Sign in, the Man Is on an Isolated Island, and He Has Just Built a Luxury Villa by Himself

Chapter 0236 There is electricity on Boss Island, S-class grapes

After the yacht delivers people to their destination, it automatically completes the rental transaction and returns to the port on Xiaoyi Island.

At this time, in the Yitian group, a person with the ID of Long Feifengwu spoke.

"The boss's yacht is really fast. I've arrived safely on my sister's island. I don't have to worry anymore tonight!"

"Wucao, are you so fast? Did you encounter any danger along the way?"

"No, it went very smoothly. The yacht is very stable and very fast. Thank you, Mr. Yi Ranpin!" Long Feifengwu replied.

"You're so lucky, boss, please turn the tables. I'm not far from my destination, less than a thousand kilometers!"

"Me too, I don't dare sleep alone!"

"I want it too, I can't wait!"

Among the people who sent private messages, Anron chose those who were relatively close to rent.

This will allow you to make at least a few more trips. After all, the yacht has a cruising range of only 10,000 kilometers!

After renting like this five times, the time has come to six o'clock in the morning.

An Ran and Amelia Su took turns to rest for a while. Now their bodies are much better than before, and they don't feel too tired.

After Xiao Yi got up, he went directly to the living room on the first floor and saw Su Wan sitting next to the island monument, staring at the TV, while An Ran was sleeping on the sofa.

Seeing Xiao Yi coming, Su Wan immediately stood up. Just when she was about to speak, Xiao Yi motioned her not to make a sound and pointed to An Ran beside her.

"How many times have you rented?" Xiao Yi walked to Amelia Su and asked in a low voice.

Su Wan replied in a low voice: "This is the sixth rental time. The journey is 1,200 kilometers. We should reach the destination in forty minutes!"

Xiao Yi nodded, and then said: "You go back and rest, I will watch."

"No, An Ran and I took turns to rest. We didn't feel tired at all. My body is much better now than before!" Su Wan replied.

Xiao Yi said: "Although you are in good health, you must also pay attention to rest!"

"Yeah, I understand!" Su Wan responded with a smile.

While talking, An Ran also woke up, saw Xiao Yi had come down, and asked: "What time is it?"

"It's past six o'clock, it's still early, you can rest for a while!" Xiao Yi replied.

An Ran stretched and said, "I'm already resting, I'm going to prepare breakfast!"

Xiao Yi replied: "Don't be so anxious, we can also get something to eat ourselves!"

"It's okay, I have nothing to do anyway!" An Ran said with a smile, then got up and walked out.

Amelia Su moved all the quilts on the sofa back to the bedroom on the first floor.

Jiang Yuntian also got up early. Today he did not choose to gather for training in the morning. The training time every day depends on his mood.

"Is everyone getting up so early?" Jiang Yuntian asked when he saw Xiao Yi and others were already in the living room.

"An Ran and Su Wan were on night shift doing business last night!" Xiao Yi replied with a smile.

Seeing the confusion on Jiang Yuntian's face, Xiao Yi told him about renting the yacht.

Jiang Yuntian suddenly realized and said: "So that's it. There's no need to rush this. From now on, we can do business during the day, and then use it to charge the yacht at night!"

Xiao Yi nodded and said, "That's right, let's do it this way from now on. We can't have someone on duty every night. That would be so tiring!"

Su Wan walked out of the bedroom and agreed: "This is a good idea!"

"Then I'll explain it to the group first!" Xiao Yi said and walked upstairs.

Returning to his island monument, Xiao Yi sent a message to Yi Tian's group.

"Everyone, due to the limited endurance of the yacht, it will be charged after the power is consumed this morning. I will notify everyone in time when the yacht is fully charged!"

"Ah? Isn't that right? Boss, are you going to run out of power so soon?"

"Everyone should have seen the description of the yacht. It says that the endurance is 10,000 kilometers. Most of the distance between us is more than 1,000 kilometers! After this, the yacht will run out of power after nine deliveries at most!"

"Yes, in that case, we still have to queue up!"

"Then we can only queue up. This yacht is probably more difficult to drive than the Zuiqiang family's bow statue. It is almost impossible for a second one to appear!"

"Is there something wrong with what everyone is paying attention to? The boss said he wants to recharge the yacht!"

"Huh? Yes, if the yacht is out of power, it has to be recharged! What's wrong?"

"The key is charging, brother, do you have a generator on your island?"

"Uh! It seems like there really isn't one!"

"I have drawn up drawings of a simple generator, but this simple generator cannot support charging the yacht at all!"

"The boss upstairs actually invented something like a generator!"

"It's useless. I don't have any electrical appliances, but the boss's yacht needs to be charged. It requires more than a little bit. I guess the boss has a more advanced generator!"

"I feel the same way. Otherwise, if the yacht runs out of power this time, I don't know when it will be fully charged!"

"Yes, the more I interact with the boss, the more I feel that he is unfathomable!"

"I really want to have an in-depth communication with the boss, so that he can know my depth and I know his strengths and weaknesses!"

"Made, women drive much faster than men!"

Xiao Yi looked at everyone's discussion, shook his head, smiled and said to himself: "System, sign in!"

"Sign in successfully and get reward: Grape Seed (S level)*1."

Seeing this reward, Xiao Yi muttered: "It seems that the system knows that it is almost impossible to get S-level and above seeds from the supply box, so it rewards me through signing in. However, this time the system is too tricky. A grape seed!"

Xiao Yi took the grape seed and walked out, and happened to meet Nong Bihong walking towards the manor.

"I just happened to meet you. This is an S-level grape seed. You can plant it in the manor!" Xiao Yi handed the grape seed to Nong Bihong.

Nong Bihong's eyes widened and he said, "An S-level seed has been released again!"

Xiao Yi nodded and replied: "Grow it quickly, we can make wine!"

Making wine at home is very simple, just find a big jar, wash and drain the grapes, put them in, crush them, add sugar, cover them, and let them sit for 20 days!

Although Xiao Yi doesn't have white sugar on hand now, he does have sugar cane and can brew some white sugar using local methods!

Nong Bihong nodded, then went to the villa to get some SS-grade pure water, and walked to the manor with the grape seeds.

The yacht Su Wan rented out was quickly returned after arriving at its destination.

According to the targets selected by Enron before, Su Wan rented the yacht to the next person.

After the man received the yacht rented by Su Wan, he did not board the yacht immediately and set off. Instead, he sent a message on his island monument.

"President, I have rented a flammable yacht!"

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