The large sailboat was still much taller than the small wooden boat. Jiang Yuntian asked everyone to walk into the cabin. At this distance, they should not be attacked by the wizard!

Seeing the large sailing ship approaching, the natives on the small wooden boats immediately jumped into the sea.

There is still a possibility of survival if you jump into the sea, but if you are run over by a big ship, you are really dead!

Seeing the natives jumping off the small wooden boat, the soldiers on the shore immediately took out their bamboo arrows and started shooting at the natives who fell into the water.

But there was a man in a small boat who stepped on his own shoulder and jumped onto the big boat the moment the big boat rolled over.

"Sure enough, he's still here!" Jiang Yuntian, who was at the cabin door, saw this man's movements and thought to himself.

And someone with this skill is definitely not an ordinary person, maybe even a wizard!

"Bow and arrow attack! Keep your distance!" Jiang Yuntian shouted, and then hid himself.


The eleven soldiers on the ship immediately walked out of the cabin and shot at the wizard who came up!

The wizard moved extremely quickly, dodged to the side, dodged the bamboo arrows, and then approached them in a zigzag pattern!

The soldiers continued to retreat back according to Jiang Yuntian's request.

The wizard watched their actions with cold eyes, suddenly accelerated his pace, and roared at the same time!

The eleven soldiers' minds immediately went blank, they stopped their movements and stood still!

The wizard sneered and walked toward them. At this moment, a figure suddenly came out from behind him, cut off his right hand with a knife, and then pressed it against his neck.

"Ah!" the wizard screamed, but because there was a dagger around his neck, he did not dare to struggle violently.

At this time, most of the natives in the water had been wiped out.

Jiang Yuntian held the wizard with one hand, walked to the edge of the deck, and said, "Let them surrender!"

The soldiers on the shore immediately shouted in Aboriginal language: "Surrender without killing!"

Seeing that the aloof wizard had been subdued, the natives in the water surrendered loudly without any intention of resisting.

Although Jiang Yuntian couldn't see the wizard's level, he couldn't be discovered by the other party even if he was hiding in the cabin, and his sneak attack went so smoothly, which meant that his level must be B level or lower!

After tying up all the surrendered soldiers, Jiang Yuntian asked a few people to put out the fire on the big ship, while he escorted the wizard to the yacht.

"Island owner, I encountered a native attack on Sun Yao, and I captured a wizard here!" Jiang Yuntian reported to Xiao Yihui.

Xiao Yi looked at the wizard who was being escorted by Jiang Yuntian and said: "B-level wizards can help Sun Yao guard the island. Surrender or die."

"I surrender!" the wizard shouted in pain, "Please help me stop the bleeding, otherwise I will die."

Jiang Yuntian said: "Eleven soldiers were injured by his mental shock and are still in a coma!"

Xiao Yi nodded and said, "I'll ask Nana to come over in a moment. His severed hand is still there. I don't want a defective thug!"

"Keep it!" Jiang Yuntian responded.

"Use the contract card!" Xiao Yi traded the contract card.

Jiang Yuntian immediately used Xiao Yi's attached island tablet on the yacht to contract the wizard, and his name was Zuo Qi.

Since it was more convenient to stay on Sun Yao Island and let Sun Yao contract, Jiang Yuntian considered that Wizard Qi's level might be higher than that of Sun Yao, so he caught him here on the yacht and let Xiao Yi take care of him. .

Qi is B-level, while Sun Yao is only C-level. Even if Sun Yao can complete the contract, Qi can terminate the contract in minutes.

But there is no problem with the contract with Xiao Yi. Xiao Yi is now SS level, and the power of this contract is extremely stable.

After the contract was successful, Xiao Yi traded the nano medical machine.

"Nana, see if you can catch his hand." Xiao Yi said.

Nana used her robotic arm to pick up the severed hand, inspected it briefly, and replied, "No problem, just give me three minutes!"

With that said, Nana came to Qi's side and began to sew up his severed hand.

Qi looked at the talking machine in shock. He felt that the pain in his broken area was significantly reduced, and he still had an itchy feeling.

Two minutes later, Qi was shocked to find that he could actually feel the presence of his right hand!

"My right hand is back?" Qi said in surprise.

Xiao Yi ordered: "In the future, I will assist Sun Yao well and take good care of his island."

"Yes, sir, I will definitely protect this island!" Qi quickly expressed his stance.

"Your hands need to rest for three days before moving. Don't lift heavy objects for a week!" Nana said.

"Yes, thank you!" Qi replied looking at Nana who looked like a spider.

Nana rushed directly to the eleven soldiers injured by the strange spirit attack and began to treat them.

Ten minutes later, Nana completed the treatment and said, "They need to rest for a day and they should be able to wake up!"

"Well, thank you for your hard work!" Jiang Yuntian replied, and then sent Nana back.

Jiang Yuntian brought Qi to Sun Yao and said, "This is the wizard who just came to attack our ship. He has been contracted by the island owner! Let him help defend against attacks by other natives in the future."

Sun Yao's eyes immediately lit up and he said, "Thank you, Island Master!"

"He is Class B, so he is quite capable!" Jiang Yuntian added.

Sun Yao's eyes brightened even more. He looked at Qi and said, "Please take good care of me in the future!"

Naturally, there were indigenous soldiers on the side who acted as translators.

"Your Majesty, you are serious. Since the island owner trusts me, I will naturally protect this island!" Qi replied.

Sun Yao nodded and asked, "Those of your people?"

"Since I surrendered to the island master, they will naturally surrender with me, don't worry!" Qi said.

"Okay, I wonder if there is anyone else on your island?" Sun Yao continued to ask.

"There are still some. I will bring them all over after the direction stone has cooled down!" Qi replied.

Now that he had decided to surrender and Xiao Yi had such a magical thing in his hand, Wizard Qi gave up his other thoughts. Following this magical outsider, his future life should not be bad.

"Okay, great!" Sun Yao said happily.

With an indigenous tribe, coupled with the regular army arranged by Xiao Yi, and advanced weapons, his island must be impregnable!

"It's just not modern enough. I really want to stay in the resort and never come back!" Sun Yao thought to himself.

Jiang Yuntian reminded: "If you want to go back to your island, tell the island owner in advance, maybe there will be a task for you!"

Qi was stunned for a moment, and then responded: "Yes, when the time comes, I will apply in advance with the island owner!"

"Okay, that's it for you. Sun Yao can apply for housing with the island owner yourself!" Jiang Yuntian replied, "I'll go back after checking their defense situation!"

Sun Yao nodded and watched Jiang Yuntian review the defense plans drawn by the soldiers. He transferred five thousand yuan to Jiang Yuntian from the biochip on his wrist.

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