Sign in, the Man Is on an Isolated Island, and He Has Just Built a Luxury Villa by Himself

Chapter 0902 Announcement of rules, Charlie is afraid of Xiaobai

Xiao Yi continued to say in the Yi Tian group: "Based on the information I know so far, it is speculated that the giant beast attacked the island because there are survivors on the island who have advanced to the SSS level!"

"What? Has a survivor advanced to the SSS level?"

"Is this weird? The boss must have reached the SSS level! But someone from another alliance has also been promoted, which is weird!"

"Yes, it's not surprising that the boss is promoted. He has too many good things, but how did the other alliance do it?"

"I'd rather know which alliance it is!"

"Want to know too!"

"However, if upgrading to the SSS level will attract attacks from giant beasts, then I'd better not upgrade. It's too dangerous!"

"Look at your potential, why don't you upgrade just because of a giant beast? Besides, we have a big boss to help us deal with that giant beast, what are you afraid of?"

"That's right, it would be better to quickly upgrade to SSS level. However, I am only A level now, which is far from enough!"

"Oh, me too, I feel that SSS level is far away!"

Xiao Yi saw everyone's discussion and continued: "Everyone, it is difficult to deal with the giant beast. Even if I take action, it will only support some torpedoes. There is a certain amount of luck in dealing with the giant beast these two times. It is better not to lose hope. It’s all on me!”

"No, even the boss said it's difficult to deal with the giant beast. That means it's really difficult. What should we do?"

"I have decided not to advance to the top level so quickly!"

"Oh, it sounds like you can be promoted to SSS level quickly. Don't worry, you won't be promoted so quickly even if you want to!"

Xiao Yi shook his head helplessly, and then returned to his desk to read.

The group is still discussing, but these have nothing to do with Xiao Yi.

The vampire Charlie in the New World has arrived near Xiao Yi's teleportation point and is observing the armored battleship.

"Your Majesty the Duke, should we seize this ship directly?" asked the soldier on the side.

Charlie glanced at him and shook his head: "There is a very powerful aura on this ship. Even I think it will be difficult to deal with it!"

The soldiers on the side said in shock: "Is there anyone more powerful than you, the Duke?"

"Not a human!" Charlie replied.

"Not a human? What is that?" the soldier asked curiously.

Charlie sneered and asked: "Really want to know?"

The soldier nodded.

Charlie immediately threw him out. The guards on the ship immediately saw the soldier and shouted: "Who is it!"

The soldier was actually completely confused.

On this armored battleship, a tiger lay helplessly in the cabin with a look of despair. It was Xiaobai.

Since the last time he robbed his son White Tiger of food, the Beast King has sent it here to guard the alliance's teleportation point.

Xiao Yi will arrange an SSS-level pet to guard each teleport point in the new continent. Even if they encounter any high-level enemies, they can hold on until they arrive!

So since the Beast King applied for his husband, Xiao Yi naturally agreed, and Xiao Bai naturally came here.

Of course, it won't stay here forever. Other pets will change shifts with him after a period of time.

But the vague smiles on the lips of the soldiers around him made Xiaobai very unhappy.

I am the king of beasts. If it weren’t for my son’s sake, I would give in to my wife like this. It’s impossible!

But Xiaobai knew that even if he screamed, these stupid humans wouldn't understand. Only the island owner could understand.

He can't hurt these humans yet to prove his prowess.

So it could only lie helplessly in the cabin, waiting for the end of its duty time!

Suddenly someone outside shouted: "Who is it?"

Xiaobai immediately became energetic. Has someone finally come to prove his prowess?

With a whoosh, Xiaobai rushed out.

Everyone in the cabin felt as if their eyes were blurred, and Xiaobai disappeared!

"Oh, it's so hard for this tiger boy!" A sigh came, and Xiaobai almost stumbled and lay on the shore!

After adjusting his body, Xiaobai roared angrily at the visitor, "Tiger roaring in the forest!"

The soldier thrown out by Charlie was completely frightened. This is not an adjective, but a verb!

After Charlie saw the tiger, he immediately led people away from here.

As for the soldier he threw out, sorry, he has no habit of picking up the things he threw out!

Xiaobai saw that the soldier was completely silent and walked up.

When the soldier saw Xiaobai approaching, he rolled his eyes and fainted.

Xiaobai snorted helplessly and walked slowly to the boat!

The guards on the ship captured the man and sent him back to the Alliance!

Jiang Yuntian saw the soldiers they escorted back and immediately began to interrogate them.

Naturally, the soldier couldn't bear Jiang Yuntian's punishment and quickly poured out everything he knew.

After Jiang Yuntian completed the interrogation, he immediately found Xiao Yi.

"Island owner, today we captured a soldier on the New World, who is Charlie's subordinate!" Jiang Yuntian reported concisely.

"Where is it?" Xiao Yi asked with a frown.

"Near our ship!" Jiang Yuntian replied, "According to the information obtained during the interrogation, Charlie seems to be a little afraid of Xiaobai, so he did not attack our ship!"

"Hmph, of course he is afraid. Although the vampire has special attributes, his level is only SS level after all. If he wants to fight Xiaobai, he will have a chance when he reaches SSS level!" Xiao Yi snorted coldly and said.

"Then Charlie is so close to our ship, wouldn't it be better for us to take the initiative!" Jiang Yuntian said.

"He ran away long ago!" Xiao Yi replied, "Throwing his men out, seeing Xiao Bai, he should know better that he is no match and should have left long ago."

"If this is the case, will Charlie think that he is no match and leave the continent directly?" Jiang Yuntian said with a frown.

"It's possible, but he probably won't give up the treasure chest on this continent, and will stay for a while longer. Although he can't defeat Xiaobai and the others, he should be very confident that he can deal with outsiders like us!" Xiao Yi thought for a while. replied.

"Then we should wait for the elves to finish their training and go over to encircle Charlie together?" Jiang Yuntian asked.

Xiao Yi nodded and replied: "Well, vampires are very good at escaping. We must stop him when the time comes!"

"Well, don't worry!" Jiang Yuntian responded, then got up and left the villa!

Xiao Yi looked out the window and murmured: "I hope you won't leave the new continent so soon. I have prepared a big surprise for you here!"

Charlie, who was rushing deeper into the continent, suddenly sneezed.

"Who misses me so much?"

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