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Chapter 993: St. Dominic's Church!

It has to be said that all the churches visited by Zhao Feng and his party have been counted. The appearance of St. Dominic's Church is the most beautiful and beautiful. Of course, the St. Paul's archway is not much different.

As for other churches, Zhao Feng feels that most of them cannot be compared with the Church of Our Lady of the Rosary.

Even the Bishop's Church of Magang, which I visited before, is quite different.

After entering the Church of Our Lady of the Rosary, I saw several nuns, some were doing cleaning, some were talking with some believers!

One of the nuns saw Zhao Feng and others walk in and walked towards Zhao Feng and his group with a smile.

"Sir and ladies, are some of you here to pray?" The gentle nun looked at Zhao Feng!

When Zhao Feng heard this, a flash of embarrassment flashed in his eyes.

"We are tourists, come and visit!" Zhao Feng smiled and said to the middle-aged nun.

The middle-aged nun was not surprised when she heard this. She smiled and looked at Zhao Feng and Ye Xin'er and said, "It's okay. Can I give you some introduction?"

Zhao Feng reached out and touched his nose: "That's too much trouble!"

When the nun heard this, she didn't care, and waved her hand: "It's okay!"

The kind middle-aged nun is more like a gentle aunt. After a brief introduction of herself, Ye Xin'er, Yang Zixin, Zhao Xue, Su Yanfei and the nuns began to scold her!

The nun's name is Rema!

Sister Rima led everyone slowly towards the church!

Then he introduced: "The Fátima enshrined in Our Lady of the Rosary Church is a **** worshipped by the Portuguese.

There are many interesting oil paintings and statues in the hall. The statue of **** Christ is the most famous, from which you can see the characteristics and style of ancient Spanish religious art..."

The nun’s introduction is very detailed!

Zhao Feng and others listened carefully while watching, but they really heard it in their hearts!

I have to say that the design of the temple building is very outstanding!

It looks quite magnificent, with a four-story façade and a symmetrical composition. The third floor, the Dominican Order emblem is in the center, which looks solemn and sacred.

The main entrance of the sanctuary has fine carvings, and the ceiling is covered with patterns. The internal architectural plan of the sanctuary is in Basilican style, with a central hall and side corridors.

The colorful and different shapes of stained glass are combined to form bright and vivid patterns. The main altar is far-reaching and wide. The stacked pilasters are twisted with twisted hemp columns, and the exquisite broken mountain flowers are complemented by winding moldings, forming a gorgeous Baroque style.

There is a statue of the Virgin and Child on the altar, and the statue of Our Lady of Fatima is placed in the church. Every year on May 13th, the Virgin of Fatima's outing takes this church as the starting point.

After a brief visit to the church!

Sister Ruima also took Zhao Feng and others to visit the small museum behind the sanctuary!

This small museum is not a small museum. It contains the famous early sculptures and relics left over from St. Paul’s Cathedral during the period.

The Treasury of Sacred Relics contains nearly three hundred religious artworks, some of which are donated by other churches or social figures.

A wide variety of collections: gold, silver, and bronze utensils commonly used in mass; icons made of wood, plaster, and ivory, lifelike; delicate oil paintings and plates related to biblical stories; color-printed patterns and silk sacrifices used by priests The clothes are gorgeous and exquisite. Among them, the oil painting named "St. Augustine" has a history of more than 300 years.

There are still many interesting oil paintings and statues in the hall, especially the most famous statue of **** Christ, from which you can see the peculiarities of ancient Spanish religious art. The ceiling in the sanctuary is full of decorative patterns, including a crown pattern, and the main altar is opposite the main altar, and the gate is finely carved; the inside of the sanctuary is composed of colorful and different shapes of stained glass, which gives people a sense of light There is a statue of the Virgin and Child on the altar, and the statue of Our Lady of Fatima is placed in the church. Every year on May 13th, the Virgin of Fatima's outing starts from this church.

The audience can learn about the history of Catholicism in Asia through these precious cultural relics. At the end of the top floor of the sacred treasure house, there are two large bronze bells, which are the oldest bells in Magang. Due to the age, their crisp bells have become extinct.

The history of St. Dominic's Church is also very long!

Sister Ruima seemed to want to convert Zhao Feng and his party into believers, so she introduced the history of the church in every aspect!

In 1587, it was built by the Church of Santo Domenico, Spain, with Our Lady of the Rosary (Our Lady of the Rosary) as the guardian. The following year, it was taken over by the Portuguese priests of the Church. Since it was originally built only with wooden boards, it was called "Banzhangtang" by the Chinese, and it was changed to a brick structure until the 17th century.

It was burnt down by a fire in 1874, and after reconstruction that year, it became its current scale.

Since 1929, the bishop of the Catholic Diocese of Magang approved the enshrining of the statue of Our Lady of Fatima in the Rosary to facilitate the worship of believers.

Large-scale renovations were carried out in the 1990s and in 2006. The bell tower next to the church was transformed into a treasure house of sacred relics, displaying the cultural relics of the Diocese of Magang. Now this is part of the historical city of Magang, and many painters in Magang have painted it.

When Sister Rima was introduced here!

Zhao Feng suddenly remembered that just now, it seemed that he had seen a few young people posing outside the sanctuary, and facing the sanctuary, it turned out that they were depicting the sanctuary.

In fact, the appearance of rose candy is indeed full of design and artistry!

The total elevation of the Rose Hall is about 24 meters high, with a symmetrical form. It adopts a classical composition. The horizontal lines dominate, and the vertical lines are intermittently completed by different columns. From bottom to top, the bottom layer is in Ionic style, the second and third floors are in Corinthian style, and the top is triangular mountain flowers, reflecting the law of simplicity and complexity. In the middle of the third floor is the emblem of the Santo Domingo. The wall color is mainly yellow, outlined in white, and the overall form is simple and full of rigorous structural logic. The roof is a two-pitch roof, a wooden roof truss, and a tile roof.

Sister Ruima has been earnestly taking Zhao Feng, Ye Xin'er, Yang Zixin, Zhao Xue, and Su Yanfei to visit the entire church!

The introduction during the period was extremely detailed, but it was a pity that Zhao Feng and the others were not cold about these foreign beliefs, but from the amiable face of Sister Ruima, Zhao Feng and the others also showed their faith in Sister Ruima. A bit of respect!

Until the end, Sister Ruima personally sent Zhao Feng and her group to the outside of the church!

During the period, we also warmly invited Zhao Feng and his party to participate in next year's salute!

Every year before May 13th, religious people will hold a nine-day salute in the Rose Hall.

On May 13th, a more grand parade will be held. As one of the few local Catholic festivals, each time it is held with unique characteristics.

The iconic parade begins at about 6 pm. UU Reading first held an enshrinement ceremony in the Rose Hall, followed by the Blessing of the Eucharist and the Portuguese Mass, and then the statue of Our Lady of Fatima was transferred into a sedan chair. Inside, it is carried by a female member of the Queen Mother of Our Lady in white clothes and white tulle. Starting from the Church of Our Lady of the Rosary, parading the streets with the statue of Our Lady, singing hymns and chanting prayers along the way, passing the South Bay Hexiwan heads towards the West Wangyang Church (Haiya Our Lady Chapel).

It is particularly worth noting that there will be three children dressed as shepherd boys behind the parade to commemorate the miracle of the manifestation of the three shepherd boys by Our Lady of Fatima.

This route can be said to be the longest in the existing examples of the patrol of the icon. When it arrived at Bishop Mountain, it was already in twilight, so that the parade team needed to hold candles for lighting. The lights on Bishop Mountain in the evening were brilliant, like a long dragon flashing in the field of vision. The scene is very majestic and majestic, full of strong religious atmosphere.

I have to say that this event is still very attractive to Zhao Feng!

Finally, Ye Xiner left the contact information of Sister Ruima!

Surprisingly, Sister Ruima also uses her mobile phone and WeChat!

It's really interesting!

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