Sign in, the Man Is on an Isolated Island, and He Has Just Built a Luxury Villa by Himself

Chapter 2309 Purchase at a higher price, cold nuclear power plant

"There are so many rich people in the universe, why am I the only one missing!"

"It's very simple, you lack luck and strength!"

"Boss, I would like to ask when the second batch of Marrow Cleansing Pills will be put on the shelves!"

"The same question!"

Seeing everyone's questions, Xiao Yi walked to the island monument and said, "It takes time to collect the raw materials for this elixir. The next batch is expected to be in five days. We will notify everyone in advance!"

"No, it will take another five days for the second batch to arrive. Then won't I be able to enjoy the Marrow Cleansing Pill five days later than others?"

"Yes, but you are not alone, there are many people accompanying you!"

"Yes, most people haven't grabbed it yet and are waiting for the second batch!"

"No, I have to pay a high price to buy it. The gap of five days is too big. The situation is so complicated now. I can't fall too far behind!"

"Which of you likes to pay a high price? Pay a high price. Anyway, I won't buy it. I'll wait for the big boss to make the next batch."

"Yeah, I can barely afford ten thousand, and if the price is increased, I can't even afford it!"

"Ouch, Wocao, you have such a big reaction after taking the Marrow Cleansing Pill? It's no longer possible. I have to go clean up before talking."

"The person upstairs must have not carefully read the product descriptions on the alliance network market."

"He didn't look carefully and grabbed it. I studied it eight hundred times on horseback, but I didn't get it!"

"Feedback on how I feel after taking the elixir. I feel refreshed and refreshed. Let me practice while taking advantage of the elixir. I will report back in two hours on how I feel after practicing!"

"Are you showing off to us that you grabbed the Marrow Cleansing Pill?"

"Oh, I'm so envious. Can the boss release some more marrow-cleansing pills? I don't want to be left too far behind!"

Xiao Yi said helplessly: "There are really no raw materials now. I can't refine it until the next batch of raw materials comes. Everyone can only wait!"

"That's right, there is a saying in Xia Guoyu that a clever woman can't make a meal without rice. Without raw materials, it's impossible for a boss to conjure it up out of thin air for you."

"Then we'll just have to wait."

"Actually, don't be too disappointed. It would be good to ask other survivors to help us test the effect of the Marrow Cleansing Pill!"

"Shit, the boss has already tested the effect of the Marrow Cleansing Pill. There is no need to continue testing it."

"Brother, the boss used to call it a small-scale test. Today is a large-scale test. It will be officially put into production next time. Don't worry!"

Xiao Yi shook his head slightly. He did not continue to pay attention to the discussion in the public channel, but took out the planet fragments that had just been traded from Zhu Wu and Feng Menglong.

With the addition of four times the harvest, it turned into eight planet fragments.

Every four planet fragments can be combined into an independent planet space, and Xiao Yi immediately combined these eight planet fragments.

There are two more wormhole symbols on Xiao Yi's wrist, which are the other two independent planet spaces.

He opened this kind of wormhole and went in to take a look. There was nothing inside, only a planet floating there alone!

Another wormhole, the same thing inside.

"In the absence of light, these two independent planet spaces can only be used to store items!" Xiao Yi secretly thought, and then he suddenly had a whim, "I wonder if these two independent planet spaces can be integrated."

He picked up the super fusion device and pointed it at his wrist, but the super fusion device could not recognize the logo on his wrist at all.

Xiao Yi opened two wormholes at the same time and continued to use the super fusion device, but the super fusion device also had no response.

Xiao Yi shook his head helplessly.

Originally, he thought that if the two newly obtained independent planet spaces could be fused, then he planned to fuse the two and then merge them into the independent planet space he obtained first.

Only the first independent planet space has an artificial sun. If you want to make full use of this independent planet space, you must have stars or similar items that provide energy.

Since it cannot be fused, it can only be put aside for now.

"Maybe it's because the level of the super fusion device is not high enough!" Xiao Yi muttered.

But when thinking about energy supply, Xiao Yi suddenly thought of the cold nuclear power station that had been eliminated from the spacecraft.

Now that the Yiranpin Alliance has a Class I nuclear fusion power plant, the cold nuclear power plant can be sold.

Returning to the cockpit of the headquarters spaceship again, Xiao Yi said on the island monument: "In order to ensure everyone's energy supply, our alliance has launched a cold nuclear power plant for sale. If necessary, please pay attention to the alliance network market."

Seeing Xiao Yi's speech, the survivors became excited again.

"Wucao, cold nuclear power plant? Is it also SSS level?"

"Nonsense, when was the thing the boss brought out not SSS-level?"

"I just happen to be thinking about the problem of insufficient energy recently. Every time I fire two shots, it shuts down. It's really uncomfortable."

"It's good to be able to shoot twice, but I can only shoot once a night!"

"Why do I feel like a wheel is running over my face?"

"I just want to know how much a cold nuclear power plant costs? It's so poor!"

"The finished product is 100,000 yuan. If you provide the raw materials yourself, you only need 30,000 yuan!" Xiao Yi replied immediately.

After he signed in and obtained the Class I nuclear fusion power station template, he asked Feng Menglong and the others to calculate the price.

"One hundred thousand yuan, so expensive! Now I only have 20,000 yuan in hand!"

"Then recharge quickly. Recharging money will make you stronger!"

"There's nothing wrong with that. All the games on our home planet are like this!"

"I'd better go get the raw materials together. At 30,000 yuan plus the raw materials, the price is still acceptable."

"If you calculate the price of raw materials a little bit, you will understand that these raw materials cost about 50,000 yuan to get."

"At least there's less money."

"I'd better not waste this time and buy it directly, buy two!"

"Made, why do I feel like a poor person when it's time to buy something?"

"Yeah, every time I get to this time, I always feel like a bunch of rich people!"

"Brothers, this is called survivor bias. Most people who don't have money don't need to tell everyone that they don't have money! Those who can dance on public channels at least have some confidence, so what everyone sees is Rich man!"

"It makes sense, but we still have to collect resources. By the way, can anyone tell me where the resource points in the Dinosaur Galaxy are?"

"We are looking for resource points. It feels like all the resources near the dinosaur planet have been collected!"

"Didn't some brothers say before that they have never found the meteorite belt or the location with rich resources, so everyone should slowly explore and find it on their own!"

"I originally planned to play in the entertainment city for a while, but when you say this, come back immediately and prepare to set off to collect resources!"

"It's been so long and you still want to play. Do you have the Marrow Cleansing Pill or the Cold Nuclear Power Station? If you don't struggle when you are young, when are you going to struggle?"

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