Sign in, the Man Is on an Isolated Island, and He Has Just Built a Luxury Villa by Himself

Chapter 0240 The natives attack the lonely road again to survive

"Come down and don't move around, otherwise the repeating crossbow in my hand might misfire!" Gu Dao Qiu Survival did not relax at all.

Magatama immediately walked off the yacht with his hands raised, stood on the shore, and said, "Brother, I will never move!"

Gu Dao Qiu Survival pointed at the magatama while preparing to use the contract card on the island monument.

"Remember, don't resist, and surrender to me sincerely!" Gu Dao Qiu Sheng said.

"Yes!" Magatama looked at the repeating crossbow in Gudao Qiuzheng's hand, not daring to make the slightest move.

Gudao Survival chose to use the contract card on the island monument!

"Please choose to use the target!"

"Magatama!" Gu Dao Qiu Sheng responded.

The contract card disappeared, and a dark red chain flew towards the magatama.

Magatama's eyes widened, he could also see the chain, and he took a step back in fear!

"Don't move or resist, or I will shoot you directly!" Gu Dao Qiu Sheng shouted again.

Magatama immediately stopped in his tracks and watched in fear as the chain sank into his body.

People are always full of fear of unknown things.

After the chain was submerged into the body, no other abnormalities occurred.

Island Survival received a prompt from the island monument: "The contract card was used successfully, Magatama becomes your contractor."

"Huh!" Gu Dao Qiu Sheng finally breathed a sigh of relief. If Magatama really came up and started fighting with him, he would have to spend some effort.

"Brother, is this all right?" Magatama asked.

Gu Dao Qiu Sheng nodded and said, "Well, from now on we will help each other and develop together."

"Okay, thank you big brother!" Magatama immediately handed over the 11 cornerstones he brought. "Brother, I couldn't develop well before. The island is only eleven square meters."

"Eleven square meters is quite a lot!" Gudao Qiuzheng said, "You go and eat something first. I don't know if there will be any natives coming today. It's easy to meet natives in my place!"

Hearing what Gu Dao Qiu Sheng said, Magatama was stunned for a moment and asked, "Why?"

"Because our island is right next to the barrier, and it was me who broke the barrier before!" Gudao Qiuzheng said.

Since you have become a contractor, you are absolutely one of your own, so you have nothing to hide!

"Brother is so fierce!" Magatama said immediately, "I heard in the group that you have met the indigenous people?"

"Well, there were only two natives last time, and I had the repeating crossbow provided by the boss, so it was easy to fight them back!" said Gu Dao Qiu Survival.

Magatama nodded, then took the sea fish, processed it, and grilled it.

At this time, Xiao Yi had rented the yacht to another person, and that person got on the yacht without any hesitation, fastened his seat belt as required, and then rushed to Gudao Survival.

After Magatama grilled the fish, he said, "Brother, please eat some more!"

Without any hesitation, Gudao Qiuzheng took half of the sea fish and looked into the distance while eating.

"Didi, the cornerstone of the island is being attacked, please deal with it in time!" The island monument prompt suddenly sounded.

Gu Dao Qiu Sheng said: "Go deal with it!"

"Okay!" Magatama immediately picked up the iron gun on the side and rushed to the location indicated by the island monument.

After a while, he came back, and there was a struggling sea fish stuck to the wall!

"I didn't expect you to be so skilled!" Gu Dao Qiu Sheng praised him when he saw how easily he could deal with the sea creature's attack.

"No, I just practiced for a month and my hands are familiar!" Magatama replied with a smile, "Can this sea fish be eaten?"

Gudao Qiuzheng shrugged and replied: "I don't know either, put it aside for now, I will ask the boss later!"

"Okay!" Magatama threw the sea fish to the open space aside. Just when he turned around, he exclaimed: "Ship, big ship!"

Gu Dao Qiu Sheng immediately turned around, and sure enough there was a big ship sailing towards his island in the distance!

"They came so soon, those two natives are really lying!" Gu Dao Qiu Sheng scolded.

According to the previous confessions of the two natives, they will not be able to come back again for at least three or four days!

Only one day later, a big ship arrived!

Of course, it is possible that they are not from the same aboriginal family, but all the blame for survival on the lonely road lies with those two aboriginals!

"It's hard for the two of us to handle such a big ship!" Magatama said worriedly.

Gu Dao Qiu Sheng immediately ran to the island monument and said to Xiao Yi: "Boss, I found a big ship here, it should be an indigenous force!"

"So fast?" Xiao Yi said in surprise, "Has the person's contract card been used just now?"

"Use it!" Gu Dao Qiu Sheng replied.

Xiao Yi nodded, and then directly rented out two bows and arrows on the island, an ordinary bow and arrow, and a B-level bow and arrow!

Seeing these two bows and arrows, Island Survival's eyes lit up and he agreed to the deal.

Then he made a lot of wooden arrows on his island monument, and called Magatama: "Magatama, come here, you use this B-level bow and arrow!"

Magatama ran over, looked at the B-level bow and arrow, and asked in shock: "Is this also given by the boss?"

"That's right, the boss is sparing no effort to support us, but we can't pull our hips!" Gu Dao Qiu Survival replied.

"Yes!" Magatama said excitedly, and then walked to the shore with the bow and arrow, facing the direction of the big ship.

After the arrows were made, they were placed outside behind the stone.

After making enough arrows, Gudao Qiuzheng also came out and asked Magatama to hide behind the stone.

"Brother, how did you get in touch with Boss Yi Ranpin?" Magatama asked, looking at the big ship which was still some distance away.

"I merged with the boss in the third week of merging zones!" Gudao Qisurheng replied, "At that time, I said that I lived next to the barrier. Everyone didn't believe me and laughed at me, but the boss But he chatted with me privately and that’s how we got in touch!”

"The boss is really smart and discerning!" Magatama flattered the two of them tactfully!

Gu Dao Qiu Sheng replied: "The boss's knowledge is indeed different from that of ordinary people!"

As he spoke, the big ship got closer and closer, and its speed became slower and slower.

Obviously, those natives are also very cautious!

"When we reach the shooting range, shoot directly!" Gu Dao Qiu Sheng said in a low voice.

"Don't you shout a few times?" Magatama asked.

"We don't understand what they say at all, there's nothing to say!" Gu Dao Qiu Sheng replied.

Magatama nodded, took out a wooden arrow and placed it on his bowstring.

The ship was a hundred meters away from the island. Magatama shot at a person on the deck without any hesitation.


The wooden arrow flew quickly towards the ship, but instead of flying towards the target man, it shot directly towards the railing at the bow of the ship!


The wooden arrow nailed the railing hard, scaring the natives on the deck to immediately retreat several steps and scream at the same time.

Magatama heard the cries of those people and said, "Sure enough, they are speaking the language of birds. I can't understand them at all!"

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