Sign in, the Man Is on an Isolated Island, and He Has Just Built a Luxury Villa by Himself

Chapter 2359 It’s really possible to change, Xiao Yi enters the trial

"No, is it true? The Yiranpin Alliance really accepts exchanging escape capsules for spaceships?"

"It's true. Currently, 99% of the spaceships in our Chaos Galaxy are replaced by the Yi Ranpin Alliance."

"Yes, it is too difficult to accumulate foundation stones and secret gold, and they are consumed from time to time every day. It is simply impossible to collect ten million."

"But this is illogical! The value of the spacecraft is much greater than the escape capsule. No matter how many escape capsules you have, it is impossible to compare with a miniature spaceship."

"Don't worry about logic at this time. Boss Yi Ranpin is a conscientious businessman, but as long as he is a businessman, he will naturally aim to make profits, so the boss must still make some money. We don't need to worry too much about how the boss is. If you make money, the big guys will make money, and we will also successfully get the spaceship, a win-win situation!"

"When you say that, I want to move to the Chaos Galaxy!"

"Yes, the premise is that you have to trust the Yiranpin Alliance and trade your escape cabin to them without any worries."

"Huh? Do you want to trade your escape capsule to them first?"

"Otherwise, you're a waste of money?"

"Forget it, the Domi Hot Galaxy is still very good."

"That's right, the Chaos Galaxy is overrun with Zerg, and now there is an Undead whose living conditions are too harsh!"

"Tch, if you don't believe in the Yiranpin Alliance, just say it straight away. It's not like a man to beat around the bush!"

"I just told a fact, didn't I?"

"But you are mistaken about the fact that there are only Zerg in the Chaos Galaxy, and the Undead are in the Dinosaur Galaxy."

"Hey, it turns out they are in two galaxies. How come all the survivors from your chaotic galaxy have gone to other galaxies?"

"Please make good use of the Internet, I'm too lazy to explain."

"When will the Yiranpin Alliance start this business in our multi-meter hot galaxy? I really want to switch to a micro-ship. Dark gold and cornerstones are really difficult to get!"

"No, aren't you afraid that the Yiranpin Alliance won't admit it?"

"No, I believe in the credibility of Yiranpin Alliance!"

"Reputation is something they talk about, but don't take it seriously!"

"Give it a try, what if it's true? Besides, I only have an escape pod, so I have nothing to lose!"

"At least you still have the island monument. If the Yiranpin Alliance directly swallows your island monument after the transaction, it will be a big loss!"

"Yes, if the island monument is lost, there will really be no chance."

"If I don't get a spaceship as soon as possible, I will probably be eliminated soon. The result will be the same."

"Everyone has their own choice, don't try to persuade them like this, it's pointless!"

At this time, Jiang Yuntian had returned to the headquarters spaceship.

The giant skeleton has arranged ten satellite-class spacecraft to keep an eye on the surroundings.

After Jiang Yuntian came back, he immediately said to Xiao Yi: "Island Master, can we enter the trial space?"

Xiao Yi has been dealing with the giant skeleton, so he has never had time to enter the trial space.

Hearing Jiang Yuntian's request, Xiao Yi nodded slightly.

Bai Qi on the side immediately came over: "Island owner, how about I go in and give it a try too!"

"Well, let's just let the three of us enter in the first batch!" Xiao Yi said.

"Yes, thank you island owner!" Bai Qi became excited.

Xiao Yi shook his head helplessly, and then said: "Eat lunch first, and after lunch, enter the trial space on time at half past twelve!"


The three of them finished their lunch in a hurry and returned to their main island monument.

When the time came, Xiao Yi and the other three chose to enter the trial space at the same time.

Because other survivors have already tested that entering the trial space requires 10,000 cornerstones and 10,000 units of secret gold. These have already been prepared!

The three of them disappeared in front of their island monument at the same time.

Du Kang and others came to the battleship where Xiao Yi's main island monument was located. Everyone was shocked when they saw Xiao Yi disappearing out of thin air.

"This method of transferring people is too powerful!" Du Kang said with emotion.

"Yeah, it's probably the same as when we came here to survive. We arrived on the island composed of four cornerstones without any reaction at all." Su Wan nodded slightly and said in agreement.

"Being able to transfer living beings at will, what kind of ability is this!" Zhu Wu frowned and looked at the place where Xiao Yi disappeared.

At this time, Xiao Yi found himself in a desert!

"Aren't the others all in the woods? Why did it become a desert?" Xiao Yi murmured in doubt while observing the surrounding environment vigilantly, "Is it because the rules of the world are targeting me, or after entering the trial space? Is the environment random?”

Just as he was thinking about this problem, a huge lizard crawled over. It was roughly estimated to be at least five meters long, twice the size of the largest lizard on earth!

Seeing Xiao Yi, the lizard immediately rushed over, so fast that the yellow sand beneath his feet rose up.

Xiao Yi's thoughts moved slightly, and a wall of sand rose up, blocking the lizard's way.

The lizard immediately changed its direction and whipped its thick tail towards the sand wall.


The sand wall disintegrated!

Xiao Yi looked at the scene in front of him in surprise, tapped the yellow sand under his feet, and stepped back.

Although he didn't use all his strength just now, it was still beyond Xiao Yi's expectation to be so easily chased away by its tail.

"No wonder most of them were killed instantly after they came in. The animals in this trial space are still very powerful!" Xiao Yi thought to himself.

Looking at the lizard chasing after him, Xiao Yi used Earth Thorn again!

Sharp earth thorns rose from the ground and pierced the lizard's abdomen. The lizard's leg suddenly pushed down the sand and turned over!

He rolled a few times on the ground to avoid the earth thorns released by Xiao Yi.

A smile appeared at the corner of Xiao Yi's mouth. The moment the lizard stopped rolling, three soil thorns appeared again where it was.


The earth thorns instantly broke open the lizard's abdomen!


The lizard immediately screamed and struggled wildly, trying to break free of the soil thorns.

But the earth thorn had pierced his abdomen, and struggling would only enlarge the wound, and it was of no use.

Xiao Yi did not continue to spend his mental energy to kill the lizard, but observed the surrounding environment again.

Soon, the lizard stopped struggling and slowly became silent.

At this time, the lizard slowly disappeared and turned into a ball of vague white light, flying towards Xiao Yi.

Xiao Yi immediately took two steps back, but the white light flew very quickly and flew into Xiao Yi's body.

The moment the white light entered his body, Xiao Yi was stunned for a moment. He had just used his mental power to form a shield to block the white light, but it had no effect at all.

The white light still enters the realm of no one!

The next moment, Xiao Yi's eyes widened in shock.

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