Seeing a survivor proposing to use one-tenth of a marrow cleansing pill for ordinary people to use, Xiao Yi was stunned for a moment, then pondered for a moment, and said: "Theoretically it should be possible, but again, the Yiranpin Alliance is not sure about ordinary people. It is safe for people to use advanced marrow cleansing pills, so please use it with caution."

"Since the boss said so, you can really try it. What if it succeeds?"

"You are not taking your life seriously. If you fail, the consequence will most likely be death."

"It doesn't matter. Anyway, there are some thorns among the prisoners. They must be dealt with and let them sacrifice themselves for the experiment. It can be regarded as a worthy death."

"Hey, are we considered guinea pigs now?"

As soon as these words came out, all the survivors were stunned.

They are now being manipulated by the people behind the scenes, and they may be test subjects.

After a series of tests to determine the limit of what they can endure, how is it similar to using the Marrow Cleansing Pill to test ordinary people?

"Maybe, even if we are experimental subjects, we have to work hard to survive."

"Yes, when we can't fight against the rules of the world, then we should work hard to become stronger within the rules!"

"So we need a group of strong subordinates. If we are strong alone, we are still a little weak!"

"What you mean is to quickly use the Marrow Cleansing Pill to improve your men's physique!"

"Of course, hopefully more of them stick around."

Xiao Yi looked at the chat on the public channel and sighed helplessly. He was not strong enough and could only be at the mercy of others.

At this time, the troubled survivors put 800,000 marrow cleansing pills for sale in the Chaos Galaxy by the Yiranpin Alliance online.

Of course, these survivors are not just there to show off, but to lay the foundation for selling information about the Chaos Galaxy in the future!

They can get any fresh information immediately and publish it. Over time, survivors from other galaxies will naturally only pay attention to them.

After the survivors from other galaxies saw the news, they immediately started talking.

"Didn't the boss say last time that it was only about 200,000? This time it has quadrupled!"

"I heard that we collected enough raw materials, so we refined a lot."

"The survivors of Chaos Star are all covered. We don't even have one in our galaxy. When will the comet merchants come to our side!"

"I wonder if Mr. Yi Ranpin has left any for our galaxy!"

"Since the boss has promised us, he will definitely keep some for us, but I don't know how much!"

"In this way, wouldn't all the survivors in the chaotic galaxy be able to awaken?"

"It should be like this. The Chaos Galaxy has left us far behind."

"We probably don't have all the members yet. After all, the number of island monument IDs is not equal to the number of survivors."

"Yes, there are still survivors who were transferred using transfer cards, but the survivors who were originally in the Chaos Galaxy should be able to achieve full awakening."

"Oh, I'm so envious. Not only do they have the Marrow Cleansing Pill, but they also have a trial space. As long as they can kill the wild monsters in the trial space, they can increase their mental power and also increase the probability of awakening."

"Yes, when will our galaxy open the trial space?"

"Who knows, let's see when the world rules and we will be happy!"

At this time, Jiang Yuntian had returned with Bai Qi who had completed treatment.

"Is the injury serious?" Xiao Yi asked with concern.

Bai Qi shook his head and replied: "It's okay. Thank you to the island owner for your concern. They are all skin injuries. Mimi is almost healed after treatment. After a night's rest, he is a good man again."

Xiao Yi nodded slightly: "Tell me about your entry into the trial space this time."

"Yes!" Bai Qi responded, "The wild monsters I encountered this time were the same as last time..."

After listening to Bai Qi's narration, Xiao Yi became thoughtful.

Based on the trials of Jiang Yuntian and Bai Qi, some rules can be confirmed.

For example, every time you enter the trial space, the wild monsters you encounter are random!

After entering the trial space, you will first encounter a wild monster, then two, and then none.

Xiao Yi still has some speculations about the trial rules in his mind, which he needs to confirm by himself.

Thinking of this, Xiao Yi said: "I will also enter the trial space, and the others will wait until I come out!"

"Yes!" Jiang Yuntian responded.

Xiao Yi took the spaceship back to the satellite-class battleship where his main island monument was located, came to the island monument, and chose to enter the trial space.

The scenery in front of us suddenly turned into a jungle.

"It seems that the rules of the world are not targeting me. I thought I was always in the desert!" Xiao Yi looked around warily and muttered in his heart.

This time there was no sneak attack from wild monsters, but Xiao Yi did not move and sat cross-legged on the same spot.

Soon, a huge tiger emerged from the woods!

Xiao Yi did not fight with the tiger this time, but directly used time-based skills to quickly kill the tiger.

After the kill, Xiao Yi sat back to his original position again.

This is what he wants to test. After entering the trial space, if he doesn't actively look for wild monsters, will the wild monsters automatically come to his door?

Ten minutes later, two tigers jumped out of the woods to the left of Xiao Yi!

"Sure enough, there is no need to look for them by yourself, they will come naturally!" Xiao Yi secretly said, "And the interval between the two waves is ten minutes!"

Xiao Yi also didn't waste time. He released all the wood, earth, and time skills in an instant, killing the two tigers.

He continued to wait there for twenty minutes, but did not wait for the next wave of wild monsters, so he had to choose to exit the trial space.

After exiting the trial space, Xiao Yi returned to the alliance headquarters, and the others immediately surrounded him.

"Now it is basically confirmed that if you kill the wild monsters on the first day, two waves of wild monsters will appear on the second day!" Xiao Yi looked at everyone and said, "And those who cannot kill the wild monsters, if they can be killed today, Wait a little longer to see if a second wave of wild monsters will appear!"


"Also, when entering the trial space, don't spend any effort looking for wild monsters. Unless you need to find suitable terrain to help you kill wild monsters, otherwise just stay where you are and wait, and the wild monsters will come to you automatically!" Xiao Yi continued, "According to the current information, the interval between the two waves of wild monsters is ten minutes."

Everyone was stunned for a moment, and Du Kang couldn't help but ask: "Will wild monsters really come to your door?"

Xiao Yi nodded slightly: "The trial space itself is for trials, so the rules inside must allow wild monsters to meet you. You can also verify my conclusion again."

"Yes!" Du Kang and others responded, then turned and left excitedly.

"Brother Jiang, you should pay attention to the situation on the undead side. I feel that they will soon reveal their intention to gather!" Xiao Yi ordered.

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