Sign in, the Man Is on an Isolated Island, and He Has Just Built a Luxury Villa by Himself

Chapter 2380 Communication and Cooperation, Armored Giant Skeleton

These giant skeletons were just tools for the little skeleton. The little skeleton thought slightly, and the soul fire in the head of the giant skeleton on the side suddenly became bigger. Then the giant skeleton rushed out with the help of surrounding meteorites or companions.

After sending the directional electromagnetic waves, Qixing and the others waited. At the same time, they also had to be wary of whether the Yiranpin Alliance would come and attack them.

"Commander-in-Chief, do you think the commander of this undead tribe can receive the message we sent?" The staff officer on the side was a little worried.

"We should be able to receive it. We have already developed into an interstellar civilization. These undead people should be able to decipher electromagnetic wave messages!" Although Qixing said this, his tone was a little uncertain.

Soon, the giant skeleton arranged by the small skeleton came to the periphery, faced the direction of the Worm Star Fleet, and used mental power to emit brain waves.

Aboard the Worm Star Fleet.

"Commander in chief, we have received an electromagnetic wave and are analyzing it." The communications soldier on the side suddenly said.

Qixing immediately came to the communication soldier. At this time, the electromagnetic wave had been analyzed.

"Hello, friends from Worm Star!"

Seeing the parsed information, Qixing was extremely surprised: "Reply, hello, who are you? Can you decide to cooperate with our Worm Star?"

The signal corps immediately sent back the question.

The giant skeleton was like a transfer station, transmitting Qixing's questions back to the little skeleton.

"I am a bone soul, just an elder of the undead tribe. However, I can take full responsibility for things here."

Seeing Bone Soul's reply, Qixing squinted his eyes and started thinking.

Can an elder decide the affairs of a galaxy?

The power of this elder is really great!

"Since you can decide, what is your choice? Will you cooperate with us?" Qixing continued to ask.

A strange smile formed on Bone Soul's face, which only had a layer of periosteum.

"Of course, I am very happy to cooperate with you, but I still have a question. Do you have an island monument?"

Seeing the message sent back by Bone Soul, Qixing narrowed his eyes and replied: "Of course, otherwise how could you get here? But you won't cooperate with us for our island monument, will you?"

"That's not true. If you don't even have an island monument, our cooperation is meaningless." Bone Soul explained with a smile, "Without an island monument, you have no qualifications to compete with the survivors, so what's the point? cooperate?"

"Don't worry about this, we have an island monument." Qixing replied, "Then what is our cooperation method?"

"We provide cannon fodder for you to use to help you defeat those survivors. After that, you take away the resources and equipment, and the spaceship island monument belongs to us. How about it?" Bone Soul thought for a while and replied.

Qixing frowned: "You still want the island monument?"

"Of course, such a magical item must be brought back and studied." Bone Soul thought this was normal.

Qixing also thought for a while, and then said: "Each person will receive half of the harvested island monument, and the rest will be distributed according to your instructions. To show sincerity, the first island monument will belong to you."

Guhun replied with a funny look on his face: "This is such a loss for us!"

"This is our bottom line. If you don't agree, forget it!" Qixing said firmly.

"Oh, okay, then let's do it." Bone Soul replied in a pretense of embarrassment.

Qixing looked at Bone Soul's reply message with satisfaction, then frowned and said, "You are all too big, and your targets are too obvious. Are there any soldiers with smaller bodies?"

"If they are all small, do you think it will be useful?" Bone Soul asked.

Qixing was slightly startled. What Bone Soul said did make sense. In the current battle in space, those small skeletons would probably fall apart if they were knocked down, and there would be no way to form combat effectiveness.

"But the giant skeleton target is too obvious, making it difficult to coordinate!" Qixing said with a frown.

"I have an idea." After saying this, Bone Soul stopped.

"Oh, tell me!" Qixing could only follow its words and asked.

"That's to install weapons and armor on our giant skeletons. This shouldn't be too difficult for you, right?" Bone Soul replied, "In this way, we can completely catch those survivors off guard!"

Attaching weapons and armor to a giant skeleton?

It doesn’t seem impossible!

The staff officer on the side saw Bone Soul's suggestion and frowned and said: "Commander-in-Chief, think twice before you act. If these giant skeletons have weapons and armor, we will be in trouble if they betray you!"

They have all seen the combat power of giant skeletons. If they are equipped with weapons and armor, they will definitely be even more powerful!

Qixing thought for a moment and then said: "We can install self-destruction devices in the weapons and armor. If they dare to attack us, they will activate self-destruction immediately!"

The staff officer was startled for a moment, then nodded: "That's okay!"

So Qixing replied: "Okay, we need all sizes of the giant skeleton's body!"

"No problem, I'll send it to you right away!" A weird smile appeared on Bone Soul's face, "I wish us a happy cooperation!"

“Happy to work with!”

The Worm Star Fleet soon received the size of the giant skeleton sent by Bone Soul, and even told Qixing and the others about the giant skeleton's weaknesses.

"Is the commander of the undead so stupid that he told us all the weaknesses of the giant skeleton?" The staff officer on the side looked at the message sent by the bone soul in shock.

Qixing snorted coldly: "You don't really believe the message it sent, do you?"

The staff officer was stunned for a moment: "Are you saying that the data it provided us are all false?"

"Not entirely, at least the dimensions are real. Otherwise, they won't be able to wear the armor we made, and it won't be of any benefit to them!" Qixing shook his head and replied.

"The commander-in-chief is wise! Then shall we manufacture the armor according to this size?" the staff officer asked.

"Well, just use the suit of armor we just developed!" Qixing replied in a deep voice, "Let's do a test on them!"

The Worm Star Fleet now has no way to return to Worm Star, but they have not stopped their scientific research.

They are developing individual mechas (mechanical power armor). Like the process of the Yiranpin Alliance, they also encountered the problem that the mechas are too large and the individual equipment is not convenient enough.

But this problem is not a problem when it comes to huge giant skeletons.

Too small to equip the giant skeleton!

According to the size parameters of the giant skeleton, Worm Star's R\u0026D department modified the existing armor.

Even with the help of the island monument, it will take a long time to complete the transformation.

After a night of silence, Xiao Yi woke up on time the next day and signed in immediately.

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