Sign in, the Man Is on an Isolated Island, and He Has Just Built a Luxury Villa by Himself

Chapter 2336 Wei Bo succeeded, testing the reconnaissance satellite

"Looking at your chat, it feels like it's a soft advertisement for an entertainment city!"

"Yi Ranpin Alliance's entertainment city doesn't need such advertising at all. As long as it's near Yi Ranpin Alliance, who wouldn't want to play!"

"Speaking of the entertainment city, why do I feel that when I go to play this time, it is different from before?"

"It seems that it has been maintained. Maybe it makes you feel different after the maintenance!"

"No, there used to be a star far away from the entertainment city. It was very obvious, but it seems to be gone now!"

"The star is gone? Has this entertainment city changed to another galaxy?"

"I don't know, but the star disappeared."

"Brother, you are so observant. I only remember which locations in the entertainment city have the prettiest shopping guide girls!"

"Good people upstairs, please share the information!"

"Okay, private chat!"

Xiao Yi saw that there were survivors who noticed the changes in the independent planet space, and sighed in his heart: "There are many caring people!"

But Xiao Yi didn't open his mouth to explain, letting them guess.

At this time, Wei Bo came in from the outside excitedly: "Island Master, I succeeded!"

Seeing that there was an elixir in his hand, Xiao Yi asked in surprise: "Is it refined in an alchemy furnace?"

Wei Bo nodded.

"Yes, as long as the refining is successful once, remember the feeling of success, and the number of successes will be more and more in the future!" Xiao Yi said with a smile.

"Yes, Island Master, I'm going back to sum up my experience first!" Wei Bo left in a hurry.

Du Kang looked at Wei Bo's leaving figure and said with a smile: "I didn't expect that Wei Bo, who has always been steady, would be so excited!"

"I finally succeeded in refining it, so it's normal to be excited!" Xiao Yi smiled slightly.

Sun Yao said enviously: "Oh, why am I not a fire element!"

"You should study carefully how to use external forces to refine high-level elixirs!" Xiao Yi said with a smile.

"That's all we can do now!" Sun Yao said helplessly.

Xiao Yi turned around and asked: "Brother Jiang, is there any movement on the reconnaissance satellite detected by our anti-reconnaissance system?"

Jiang Yuntian shook his head: "No, he just stayed there and watched us!"

Xiao Yi nodded slightly: "This kind of unknown enemy is really worrying."

"Would you like to try the reconnaissance satellite?" Jiang Yuntian asked after thinking for a moment.

"How to try?" Xiao Yi asked with a frown.

"Arrange a miniature spaceship to fly towards it and see how it reacts?" Jiang Yuntian replied.

"Okay, give it a try!" Xiao Yi immediately agreed.

Jiang Yuntian immediately issued this order on the island monument: "Arrange several satellite spacecraft to fly out in all directions, and one of them will be facing the reconnaissance satellite!"

He did not dare to use the network of the Yiranpin Alliance. After all, their base stations and servers were all at the first level of civilization. If the owner of this reconnaissance satellite was really a second or higher civilization, they could easily crack and intercept their network. information!

After receiving this order, the soldiers of the Yi Ranpin Alliance immediately arranged for more than ten micro spaceships to fly in all directions.

It looks like a miniature spacecraft is arranged to explore the surroundings.

One of the miniature spaceships rushed directly towards the reconnaissance satellite.

Xiao Yi and others carefully watched the reaction of the reconnaissance satellite on the surveillance video.

Just as the micro spaceship set off, the reconnaissance satellite immediately began to move.

It retreats at the same speed as the micro spacecraft!

Seeing the reconnaissance satellite react like this, Xiao Yi said in a deep voice: "The other party is very alert!"

"Well, this further proves that someone behind the reconnaissance satellite has been observing us!" Jiang Yuntian said, and then gave the order again, "The micro spaceship will all return after ten minutes of sailing!"


Ten minutes later, all the micro-spacecraft immediately turned back.

At this time, deep in the distant space, inside a castle-like building.

"Report, just now our observation target suddenly released thirteen micro-spacecraft and flew in all directions. One of them was coming towards our reconnaissance satellite. We directly chose to evacuate far away. After the opponent's spacecraft sailed for ten minutes, it Turned back."

"What are they doing? Have they discovered us?"

"Probably not. If they find us, they will definitely attack directly!"

"Yes, these people have very low technological level. How could they discover our reconnaissance satellites!"

"Are they exploring the surrounding areas to see if there are any resources?"

"very possible!"

"But how could it be such a coincidence that it happened to be directed at our reconnaissance satellite?"

"Sometimes, it's such a coincidence!"

"Let's change positions and continue to observe them. If they can still face our reconnaissance satellite when they release the micro-spacecraft again, that means we have been discovered!"

"Good idea, I'll change positions right now!"

Yiranpin Alliance Headquarters.

"Island owner, look, they changed positions and continued to observe us!" Jiang Yuntian pointed at the reconnaissance satellite that appeared in another direction and said.

Xiao Yi nodded slightly, pondered for a moment, and ordered: "The micro spacecraft will be released every four hours! There is no need to face the reconnaissance satellite!"

Jiang Yuntian was startled for a moment, then immediately nodded and conveyed the order.

"Island owner, are you worried that they are testing us?" Jiang Yuntian asked with a frown.

Xiao Yi nodded slightly: "It may be a coincidence. If we come directly to their reconnaissance satellite again, they should realize that they have been discovered!"

"Yeah, that's right!" Jiang Yuntian nodded and said.

Time soon came to night, and it was discovered that the warship that scouted the satellite released another micro spacecraft. This time the location was different from last time, but it did not fly towards the scout satellite.

Discussions started again in the castle deep in space.

"Look, I knew it was just a coincidence. They just arranged for these miniature spaceships to come out to explore!"

"Of course, it may also be to see if there are any enemies around!"

"Yes, their technology is limited and they can only use these micro-spacecraft to confirm the surrounding environment!"

"Yeah, so as long as we reach that galaxy, we can wipe them all out!"

"We can't be so reckless. We still need to figure out how their spaceship instantly returned to its original state. If it can be used on our castle, then our castle will be the strongest fortress in the universe!"

"It makes sense. The battleship we encountered before was really weird. No matter how much damage it suffered, it could recover instantly. We must get this technology!"

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