Sign in, the Man Is on an Isolated Island, and He Has Just Built a Luxury Villa by Himself

Chapter 2303 Transfer to the Dinosaur Galaxy and Don’t Give Up

With the current technological strength of the Yiranpin Alliance, there is no way to deal with this small star.

Suddenly, Xiao Yi slapped his forehead: "Why didn't I think of this!"

Since they can't kill this small star, they can leave this star system!

What Xiao Yi wanted to leave was not to sail between star systems, because it was impossible to sail between star systems with the spaceships or battleships in the Yi Ranpin Alliance.

Don't look at Zhu Wu following the comet to change star systems for a few days. His case was just a special situation and must have been interfered by the rules of the world, otherwise it would not have been possible so quickly!

The distance between star systems is calculated in light years. It can often be several light years. It takes several years to travel at the speed of light. Xiao Yi and his spaceship don't know that they will have to travel to the year of the monkey.

By the time they get to the next galaxy, all the survivors might be dead!

Even if the survivors live long lives, after they leave this galaxy, they will probably enter a vast expanse of empty space. By then, there will really be no resources to replenish them, not even the light energy and heat energy of stars.

Resources are exhausted, and the final result is death!

Therefore, Xiao Yi has never even thought about using their current spaceship to navigate between star systems.

But the way Xiao Yi thought of leaving this galaxy was not to sail out, but to migrate to the Dinosaur Galaxy as a whole.

There is a wormhole in the chaotic galaxy that leads to the Dinosaur Galaxy. The survivors in the Dinosaur Galaxy were wiped out by the group, and it is empty. It is just right for them to move there!

Xiao Yi told Jiang Yuntian and others his thoughts.

Jiang Yuntian immediately agreed: "What a great idea. As long as we guard the wormhole, we can still return to the chaotic galaxy in the future."

"Yes, at least you can collect some resources in the Dinosaur Galaxy instead of completely stagnating here!" Feng Menglong immediately agreed.

"Since we can't deal with that little star, let's avoid the edge for now!" Su Wan also nodded slightly.

"If you don't have any objections, Brother Jiang, go and notify Ergou and ask him to pay attention to maintaining order." Xiao Yi ordered in a deep voice.

"Yes!" Jiang Yuntian responded, and then used his mobile phone to start issuing orders.

Naturally, Dinosaur Galaxy also has servers and base stations installed, which can be contacted directly using mobile phones.

Du Kang said with a smile: "Island Master, in this case, wouldn't we have wasted a lot of nuclear explosions?"

Naturally, what he meant was to solve the problem of the Zerg wormhole consumption, so that they could escape to the Dinosaur Galaxy beforehand.

After spending a lot of nuclear explosions and hidden mines, as well as a battleship, we still have to escape to the dinosaur galaxy. Isn't this a waste of time?

Jiang Yuntian gave the order, raised his head, and said, "This is not a waste! We must not abandon the resources of this galaxy. Even if we move to the Dinosaur Galaxy, the Chaos Galaxy will not completely give up!"

"Yes, not only that, if we had not solved the Zerg wormhole, the Zerg would also be an uncertain risk factor. Now that we have solved the wormhole, we can at least reduce some risks!" Xiao Yi continued.

Du Kang nodded slightly.

After arranging things within the alliance, Xiao Yi expressed his thoughts on the public channel.

"No, isn't it? The boss can't bear it anymore and wants to run away?"

"This is not called escape, this is called strategic transfer, do you understand?"

"Why didn't we do this earlier? The big guys spent so much resources and lost a battleship."

Xiao Yi explained the previous explanation again on the public channel, and all the survivors suddenly understood.

"We are just moving there temporarily. If there is a way to get rid of that small star in the future, we can still come back. After all, the chaotic galaxy still has a lot of resources."

"Yes, the big boss said that he will arrange for the team to continue hunting the Zerg here."

"Then I won't go there and stay here to hunt the Zerg."

"Brothers upstairs, you have to think carefully. There are no resources to collect on Chaos Star!"

"Of course I've thought about it, but don't be too optimistic. Calculating your transfer to the Dinosaur Galaxy, there shouldn't be too many resources."

"How do you know? Are you familiar with the dinosaur galaxy?"

"I haven't been to the dinosaur galaxy."

"Then you're talking nonsense!"

"I haven't been there, but I have the brains to analyze it. Have you ever thought about whether you were all active near the dinosaur planet after you went there?"

"Of course, I might come back in the future!"

"If there are any good resources near the dinosaur planet, they would have been destroyed by the survivors who entered the dinosaur galaxy before. Is it our turn?"

"Well, that's true!"

"Even if they haven't finished collecting, we have so many survivors rushing in at once, and one person can share more, have you considered it?"

"If you can tell a little bit, it's a little bit. No matter how small the mosquito is, it's still meat."

"If you think so, you can get over it, but there is another problem. The survivors of the Dinosaur Galaxy were wiped out by the group. Although there may be an accident, does this result also show that the resources of the Dinosaur Galaxy are not many, so development is not not good?"

"Damn, after your analysis, I don't even want to go through it."

"Most of this is just speculation. Just listen to it."

"I think it makes perfect sense!"

"There is a woolly truth! No matter how you say it, the Dinosaur Galaxy is currently safer than the Chaos Galaxy. You can collect resources. Not to mention how many resources you can collect now, it is already very good!"

"Yes, anyway, I think there's nothing wrong with going to the Dinosaur Galaxy!"

Seeing the debate among the people in the group, Xiao Yi said: "It depends on your choice. Considering that everyone is currently tight on money, the price of this teleportation is 50,000 per person. Our alliance can also transfer the teleportation to the Dinosaur Galaxy." The wormhole is marked and everyone can go there on their own.”

When everyone teleported to the gathering place of the Yiranpin Alliance before, the price was 100,000 per person, but this time it was half the price.

If there continues to be no resource extraction, the price will continue to fall.

"Fifty thousand, it seems a bit expensive. I'd better drive the escape cabin there myself!"

"Me too, I have no money, I am too poor, I have to dig hard in the dinosaur galaxy!"

"I'd better choose the boss's teleportation. After all, I can seize the opportunity by going there first!"

At this time, Jiang Yuntian raised his head and said, "Island Master, everything is ready. Shall we move there now?"

Xiao Yi nodded slightly, and then said: "There should be a team left at the Zerg wormhole to keep an eye on the situation of the wormhole!"

"Yes, I have already arranged it!" Jiang Yuntian responded in a deep voice.

Xiao Yi nodded slightly: "Then let's go there!"

Everyone came to Ergou through the teleportation array, and Ergou had been waiting in front of the teleportation array early.

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