was a problem.

When Qiyu helped deliver the island monument to the comet, even if he chose the spaceship reward from the Yiranpin Alliance, it would be difficult for him to develop.

So he decisively gave up all the rewards and just asked to join the Yiranpin Alliance.

"Your escape cabin and island monument are resources." Xiao Yi said with a smile.

Qiyu was slightly startled, then nodded, and replied cheerfully: "As long as the alliance needs it, just take it!"

Xiao Yi was very satisfied with Qiyu's cheerfulness, and then said: "Well, you should rest here first, the alliance will arrange tasks for you later."


Xiao Yi left after breakfast, and Zhu Wu also left.

"Island Master, what tasks are you planning to assign to him?" Zhu Wu asked curiously.

Xiao Yi smiled and replied: "Actually, there is no mission. According to the feedback from Jiebi, the survivors in the Maitou Galaxy are quite critical of our alliance, so let's establish Qiyu as a typical example. Bar."

Zhu Wu nodded slightly.

"Arrange a large, high-end spaceship for him, and arrange a team to follow him!" Xiao Yi continued, "Don't forget to let him learn Xia Guoyu."

"Yes!" Zhu Wu responded.

Xiao Yi returned to the island monument and used the full-scale laser cannon template he had obtained by signing in in the morning on the island monument.

After using it, Xiao Yi discovered that this template could be used to make various types of laser cannons, from mini laser cannons to satellite-level laser cannons, but the amount of raw materials required was different.

"This will be much more convenient!" Xiao Yi muttered, checking the raw materials needed for this Class I laser cannon.

Compared with the raw materials of the previous SSS-class laser cannon, there are indeed some differences, but most of them are still the same.

Send those different raw materials to Feng Menglong and ask him to collect them as soon as possible.

As for the same raw materials used to make SSS-class laser cannons, Xiao Yi has other plans.

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