"Boss, are there any different rules in today's trial space?"

"Yes, we are all waiting. If there are special rules, don't forget to tell us!"

"Have you not entered the trial space for trial yet?"

"Of course, the boss didn't say anything. We don't dare to take risks!"

"You guys really think too much. The boss has already told us the early rules, which are enough for us to use for several months!"

"Yes, who can pass the second wave of wild monsters now?"

"That is, even if you are lucky enough to pass the second wave of wild monsters, there are four in the third wave. Without the assistance of other items, it is estimated that only the masters in the Yi Ranpin Alliance can pass!"

"So, there is no need for everyone to wait for more rules."

"I always want to know more. Aren't you curious about the number of wild monsters in the fourth or even fifth wave?"

"What's so curious about this? It must be doubled."

"Yes, that should be it. The rules of the trial space have been summarized by the boss."

At this time, Xiao Yi said: "Dear survivors, today is the last time to share with you the rules of the trial space. You don't have to wait tomorrow!"

"No, no, boss, we still want to know more rules!"

"Don't be greedy, everyone. The boss can tell me so many rules. It's already the best thing to do. The boss is not our nanny. How can we let the boss carry us forward all the time?"

"That's right, boss, hurry up and tell us the rules of the trial space you discovered today!"

"Yes, don't interrupt!"

Xiao Yi ignored their comments and stated the rules he discovered.

"The number of wild monsters in the fourth wave that everyone is paying attention to has not doubled from the third wave, but has become one, but this one is a wild monster that can use supernatural powers to fight..."

After sharing the basic information, Xiao Yi finally concluded: "That's basically it. Next, it's up to everyone to figure out the rules of the trial space."

After Xiao Yi shared the news, the public channel was quiet for a while, and then everyone started to discuss it.

"Who was the wise man just now who said that the fourth wave will be doubled?"

"Ahem, haven't I fallen into a fixed mindset?"

"There are actually wild monsters that can use supernatural powers. Those of us who have just awakened can't defeat them!"

"Brother upstairs, you are overthinking. Now that the second wave has passed, are you still thinking about the fourth wave?"

"Well, it seems so. I'll practice on the first two waves of wild monsters first and then talk about it!"

"I will leave the trial space immediately after finishing the first one. I won't waste any time."

"Yes, now that I have controlled all my powers, I still can't defeat the two wild monsters in the second wave."

"Mad, I have just awakened, and I don't know when I will be able to control my powers."

"Your speed is too slow! The boss's marrow-cleansing elixir was in vain!"

"Yeah, I'm also wondering. You can control your own powers very quickly after awakening. Why is it so difficult for me here!"

"Maybe this comes down to talent!"

"You are too offensive. Forget it, I'd better practice hard. Otherwise, I really don't know when I will be able to control my powers."

Xiao Yi looked at their discussion and shook his head slightly.

Sharing the rules of the trial space here should be enough for ordinary survivors to use. Next, it's up to them.

In order to allow more survivors to go further, Xiao Yi was worried.

"Report to the island owner that there is something strange happening over there with the undead!" An intelligence officer immediately walked in and said.

"What's happening?" Xiao Yi asked.

"The spacecraft they captured before was launched." The intelligence agent replied, "I have sent you the images sent back by the spy satellite!"

Xiao Yi immediately turned on the computer and opened the video they sent.

In the video, the giant skeleton opened a channel, and three miniature spaceships flew out.

"Island owner, there are no giant skeletons following, are there people from the indigenous forces inside to help them drive?" Jiang Yuntian naturally saw the video sent by the intelligence department and frowned.

Xiao Yi shook his head slightly: "If you were that native, would you dare to let your soldiers serve as drivers for the undead?"

Jiang Yuntian was slightly startled, and then immediately shook his head.

"So these three spaceships must be piloted by the undead themselves!" Xiao Yi continued.

"So, there are smaller undead among the giant skeletons?" Jiang Yuntian frowned.

"If they have built the portal, it would be normal to have small undead." Xiao Yi replied with narrowed eyes.

"Then what are they doing here?" Jiang Yuntian couldn't figure it out at all.

Xiao Yi snorted: "We don't need to know what they want to do, we just need to stop them!"

Jiang Yuntian was stunned for a moment, then nodded: "Well, I understand!"

"Intercept them and kill them on the spot!" Xiao Yi ordered in a deep voice, "We can't rush in among the giant skeletons, but when we get outside, that's our home court!"

"Yes!" Jiang Yuntian stood at attention and responded, then issued the order, and at the same time he rushed over.

Outside the giant skeleton group, three miniature spaceships flew out quickly.

After receiving the order, the Yi Ranpin Alliance fleet immediately surrounded the three spaceships.

The speed of micro spaceships is not as fast as that of satellite-class battleships, so they easily surrounded the three micro spaceships.

There was no shouting this time, it was a fight from the start!

There is no need to argue with the undead. The other party cannot understand them at all, and they will not surrender. They are just puppets.

The three miniature spaceships of the undead were hit instantly, but they still rushed outside. The damage to the spacecraft had no effect on their skeletons at all!

As long as the spaceship can still fly, that's fine!

The Yiranpin Alliance's satellite-class battleship fired two more shots, paralyzing the three micro-spacecraft in place.

"Report to the instructor that the undead's spaceship has been destroyed!"

When he received the report, Jiang Yuntian had already arrived nearby. He looked at the three spaceships and replied in a deep voice, "Arrange a drone to enter the spacecraft to investigate."


Soon three drones flew into the three paralyzed micro-ships.

According to the images fed back by the drone, there are indeed many adult-sized skeletons on the micro-spacecraft.

"The undead have indeed moved the little skeleton over!" Jiang Yuntian said in a deep voice, "Assault team, follow me out of the cabin! The rest of the team will be alert to the surrounding situation to prevent sneak attacks from other forces and the undead!"


Jiang Yuntian put on his space suit and led the team to the three miniature spaceships.

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