"Guns? There must be iron guns, but there shouldn't be those kind of hot weapons! Everyone is in the farming period, and the big boss can get guns. That would destroy the balance too much!"

"Isn't the boss the one who destroys the balance?"

"Well, I can't refute this!"

Xiao Yi looked at everyone's discussion and said again: "I don't have a hot weapon, I just fired a repeating crossbow and arrows!"

"Continuous crossbow! Bow and arrow! Just give it up? The boss is really Versailles!"

"Why did I fire a big knife?"

"At least you are still a big knife, mine is just a kitchen knife!"

"The knife I used is a small knife that can only peel apples. The biggest problem is that there are no apples for me to peel yet!"

"I suggest you start practicing flying knives! Xiao Li's flying knives never miss a beat!"

"Yanxian! When I finish practicing, the islands will be gone!"

Xiao Yi shook his head, left the island monument and walked downstairs.

In the yard, An Ran and the two were handling game, and he walked over.

"Huh?" Xiao Yi looked at the game in their hands and said in surprise.

"What's wrong?" An Ran looked at Xiao Yi doubtfully and asked.

"This beast king knows how to choose his prey!" Xiao Yi walked closer, confirmed again, and said, "These are all B-level animals!"

An Ran and Su Wan's eyes widened with disbelief on their faces!

"Are B-level animals so common?" An Ran said doubtfully.

"It's not necessarily seen everywhere, but the woods are the home of the Beast King. Wherever there are B-level animals, it knows much better than us!" Xiao Yi replied with a smile, "It seems that we will not be short of high-level animals in the future. It’s game!”

Jiang Yuntian, who was helping to wash the yard, heard Xiao Yi's words and said, "Wouldn't it be possible to eat B-level game every day from now on?"

"You have to ask the Beast King about this!" Xiao Yi pointed at the Beast King and replied, "Let's have a barbecue today! Let's make some mutton soup!"

"Okay!" An Ran responded, "But we only have one barbecue grill, there are a lot of people, and Dabai and the others, so the speed is a bit slow!"

Xiao Yi nodded and replied: "I know, I'll go to the group and ask if anyone has any barbecue grills, and I'll collect a few more!"

With that said, Xiao Yi walked back to his bedroom, came to the island monument, and sent a message to Yi Tianqun.

"Do you have a barbecue grill? If so, message me privately!"

"Boss, are you going to have a barbecue tonight? I'm so envious and want to eat it!"

"It's a pity that I don't have a barbecue grill, so another opportunity to get closer to the big guy slipped away!"

"I have a barbecue grill, but I have to use it, otherwise I won't be able to eat the food baked by hand."

"Upstairs, if you have any, quickly establish a good relationship with the boss. Maybe you will be among the first people to land on the boss's island!"

"Yeah, don't hesitate, bring the barbecue grill up quickly!"

Xiao Yi said helplessly: "Currently, my island does not accept people. Please don't talk nonsense, otherwise it will be misunderstood by others!"

"Tsk, tsk, tsk, the boss is so kind, he doesn't even try to deceive people."

"Yeah, it's not like some people just draw pictures and then want to squeeze benefits from us!"

"Who are some of the people you're talking about?"

"Everyone knows it all, so why bother saying it so clearly!"

The news of Xiao Yi collecting the barbecue grill soon reached the ears of Xuanyuan Wuwei and Di Lintianxia.

Xuanyuan Wuwei looked disdainful: "You haven't gotten a barbecue grill for so long, and you still think of yourself as a big shot. It's so low-key!"

Di Lintianxia was a little confused: "He should have a barbecue grill on hand. Why did he need to collect the barbecue grills? Are barbecue grills a scarce strategic material in the future? No, quickly ask Qinglong to get all the excess barbecue grills in the meeting. Put them all away!”

This really cannot be blamed on Di Lintianxia's sensitivity. In the past, as long as Yi Ranpin collected any material, that material would be of great use!

This is valuable experience accumulated over the past month!

Emperor Lin Qinglong was a little confused when he received this order, but when he heard that Yi Ranpin was collecting this thing in the group, he immediately understood.

It is no exaggeration to say that Yi Ranpin is their guiding light.

At this time, someone had a private chat with Xiao Yi.

"Boss, I have this, do you want it? [Shaobing Oven]*1."

Seeing this thing, Xiao Yi was a little surprised and a little regretful.

I'm surprised that someone would prescribe this weird thing, which is of no use when everyone has no flour at all.

Unfortunately, what he wanted was a barbecue stove instead of making sesame cakes.

However, Xiao Yi finally decided to accept it and occasionally make sesame cakes to eat in the future.

"I want it, what do you need?" Xiao Yi replied.

"I'm giving it to you for free. It's of no use to me! [Shaobing Oven]*1 No transaction."

Xiao Yi thought for a while and initiated a transaction: "[Ocean Fish] (Grade C) * 200g Transaction No."

Nowadays, there are about 10 tons of C-level marine fish almost every day, which is completely impossible to eat.

When the other party saw this transaction, he said excitedly: "Big, big man, this is too expensive!"

"Take it, I can't let you lose a piece of equipment for no reason!" Xiao Yi replied.

"Thank you, boss!" The man immediately agreed to the deal.

After ending the call with that person, Xiao Yi thought for a moment and sent a message to Yi Tian's group again.

"Rent a barbecue grill and return it after ten o'clock tonight. The rent is 1L of boiled water and 2kg of sea fish. We only rent three grills. If you are willing to rent, please contact us directly for a private transaction!"

The probability of a barbecue grill being released is not particularly high. If you have this thing on your own, you won't trade it easily.

Renting not only solves the problem of using it, but survivors who have a barbecue grill can also accept renting it instead of selling it.

After all, you can get some water and food when you don’t need it. Any survivor would choose to rent it out!

There were also barbecue grills for rent on the trading floor, but no one rented them. Gradually, everyone took them off the shelves.

No one would waste resources renting a barbecue grill. In this case, just use wood to cook it! There are no more requirements!

"I'll go, the boss really spent a lot of money to rent a barbecue grill!"

"Yeah, I haven't been able to get any water or food lately, so I've been living on the water and food that the boss puts up on the trading floor every day!"

"The boss is so brave! I have already had a private chat with you, please ask the boss to turn over the cards!"

Although it has been a month, water and food are still in short supply.

In addition, the supply box can hardly open water and food now, which makes it even more scarce.

More than 40 rental requests instantly appeared in Xiao Yi's private channel. According to the previous agreement, Xiao Yi selected the top three in order and rented them!

"Thank you all, three barbecue grills have been rented, the rest can cancel on their own!" Xiao Yi said in the group.

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