In the Geng family resident.

Chen Yu and the head of the Geng family fought fiercely.

Chen Yu almost killed all the direct descendants of the Geng family, which made the head of the Geng family furious.

And the Patriarch of the Geng family is not weak, he is the Realm of Divine General Realm. He only stepped into the Realm of Divine Sovereign, and he was one of the top ten powerhouses in the deserted city.


The Patriarch of the Geng family waved the long knife in his hand, chopped out a sharp and bright blade, and whizzed towards Chen Yu's body.

When Chen Yu saw this, his face was calm, his eyes were calm and there was no fear.

And Chen Yu also has the Divine General Realm Cultivation Base, his combat power is enough to rival the Divine Sovereign Realm powerhouse.

Therefore, Chen Yu didn't have To put in one’s eyes at all in the attack of the master of the Geng family.

"Heaven Destruction Sword Art."

Chen Yu sacrificed the Sword of Sword and used the Sword of Destroying Heaven, slashing out a sharp Sword Qi, and slashed towards the body of the Geng Family Patriarch.

For a time.

In the courtyard of the Geng family.

Sword Qi aspect.

Daomang broke the sky.

Chen Yu and the head of the Geng family fought fiercely.


It was another violent collision.

The body of the head of the Geng family flew out.

Upon seeing this, Chen Yu flashed a cold light in his eyes. He waved the Divine Sword in his hand, slashing out a sharp Sword Qi, and screamed towards the Patriarch of the Geng family.

The fierce Sword Qi slashed out, containing terrifying power, carrying a fierce edge, and slashed towards the body of the Geng Family Patriarch.


When the Patriarch of the Geng family saw this, his face changed and he couldn't help whispering.

The Patriarch of the Geng family did not expect that Chen Yu's strength was so powerful that even he was not an opponent and fell into a disadvantage.

"Break it for me."

The Patriarch of the Geng family looked at the fierce Sword Qi who was howling, his face sank, he gave a low shout, and waved the long knife in his hand, trying to break Chen Yu's attack head-on.


When the long knife in the hands of the master of the Geng family slashed on the fierce Sword Qi that was howling.

There was a dull sound.

The aftermath of terrifying power formed a wave of air that swept all around.

The tremendous strength shook the long knife in the hands of the Geng family's head.

The fierce Sword Qi continued to slash towards the master of the Geng family.

"no, do not want."

"I don't want to die yet."

Patriarch Geng's face changed drastically, and he let out an unwilling cry of sorrow.


However, the fierce Sword Qi slashed down, directly cutting the Geng Family Patriarch in half.

The head of the Geng family was killed.

Chen Yu continued to search for the people of the Geng family, and killed them.

Since it was decided to destroy the entire Geng family, then no one should be let go.

In a luxurious room in the Geng family.

Geng Ting was laying on the bed to cultivate.

"Oh, Young Master, someone has come to the door. The Patriarch asked me to take you to escape."

The Geng family guard rushed into the room and said in a panic.


"Someone dared to kill the Geng family, and they didn't want to live anymore."

"I won't go, there will be nothing wrong with my father."

Hearing this, Geng Ting was surprised at first, and then said.

"Young Master, the Patriarch has died in battle."

"Let's run away, you are the only living blood of the Geng family."

The Geng family guard said.

"My dad was killed?"

"It's impossible. My father is a great master of the Great Perfection Realm. Who can kill him easily?"

Geng Ting was shocked when he heard the words.

Ah, ah, ah.

At this time, a screaming scream came from the outer courtyard.

This made Geng Ting realize that the other party was about to kill.

"Escape, run away."

Geng Ting suddenly panicked.

The guards of the Geng family and Geng Ting quickly fled towards the backyard.

However, Chen Yu had already walked into this courtyard and saw Geng Ting who wanted to escape.

"Where to go."

When Chen Yu saw this, he whispered.

Chen Yu stepped out and appeared in front of Geng Ting instantly.


The guard of the Geng family drew a long knife, gave a low voice, and slashed at Chen Yu.

When Chen Yu saw this, his face was calm, his eyes were calm, and he hit the Geng family guard with a fist.


Chen Yu's fist slammed on the long knife coming from the chopping, making a metallic sound.

Then, with great strength, the Geng family guard and the long knife in his hand were all smashed upside down and flew out.


The guard of the Geng family hit the wall of the yard, smashing a big hole, vomiting blood in his mouth, and fell to the ground, unable to move anymore.

Geng Ting didn't even dare to turn his head back, he took the road and flew away.

"Where to escape."

Upon seeing this, Chen Yu shouted in a low voice.

Chen Yu tapped the ground with his toes, his body galloped out like lightning, and he appeared behind Geng Ting in an instant.


Chen Yu shouted coldly. He held the sword finger in his right hand, cast a Void Condensed Sword Jue, and slashed towards Geng Ting's body.


A sharp Sword Qi slashed out, containing terrifying power, carrying a sharp edge, passing across the sky, as if torn the world and pierced the sky.


Splashes of blood.

The fierce Sword Qi split Geng Ting's body in half.

Geng Ting didn't even have the ability to resist, and died on the spot.

Chen Yu destroyed the entire Geng family.


That night.

The news came out.

The branch of The Underworld Killer Organization in the deserted city was destroyed.

The Geng family was destroyed.

The two major forces in the deserted city were destroyed overnight.

If there is no connection between the two, it is definitely impossible.


All major forces in the deserted city have found clues and pointed their fingers at Chen Yu.

Chen Yu ignored the changes in the outside world, he returned to the small courtyard and signed for cultivation silently.

Desolate City Lord's Mansion.

"City Lord, this person has destroyed the Xia family, the Geng family, and the branch of The Underworld Killer Organization in just one month. It is simply too cruel."

"Moreover, what the other party did did not put our city lord mansion to put in one’s eyes."

The advisor of the city lord's mansion said to the city lord of the deserted city.

"Forbidden by armed force."

"Never condone."

The Lord of the Deserted City said solemnly.

"Come here, send a letter to the lord of the city."

The lord of the deserted city wrote a letter to be given to Chen Yu.

Chen Yu read it after receiving the letter, and then returned a letter to the Lord of the Deserted City.

The content of the letter is that if people do not offend me, I will not offend others.

Chen Yu's words made the Desolate City Lord feel very uncomfortable.

Such a dangerous person is an unstable factor in a deserted city.

Therefore, the Lord of the Deserted City decided to get rid of Chen Yu.

So, the lord of the deserted city invited Chen Yu to a banquet.

After Chen Yu received the invitation, he knew that the visitors were unkind, and it was very likely that it was a feast for the family.

But Chen Yu happily went without feeling scared.

In the city lord's mansion.

"Are you all ready?"

The lord of the deserted city looked at the advice of the deserted city.

"City Lord, everything is ready."

"Falling the cup is a sign, we rushed out immediately."

The deserted city counselor sneered.


The Lord of the Deserted City nodded.

And this time.

Chen Yu came to the Mansion of the Desolate City City Lord.

"Who came from?"

The guard of the City Lord's Mansion stopped Chen Yu and asked.

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