Sign in, the Man Is on an Isolated Island, and He Has Just Built a Luxury Villa by Himself

Chapter 2328 Xia Guoyu’s cosmicization, companionship, live broadcast

Xiao Yi led everyone to practice for two hours, and then went to the restaurant to have breakfast together.

"Island owner, are there any new weapons today?" Jiang Yuntian is most concerned about this question every day.

Xiao Yi shook his head and replied: "No."

"Island Master, it seems we haven't obtained new weapons for a long time?" Jiang Yuntian said.

"Yes, it has indeed been a while. It is probably because we harvested too many weapons from the planet Munken." Xiao Yi thought for a while and said.

Jiang Yuntian was slightly startled, then nodded.

Du Kang was eating breakfast and scrolling through his cell phone.

"Lao Zhu is quarreling in the public chat group again!" Du Kang was speechless.

Xiao Yi was stunned for a moment, then turned on his phone, looked at it for a while, and said with a smile: "Now the Domi Hot Galaxy has finally been connected. Yes, our Xia Mandarin language has become more popular!"

"Yes, as long as they want to use the Internet and browse news on the Internet, they must learn Xia Mandarin!" Du Kang agreed.

"On Earth, Xia Guoyu failed to become international, but now it has been made into a universal language by the island owner." Su Wan said with a chuckle.

Xiao Yi smiled, shook his head, and turned off his phone.

"Island owner, do you want to open another meteorite today?" Jiang Yuntian asked.

The meteorite that Jiang Yuntian mentioned naturally refers to the meteorite brought by the meteorite rain. They need to understand the evolution speed of the undead in the meteorite, and also to confirm yesterday's guess!

Xiao Yi thought for a moment and replied: "I want to go, but I will go with you today."

"Island Master, I can handle it all by myself, so you don't have to put yourself at risk!" Jiang Yuntian frowned and replied.

Xiao Yi shook his head slightly: "Although you killed the giant skeleton yesterday successfully, but now we are not sure about the evolution speed of the undead. If their bodies have been successfully transformed into dark gold, will you still be so relaxed?"

Jiang Yuntian was slightly startled. He had to admit that if the skeleton was really turned into dark gold, it would not be easy to kill it by himself.

"So, I will follow along and kill the undead as soon as possible. The most important thing is to determine their evolution speed!" Xiao Yi continued.

"Okay!" Jiang Yuntian responded.

After breakfast, Xiao Yi first came to the cockpit, used the insulation device template on the island monument, and sent a screenshot of the raw materials he needed to Feng Menglong, asking him to buy it. When Zhu Wu and the others came back, maybe It’s about to be used!

After arranging all this, Xiao Yi followed Jiang Yuntian and boarded a satellite-class battleship.

In that swarm of meteorites, it is difficult for satellite-class warships to hit the nimble undead, and it is useless to attack them too much. Now, naturally, they still have to rely on individual soldiers to kill them.

The soldiers on the satellite-class battleship became excited when they saw Xiao Yi going out in person.

"The island owner actually went on the expedition with us!"

"Yeah, this time I can brag to others when I come back!"

"Isn't it dangerous for the island owner to go on an expedition himself?"

"Are you overthinking it? Haven't you heard that the island owner is stronger than the instructor?"

“I’ve heard of it, but I’ve never seen it!”

"We won't be able to see you this time!"

"That's not necessarily true. With the instructor here, I guess the problem can be solved without the island owner taking action!"

Amid the discussions among the soldiers, the satellite-class battleship sailed deeper into the meteorite area.

And those survivors who were collecting resources on the periphery naturally saw it. After all, satellite-class battleships are still very rare.

"This is a satellite-class battleship of the Yiranpin Alliance. Why did it go deep into the meteorite area again?"

"It's probably because of the undead issue!"

"Three ships were used yesterday, why is there only one today? Is the undead too weak, or is the boss too arrogant?"

"It's neither, it's just because battleships are too ineffective when killing single undead! Didn't the boss say that yesterday?"

"That's right, with so many meteorites as cover, battleships are of little use. It still depends on the strength of the individual soldiers!"

"I dare say that there must be many superpowers in this satellite-class battleship, all of whom have mastered superpowers!"

"Isn't this nonsense!"

Seeing the discussion of other survivors in the public channel of Island Monument, Xiao Yi immediately said in the public channel: "Our alliance will awaken an undead again this time to see their evolution, and at the same time verify our speculation yesterday. !”

"Thank you for your hard work, boss. I would like to ask, can we use the detection satellite to watch your battle this time?"

"Yes, yes, we also want to know in advance the mode of fighting the undead."

"Yes, but if your detection satellite is damaged during the battle, our alliance will not be responsible." Xiao Yi immediately replied.

"Great, thank you, boss. If the detection satellite breaks down, just buy another one. As long as I can see your alliance fighting the undead, it will be a big profit."

"That's right, if we understand the combat characteristics of the undead in advance, we can also make targeted preparations!"

"Boss, I'm not polite. I have already released a detection satellite to follow you!"

"Me too!"

For a moment, Xiao Yi's satellite-class battleship was followed by a group of detection satellites.

"Island owner, are you just going to let them follow you and film like this?" Jiang Yuntian was a little worried that being filmed by them would reveal the alliance's trump card.

"It's okay. We can't deal with the undead army alone in the future. It's good to let them see it in advance!" Xiao Yi replied, "I understand your worries, but just fighting an undead will not expose the enemy." What is your trump card? To say the least, even if your trump card is exposed, they may not be able to understand it!"

Jiang Yuntian was startled for a moment, then nodded slightly, and no longer cared about the detection satellite behind him.

The survivors who followed the filming immediately started live broadcasts on the Internet, and the live broadcast rooms had different names.

"The Yi Ranpin Alliance battles the undead, live broadcast, hurry up!"

"How meteorites give birth to the undead!"

"Shocked! Superpowers can still be used like this!"

"The giant skeleton is actually hiding..."

Looking at the names of these live broadcast rooms, Jiang Yuntian twitched his lips: "These people are very good at catching people's attention. They are all from the UC Shock Department!"

Xiao Yi shook his head: "In order to make money, they really work hard!"

Because neighboring galaxies are also connected to the Internet, survivors from other galaxies can enter the live broadcast room as long as they have a mobile phone or computer.

"What's going on? Are there undead in the Chaos Galaxy?"

"There are also undead in space? Probably not. They must have done it as a stunt. They were probably pretending to be undead in the live broadcast room!"

"There are so many live broadcast rooms about the undead appearing all of a sudden, and they all charge a fee. This is obviously a way to trick people into getting slaughtered!"

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