"It's simple, because you can't even get through the second wave!"

"Who said that? How do you know I can't beat the second wave?"

"There shouldn't be many survivors that can be defeated in the first wave. The physiques of these wild monsters are definitely SSS level, maybe even higher!"

"Yes, if the wild monsters have the same physique as us, we will definitely be at a disadvantage!"

"So, he may not even be able to get through the first wave."

"Old man, this hurts my heart!"

"What's so disturbing about this? There are so many survivors who can't survive, so just take your time and train!"

"But is it really good to die every day?"

"The feeling of death is so uncomfortable, but I can feel the growth of combat experience. It is really painful and happy!"

"Everyone should be wandering between the first wave and the second wave now. We probably won't be able to use the third wave and the subsequent situations!"

"Even if you don't need it, you should learn more about it. You will need it one day in the future!"

"That's right, I still want to thank you for sharing your relevant experience in the trial space."

"Indeed, thank you, boss. I'm ready to enter the trial space. I'll come out after the first wave. No time is wasted!"

"Yes, you can't miss the daily trials. The spiritual power improved by the trials is much faster than our own cultivation!"

Xiao Yi did not continue to pay attention to the public channel, but turned on the computer and paid attention to the live broadcast of the meteorite area.

Those giant skeletons made no further movement except expanding a certain distance.

The Worm Star Fleet arrived at the outskirts of the meteorite area and just stopped where it was.

However, the giant skeleton closest to the Worm Star Fleet has been adjusted, but this adjustment has also appeared in other locations, so it is not abnormal.

At this moment, the Worm Star Fleet suddenly made a move, and they actually took the initiative to attack the giant skeleton.

Du Kang also saw the live broadcast from the front line and shouted in surprise: "Is this force desperate for life?"

Xiao Yi frowned and shook his head: "This force must have harvested more than one island monument, and they must have seen our battle with the giant skeleton, so they wouldn't be so reckless!"

"But a giant skeleton has more than 30,000 units of secret gold!" Du Kang said, "This order of magnitude is enough to attract survivors to take risks!"

Zhu Wu rarely agreed with Du Kang's point of view: "Our alliance has no shortage of dark gold, but the demand for dark gold from other survivors is still very high!"

Xiao Yi still shook his head: "Even if everyone needs the secret gold very much, they will definitely consider safety issues instead of just rushing forward. If they are surrounded by giant skeletons, they will not be able to escape even if they want to!"

While Xiao Yi and others were discussing, the Worm Star Fleet was already fighting with the giant skeleton.

Beams, shells, meteorites, etc. are flying in random directions!

Worm Star also killed two giant skeletons, but they had no time to capture them. Instead, they lost a miniature spaceship. Other spaceships closer to the giant skeletons also suffered varying degrees of damage!

Seeing the giant skeleton pulling his miniature spaceship into the giant skeleton group, the Worm Star fleet immediately retreated.

"You must be dumbfounded now!" Du Kang said with a smile, "I didn't get the giant skeleton I killed, but lost a miniature spaceship!"

"Before this force chose to fight against our alliance, I knew they were a bunch of reckless men!" Zhu Wu echoed.

Xiao Yi always felt a little strange, because the Worm Star Fleet seemed to want to give that miniature spaceship to the undead.

"No, they should be providing navigation tools to the undead!" Xiao Yi said in a deep voice.

Du Kang and others were stunned.

"Provide navigation tools?" Du Kang said doubtfully, "A micro spaceship can't hold a few giant skeletons, right?"

"Giant skeletons don't need to sit in the spaceship at all." Xiao Yi frowned and said, "As long as you can fly with them!"

"It's possible! After all, giant skeletons can roam in space!" Zhu Wu nodded slightly.

"Island owner, do you mean that the indigenous force has hooked up with the undead?" Du Kang said uncertainly.

Sun Gudao immediately answered: "I said they would hook up!"

Xiao Yi nodded slightly: "You see, no one in the other survivor teams launched an attack rashly. Since they can come to this galaxy, they must not be reckless!"

"Then what are you waiting for? Just go ahead and kill them!" Zhu Wu immediately suggested.

Xiao Yi sneered: "No, if you dare to join forces with the undead, we don't need to take action at all. They are dead!"

"Then we can't just watch them join forces, right?" Du Kang asked with a frown.

"Of course we can't look at it like this, we have to do something!" Xiao Yi turned around and walked to the island monument and started to announce the news.

"Hello, fellow survivors, our indigenous friends are in contact with the undead and have gained their trust. They have just contacted me and are preparing to respond internally and externally to eliminate the undead in one fell swoop. Everyone must cooperate with our indigenous friends in acting!"

After sending this message, Xiao Yi sent another message to the front line: "You will send this message out in the form of electromagnetic waves, focusing on the direction of the center of the giant skeleton group."

"Yes!" the frontline communications soldier responded.

Du Kang was stunned for a moment and asked: "Do you want to tell the undead this news?"

Xiao Yi nodded slightly.

"But, can the undead really receive this news?" Du Kang looked at Xiao Yi doubtfully.

"Do you still remember how the elders of the undead tribe communicated with me in the first stage?" Xiao Yi asked with a smile.

"Communicate with spiritual power!" Du Kang replied.

"Psychic power is actually a kind of brain wave, which is similar to electromagnetic wave." Xiao Yi continued to explain.

Du Kang was startled for a moment, then suddenly realized: "Oh, I understand, that's how the indigenous forces communicate with the undead, right?"

"It should be!" Xiao Yi replied.

Everyone nodded.

"But, Island Master, your intention to sow discord is too obvious!" Zhu Wu asked with a frown.

"It doesn't matter, the union between them is not solid in itself. I just need to dig and dig in their respective hearts, plant the seeds of doubt and wait for it to bloom!" Xiao Yi replied with a smile.

Zhu Wu was startled for a moment, then nodded: "That's true!"

At this time, Qixing, the commander-in-chief of the Worm Star Fleet, saw the message sent by Xiao Yi on the public channel of the island monument and frowned.

The staff officer on the side also saw the news and sneered: "Such an obvious alienation plan is useless!"

Qixing shook his head: "I'm just afraid that the bone soul will believe it!"

"It shouldn't be that weak, right?" the staff officer said uncertainly.

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