Sign in, the Man Is on an Isolated Island, and He Has Just Built a Luxury Villa by Himself

Chapter 0291 Trapping the Peng Eagle, reinforcements are coming

The eagle would come down from time to time to harass, but it was too vigilant and did not give the ship any chance.

Park Yiye frowned and suddenly kicked the woman next to him out.


Caught off guard, the woman screamed and rolled several times on the deck, leaving the ship's defensive circle.

Peng Diao didn't have so much in mind for Xiao Jiujiu. It would not miss this golden opportunity and rushed straight down, grabbing the woman's flesh with a pair of sharp claws!

"Ah!" the woman screamed.

"Net!" Pu Yiye shouted.

Others on the boat didn't have any surprises at all, because this was not the first time Park Yiye had done this!

Therefore, the four nets spread out from both sides without any hesitation or pause at all!

It directly enveloped the Peng Diao!

The peng eagle immediately flew sideways, trying to escape from the area covered by the fishing net!

But grabbing the woman still slowed it down a bit. Seeing that it was almost unable to fly, it decisively let go of the woman.

At this moment, densely packed arrows flew from the ship. These arrows did not aim at the roc eagle, but blocked its flight path.

The Peng Diao just paused for a moment to avoid the rain of arrows, and then the fishing net on it fell down.

It struggled violently and flew upwards, but the net caster tied the net directly to the boat!

No matter how strong Peng Diao is, he can't lift a medium-sized sailboat into the sky!

It immediately tore at the fishing net with its claws and mouth!


The fishing net was torn apart by Peng Diao.

"What are you doing in a daze? Keep surfing the Internet! And you, are you holding fire sticks in your hands? Beat me, prick me!" Pu Yiye pointed at the struggling Peng Diao and shouted.

Just as Peng Diao opened an opening in the fishing net covering himself, another fishing net flew over again.

Then the second fishing net, the third fishing net...

Each one completely wraps the Peng Diao inside.

But the Peng Diao did not accept its fate at all, and kept flashing its wings, trying to break away from these fishing nets and fly into the sky.

But there were thirteen people pulling the fishing net, and all the fishing nets were tied to the sailboat.

Pu Yiye on the side sneered, kicked away the other boy on the arrow cart, and operated the arrow cart to aim at the struggling Peng Diao.

The Pengdiao sensed the danger and no longer struggled upwards to escape, but flew towards the crowd.

If you create chaos in the crowd, maybe that person won't be able to fire arrows. Even if he fires arrows, at least there will be someone to help block them!

But it underestimated Pu Yiye's cruelty. Seeing the Peng Diao rushing into the crowd, Pu Yiye almost didn't hesitate at all and immediately released the arrows on the arrow cart at those people!

Whoosh whoosh!

When the boys saw the captain shooting directly at them, they immediately screamed and dispersed!

But at such a close distance and with so many people, there is no time to dodge, it just depends on luck!

Puff puff!

The three of them were unfortunately hit by arrows, and the Peng Diao in the middle had six arrows stuck in its body, four of which were stuck in its wings!

Of the three people who were hit by arrows, one of them was shot in the heart and was about to die!

Pu Yiye didn't care about his life or death at all, but ordered people to tie up the Peng Diao.

The seriously injured Peng Diao couldn't resist at all, and was tied up by the people on the boat.

"Chirp!" Peng Diao whined!

Xiao Yi heard the cry and said secretly: "Have you called for backup?"

A large number of birds immediately flew out of the woods and flew towards the medium-sized sailboat.

"Everyone is ready to fight!" Pu Yiye squinted at the flock of flying birds, urging his men on the side to quickly install new arrows on the arrow cart.

Wait until those birds get close!

The arrow car was launched into the air!

Whoosh whoosh!

The birds in the sky fell to the sea like dumplings!

Xiao Yi looked at the arrow cart on the ship and said to himself: "It's really a big killer!"

This range attack is very effective against these numerous birds!

Pu Yiye only needs to arrange people to protect the arrow cart around him, and the arrow cart can output unscrupulously. It is only a matter of time before these birds are dealt with!

Of course, they must have enough resources to make arrows!

"Light the torch!" Pu Yiye saw the large number of flying birds and immediately ordered, "Those flying birds dare not approach the flames!"

"Yes!" A subordinate immediately lit a torch and distributed it to everyone.

Those flying birds really didn't dare to get close to the torch. They flew towards the tied up roc eagle, landed on it and pecked at the tied rope.

"Everyone kill as much as you like, and we will eat roasted birds tonight!" the captain said with a smile.

When they heard about eating roasted bird meat, everyone's eyes immediately lit up. They rushed forward with torches and began to kill the birds with their weapons.

Xiao Yi, who was observing the battle on the ship, suddenly heard a rustling sound coming from the side.

The next moment, he saw many wild beasts emerging from the woods and running towards the boat.

Park Yiye and others who were dealing with flying birds were stunned for a moment when they saw the situation on the shore.

"Set the ship immediately!" Pu Yiye shouted.

In order to deal with those flying birds, all the oarsmen came to the deck, so there was no one in the power cabin on the ship at this time!

After hearing Park Yiye's order, the men in the power cabin immediately ran to the cabin.

There are also people specially guarding the door of the cabin, at least not to let those birds and beasts interfere with the power cabin crew's paddling!

But it was already too late, many agile beasts had already boarded the ship.

"Made, what is going on?" Park Yiye cursed. He had no idea that the animals on Xiao Yi's island were rioting.

After they killed an eagle and captured a roc eagle, they completely led the riot to their side.

But after those A-level beasts boarded the ship and saw the miserable situation of the roc eagle, they did not attack the humans immediately, but surrounded the roc eagle!

The roc eagle screamed, and the ferocious beasts also roared.

"Are you begging for mercy?" Xiao Yi murmured in confusion after hearing the scream, "These beasts followed its orders and came here, are they going to rebel now?"

"Xiao Yi, how are you?" Jiang Yuntian rushed over, found Xiao Yi and asked.

"Are there no wild beasts outside the wall?" Xiao Yi was a little surprised. He thought there would always be some left.

Jiang Yuntian nodded and replied: "I think they have all retreated this way, so I followed them to take a look!"

Xiao Yi pointed to the sailboat and said: "It seems that the leader of this animal riot was afraid and summoned all the animals."

Jiang Yuntian looked at the big ship and asked, "Are there survivors on this ship?"

Xiao Yi nodded and replied: "Yes, judging from their language, they should be survivors from the Corn Country."

"Ah? Corn Country? Why did they come to us?" Jiang Yuntian asked in shock.

Xiao Yi shook his head and replied: "God knows, the only thing that is certain in this world is that everything is uncertain!"

"Then what should we do now?" Jiang Yuntian asked.

"Just watch the show. When they get tired, we'll start again." Xiao Yi replied.

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