"Bah bang bang!"

Xiao Yi clapped his hands, attracted everyone's attention to him, and said, "Everyone, hurry up and eat. The food is already cold. After eating, everyone can think carefully!"

Everyone then foolishly picked up the rice bowls in front of them and ate absentmindedly!

Xiao Yi has finished eating his rice and is drinking soup. While drinking, he said: "Don't worry too much. These are all our speculations. We still don't know what the real situation is. Let's eat well first!"

Everyone nodded and finally started to focus on the food in front of them.

After dinner, everyone sat in the living room and continued to discuss the strange island.

"If our speculation is correct, then the survivors have been selected, but what about the natives on the island?"

"There are two possibilities, one is that all the survivors on their island are, the other is that after the survivors leave, the natives are wiped out by the rules of the world, or die of old age on the island!"

"Uh, if that's the case, those natives would be too miserable!"

"The natives here are completely the tool people in the game!"

"Since it is possible that the last group of survivors left behind an island monument, are there other places where there are foundation stone islands left behind?"

"It's possible. It seems we need to increase our exploration of the outside world!"

"There is another question. After the survivors left, the map and manufacturing on the island monument disappeared. Does that mean that the island monument was completely initialized after the survivors left?"

"It's very possible. I really want to know where those survivors who stood out went?"

"The next examination room might be in a more mysterious world. Think about it, I have some expectations!"

"Looking forward to it? Xiao Du, if an alliance selects one person, we will unanimously recommend you to go because you are looking forward to it the most!"

"Hehe, just kidding, I must be the most powerful island owner if I go there. I always deliver food to any world I go to!"

"I've been thinking too much. I guess the final assessment criterion is survival. As long as you are alive, you will definitely be selected. Otherwise, there will probably be many descendants of the previous batch of survivors in this world!"

"In this case, you still have to improve your physical fitness, otherwise you will be GG Smecta in the next examination room!"

"Oh, this feeling of being unable to fight against fate is really extremely helpless."

Xiao Yi said: "Now we can only work hard to improve ourselves, don't think too much, and according to the current situation, we are still a long way from standing out!"

Everyone nodded.

Xiao Yi continued: "We know that it is a good thing for someone to stand out in the past. As long as there are predecessors who have walked this road, we have a good idea. However, this matter should not be publicized to the outside world for the time being, understand?"

"Yes!" everyone responded.

"Uncle An, how is our house replacement work going today?" Xiao Yi said, changing the topic.

"Everything went smoothly. The newly built building is much higher-end than their existing one. And they often go to our resort. They really want these high-end household equipment. Now that they have them all installed in the room, they are naturally happy. It's tight!" An Yue replied easily.

Xiao Yi nodded slightly: "Since no one objects, let's change it as soon as possible!"

"Well, part of it has been replaced. Mainly because the residents are reluctant to throw away their belongings. We need to wait until they move out!" An Yue replied.

"Okay, take advantage of this indigenous uprising and sell all the houses we replaced. This will not be too wasteful!" Xiao Yi warned.

Anyue said with a smile: "Don't worry, I have already put the replaced house on the trading floor!"

Xiao Yi made an OK gesture, then turned and went upstairs, returned to his bedroom, and sent a message to the newly found island monument on the island monument: "Is there anything unusual over there?"

"Back to the island owner, we only saw some animals coming out and there were no other abnormalities!" the soldier guarding there replied.

"Well, make sure to arrange your shift at night. I will arrange for someone to change shifts tomorrow!" Xiao Yi said.

"Yes, island owner, please rest assured!"

After telling the guards over there, Xiao Yi switched the interface to Yi Tianqun, and the group was still discussing the indigenous uprising.

"The island that finally developed has been set back fifty days after just a dozen of these!"

"Who says it's not the case? The natives revolted without any precautions. That's outrageous!"

"Actually, before this uprising, the rules of the world reminded us."

"Remind us? When did you remind us? Why didn't I know?"

"Everyone has been reporting in the past two days that food is being consumed very quickly on the island, and each alliance may have a food crisis!"

"Yes, is this a hint?"

"Of course, everyone should have studied history because of the people's uprisings in ancient times!"

"Yes, most of the ancient people's uprisings were due to lack of food and oppression! Now the lack of food has been satisfied. In addition, some survivors have reduced the food of the indigenous people in order to ensure their own food. This should be regarded as oppression. , do you think they will rebel?"

"That said, it seems to be true, but can you make it more obvious next time? We won't be able to react!"

"You see, my analysis was very clear and logical, but I didn't even react. This is all hindsight. It seems that whenever an abnormality occurs in the future, we should analyze it carefully to see what the consequences will be!"

"Mad, your head is so big. I'm only suitable for fighting. Forget about this kind of conspiracy. I'll just listen to your analysis!"

"Brother, no matter how big your head is, you must learn to analyze. If you are alone in the future, you will have to rely on yourself!"

"I'm the only one left, so I'll just kill all the natives, so there won't be any uprising!"

"You are not eating because you are choking! Can your island develop like this?"

"Safety first, as long as you can survive, whatever development you want, development is prerequisite for survival!"

"There seems to be nothing wrong with saying that. Anyway, everyone has their own opinions on their own development, so whatever!"

The indigenous people on each island are suppressed by the survivors, so their levels are not too high. In addition, all high-end weapons and equipment belong to the survivors. Those rebellious indigenous people can only fire one round at most before being traded by the survivors. Or rent it and take it away directly!

Therefore, although their uprising was powerful, it was eventually suppressed by the survivors.

Because the rules of the world are messing up, there is basically no peaceful solution, and everything is bloody.

Even the Yi Ranpin Alliance, which was the fastest to solve, was Xiao Yi who directly killed the culprit and shocked everyone. Coupled with the team brought by Jiang Yuntian, they didn't cause any trouble.

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