Sign in, the Man Is on an Isolated Island, and He Has Just Built a Luxury Villa by Himself

Chapter 2305 Practice diligently and come back one after another

After hearing Xiao Yi's words, everyone nodded.

In the past few days, they have been practicing with Xiao Yi every day, and they have made very rapid progress!

Companions who are always out on missions don't have this convenience.

There are many people in the Yi Ranpin Alliance, as well as talents from all walks of life. Xiao Yi and the others must learn to let go.

"Island owner, we are not here, will there be any problems?" Feng Menglong was still a little worried.

Just like Zhao Baishui and the others encountered a comet collision before.

Although Zhu Wu could not avoid the collision of two comets even if he was on the caravan's spaceship at the time, he could at least stay awake after the collision, so that the probability of everyone surviving would be much higher.

Last time, if Zhao Baishui hadn't subconsciously performed repair operations on the island monument before he fell into coma, all the people in the spaceship would have died.

If there is a survivor at the scene, it can indeed improve everyone's survival rate.

Xiao Yi naturally knew what Feng Menglong was worried about, so he said: "Now the members of the alliance have received strict training, I believe they will be fine. The previous comet collision was just an accident with a very small probability, and if Zhu Wu had If we were on the spacecraft, the impact might be more serious!"

Zhu Wu is a survivor, and with the island monument on the spaceship, the rules of the world will definitely adjust the intensity of the impact based on Zhu Wu's physique to achieve the purpose of the test.

If the intensity of the impact was really increased, it was hard to say whether Zhao Baishui and the others would survive.

Hearing this, everyone was stunned for a moment, and then nodded in agreement.

They only considered that under the original impact intensity, the probability of survival of survivors was high, and then they could save more people.

But the impact intensity is likely to vary.

"Whether we are following the outgoing fleet or not, no one can predict the future, so don't worry too much!" Jiang Yuntian continued, "And our own strength is related to our future survival. Everyone must understand this!"

Nowadays, common cultivation methods can be found in the supply boxes, which means that there will definitely be relevant tests in the future.

If Xiao Yi and the others can't keep up with their cultivation, they will most likely be eliminated.

After listening to Jiang Yuntian's words, everyone looked slightly stern, and the comfort during this period made them feel a little relaxed again.

"Yes, we still have to be nervous. We can't hide under the island owner's wings all the time!" Su Wan nodded slightly and agreed.

Everyone nodded.

Xiao Yi smiled slightly and said, "You do have to practice diligently, but don't be too nervous!"

"That is, based on our current training progress, if we are all eliminated, there will probably be few other survivors left!" Du Kang said with a smile.

"Even if we won't be eliminated, we still have to follow the footsteps of the island owner. When we need help in the future, are you going to stand aside and watch?" Jiang Yun replied speechlessly.

Du Kang immediately said seriously: "You definitely can't watch it standing up. It's best to have a stool and drink some beer, mineral water!"

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and then laughed.

Xiao Yi smiled and shook his head, and then ordered: "Su Wan, after dinner, we will inform you about this matter. All of us earthlings will ask to come back. For those of other races, it depends on their own wishes!"


After dinner, Su Wan immediately conveyed Xiao Yi's order to Sun Yao and others.

"Can we finally return to the headquarters?" Sun Yao said happily.

"Yes, I heard from Du Kang and others that practicing with the island owner will be much faster!" Wei Bo also said excitedly.

Sun Yao nodded slightly and said, "I wonder if Hu Yi will choose to go back?"

"Didn't he always want to practice with the island owner? He should probably choose to return to the headquarters!" Wei Bo thought for a while and said.

"Maybe, when these other races return to the headquarters, they may not be as free as they are outside now!" Sun Yao said, "This may make them hesitate."

When Hu Yi, who was in the Mutisen galaxy, received this order, he immediately began to arrange the work handover without any hesitation.

Just when Sun Yao and Wei Bo were chatting about whether Hu Yi would return to the headquarters, Hu Yi had already rushed over.

Seeing Hu Yi and Sun Yao, they were stunned for a moment.

"Have you made arrangements? I'll go back with you!" Hu Yi said with a smile.

"Are you ready to return to work at the headquarters?" Sun Yao asked in surprise.

Hu Yi nodded: "Of course, it has always been my wish to practice with the island owner."

Looking at the two pink tails behind Hu Yi, Sun Yao seemed to understand that Hu Yi was pursuing a breakthrough in personal strength.

"Okay, let's set off now!" Sun Yao replied with a smile, and then the three of them walked towards the teleportation array together.

Sun Yao and the others teleported over first, and their medicinal herbs and alchemy spaceships would be traded back to the headquarters.

In the future, if the Chaos Star soldiers collect herbs from the Mudisen Galaxy, they will directly trade them back to the headquarters and hand them over to Sun Yao and the others.

The next moment, Sun Yao and the others returned to the alliance headquarters spaceship.

"You are finally back, welcome home!" Du Kang greeted with a smile from outside the teleportation array.

"Yes, I'm finally back!" Sun Yao said with emotion.

"Let's go, your positions are all ready!" Du Kang led the three of them to the cockpit.

At the same time, Lu Meiyu was also discussing whether to return to the headquarters.

"Brother, there's nothing to hesitate about. We must go to the headquarters. We can't eat or sleep well here, so we'd better go to the headquarters to feel comfortable." Lu Di immediately expressed his opinion.

Lu Meiyu rolled his eyes and replied: "You just went there for the food at the alliance headquarters!"

"This is just one of the reasons. What's more important is cultivation. Brother, our cultivation must not fall behind!" Lu Di said seriously, smacking his mouth, not knowing what he was thinking.

Judging from Lu Di's performance, Lu Meiyu knew that he must be thinking about food. He shook his head helplessly and looked at Yang Yangyang and his wife.

"Actually, we don't need to worry at all. Now we have completely relied on the Yiranpin Alliance. Returning to the alliance headquarters spaceship is just a change of place to practice. It will not delay us from commanding our own spaceship. At the same time, there will be bonuses in terms of practice. Why not?" Yang Yangyang thought for a while and said.

Lu Meiyu nodded slightly and sighed helplessly: "Then let's go back to the headquarters."

"Yeah! That's great! I can finally have barbecue at the headquarters again!" Lu Di exclaimed excitedly.

Lu Meiyu looked at him helplessly: "I knew you came here for food!"

"Brother, how can you say that about me?" Brother Lu said resentfully, "I haven't considered the reason for cultivation, otherwise, we will be eliminated if we fall too far behind!"

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