Sign in, the Man Is on an Isolated Island, and He Has Just Built a Luxury Villa by Himself

Chapter 2354 The killing process is strange and the team’s methods

Xiao Yi nodded slightly, and then said: "With my current mental strength, I cannot directly destroy their soul fire with a protective layer."

Jiang Yuntian and the two were extremely surprised. They knew better than anyone how powerful Xiao Yi's mental power was!

The soul fire of those giant skeletons is just an extra layer of protection, and it can actually block Xiao Yi's mental power, which is enough to show how powerful that layer of protection is.

"In this case, wouldn't it be very troublesome for you to kill them?" Du Kang said with a frown.

Xiao Yi smiled slightly: "It's just that we can't directly extinguish the soul fire. This is not the only method we have."

"Island Master, how did you kill them?" Du Kang asked curiously.

"With the power of time, slow down their movements a little, and then you can easily kill them with a sniper rifle!" Xiao Yi replied with a smile.

Jiang Yuntian was startled for a moment, and then suddenly realized: "No wonder you looked a little bad when you first came back. Using time-based powers must be very mentally draining!"

Xiao Yi nodded slightly: "Yes, especially controlling such a large range is indeed very mentally draining!"

"Time system!" Du Kang said enviously, "Island owner, can you use any power system?"

"To be precise, I can use any superpower I have come into contact with!" Xiao Yi replied, "The time superpower can only be used because I have been in contact with the superpowers in Dili. For example, the space superpower, I can use it now." Can’t use it.”

Du Kang nodded and said: "It seems that we need to recruit more people with different types of abilities!"

"Well, that makes sense, but who among those with superpowers would be willing to be someone else's subordinate nowadays?" Jiang Yuntian smiled and shook his head.

While Xiao Yi and the other three were chatting in the battleship, the team that had tried to kill the giant skeleton found a target again and started fighting.

All the detection satellites used for live broadcast came near this team.

In the live broadcast room, everyone was watching the team's battle with the giant skeleton and talking about it.

"Sure enough, there is no harm without comparison!"

"Yes, the Yi Ranpin Alliance killed these giant skeletons so easily. They fought for a long time and still didn't touch the undead!"

"It feels like they can't kill the giant skeleton."

"I feel the same way, unless there are particularly powerful people among them!"

"Yes, but one thing seems very strange. Why are these giant skeletons running away into the meteorite area without any intention of stopping and fighting!"

"It's really strange. Before, they were going to surround and kill the Yi Ranpin Alliance team, but now that the Yi Ranpin Alliance team has left the meteorite area, they are still running inside. This is a bit strange!"

"Yes, are there other situations deep in the meteorite area?"

"Probably not. Previously, the Yiranpin Alliance team killed the giant skeleton deep in the meteorite area. Didn't you see anything unusual?"

"Perhaps they just want to gather together so that they are not easily defeated individually?"

"This is very possible!"

The chat content of those survivors in the live broadcast room was sorted and sent to Xiao Yi.

After reading these chats, Xiao Yi frowned slightly. When they escaped from the depths of the meteorite, although they encountered some giant skeletons, they just fought with him and did not pester him!

After the satellite-class spacecraft broke out of the encirclement of giant skeletons, the giant skeletons did not continue to pursue them, but continued to run deeper into the meteorite area.

Passing the information in his hand to Jiang Yuntian, Jiang Yuntian frowned after reading it.

"Island Master, is there really something special deep in the meteorite area?" Jiang Yuntian asked with a frown.

Xiao Yi shook his head and replied: "I don't know. The location we were at before should be considered close to the center. There is nothing abnormal there."

"Then let's arrange some spy satellites to monitor it!" Jiang Yuntian suggested.

"Well, keep your distance. Those giant skeletons should be aware of the spy satellites!" Xiao Yi nodded slightly.

"Okay!" Jiang Yuntian stood up and walked out.

Xiao Yi turned on the live broadcast on his mobile phone, and he also entered a live broadcast room to watch the team preparing to hunt the giant skeleton.

"Welcome Yi Ranpin to my live broadcast room, Wocao, the boss actually entered my live broadcast room!"

The anchor casually said welcome, but when he found out it was Xiao Yi, he immediately became excited.

The other survivors in this live broadcast room immediately greeted each other: "Hello, boss!"

No matter which galaxy they are from, they have all purchased high-end items from Yi Ranpin Alliance, and these high-end items have helped them overcome many difficulties, so they are very grateful to Yi Ranpin.

"Everyone, please continue watching the live broadcast. I came here to watch the live broadcast too!" Xiao Yi responded with a smile.

"Boss, do you think this team has a chance to kill their current opponent?"

"Yeah, I always feel like their abilities are limited and they can't kill that giant skeleton!"

Xiao Yi thought for a moment and replied: "It's difficult, unless they use weapons of mass destruction, but this may be a bit of a loss."

"Look, I said they can't defeat the giant skeleton. The boss has the same opinion as me!"

"Tch, everyone thought so just now, okay?"

While everyone was talking, on the live broadcast screen, a small spaceship suddenly flew out of a huge net, completely covering the giant skeleton.

At the same time, the other four spaceships immediately fired at the giant skeleton and traced its body!

"Damn, my shooting skills are so bad. Even I, who have never used a virtual cabin, can shoot better than them!"

"You know Hammer, they are trying to block the giant skeleton's escape route."

"That's right, you see that giant skeleton has no choice but to move back!"

In the picture, the giant skeleton kicked off a meteorite and floated behind it, while at the same time trying to find meteorites that could be used!

This hunting team found a very good opportunity, it was in a location with relatively few meteorites around.

The net was very fast, quickly covering the giant skeleton!

The giant skeleton pulled over a meteorite he had just touched and pushed it in the direction of the net.

At this time, the net had been closed, covering the meteorite and the lower body of the giant skeleton behind the meteorite!

"Good opportunity!" Xiao Yi secretly thought.

The other four spaceships immediately aimed at the head of the giant skeleton and attacked.

The giant skeleton struggled hard to break through the net, and at the same time, it had its own arms protecting its head!

When the first laser hit the giant skeleton arm, a shocking scene appeared.

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