Yoruichi followed the person in charge to the room where Draco was staying, and at first glance noticed the chopsticks that had been thrown to the ground by the Beluseb family.

“Hey, you’re the chef who made that dish?”

Belluseb and his family sat in their chairs, looked at Yoruichi with condescending eyes, and said, “You! Go with us to Mary Joya! ”

“Every day, we have to cook this level of cooking for us!”

Belluseb’s tone was lighthearted, like a notification, or simply a command, and there was no intention to negotiate at all!

He even… I didn’t even ask Yoruichi’s name!

Yoruichi didn’t reply, he bent down to pick up a pair of chopsticks that they threw on the ground, and said calmly, “My maid once said…”

“Chopsticks are the most civilized and elegant tableware, and people who can’t even use chopsticks…”

“No different from a barbarian!”

Belluseb was stunned for a moment, and with his mind, he couldn’t understand why Yoruichi suddenly said such a thing without a head.

However, others present understood!

“Hey, are you crazy!?”

The person in charge who led Ye Yi over was already trembling like a sieve, and said tremblingly.

The faces of the other servants present were also pale, and they couldn’t see where to go!

Yoruichi still looked calm, faint: “I feel now that what she said is really correct.” ”

“You guys, indeed, are some barbarians, no… Not even as good as a barbarian! ”

“It’s just some beasts that can eat and sleep!”

No matter how idiotic Belluseb was, at this time he also understood that Yoruichi was scolding him, and suddenly turned red and fat!

Since he was born, he had never heard anyone dare to scold him!

After all, in the pirate world, Draco is the supreme existence, how can anyone dare to speak ill of them?

The rest of the Belluseb family was also extremely angry, and it was a unique thing to suffer such an insult as a Draco!

Didn’t he know that as long as the Draco had an order, the admiral of the navy headquarters would be dispatched and could kill everyone here at any time!?

“Call those navies immediately, I’m going to put this guy in jail!”

Old Belluseb said angrily.

He was just about to take out the phone worm when Yoruichi’s voice rang again, “Thanks to you guys for finding me such a good place…”

“Whatever you do here, you won’t be discovered by outsiders.”

Belluseb’s eyes widened instantly, because Yoruichi’s voice had just fallen, and he found that he and his family had come to a completely strange place at some point!

The sky here is like full of blood, the air is filled with the smell of blood, and the ears are full of human screams and cries!

Past them were shackled by groups of prisoners in prison uniforms, their expressions dull and numb, and they did not look at them.

“Dad, what is this place!?”

Little Belluseb was frightened by this scene and cried out to the old Belluseb.

The other family members were no better, with a look of panic and dazedness, and they could even hear the sound of gurgling water!

“I… I don’t know! ”

Old Beluseb’s face was blue, he had never seen such a place in his life for decades, and naturally there was no way to give an answer.

“Come on, come on~~”

“Just drink this bowl of soup, you will be relieved~~”

At this time, they suddenly found that not far from them, an old woman was waving to them.

Beluseb and they were overjoyed, and after this stimulation, their stomachs were much empty, and their throats were too thirsty to go, and they hurried towards the old woman….


In the real room, everyone in the Belleuseb family was dragged into the illusion of eighteen layers of hell by Yoruichi’s ability to use it.

If someone approached this room, they would find that these Draco were now as pale as dead, looking at the air with empty eyes, as if they were demented and mentally retarded.

As for the other servants, Yoruichi just made them unconscious.

The souls of these people in the Belluseb family are now entering the tenth level of the “livestock hell”, where they “enjoy” the punishment of being eaten by pigs, trampled by cows, and eaten by chickens!

And constantly reincarnated to ask for death!

It is fitting that these animals, which they use as food, to inflict them with hellish punishment!

But if it ended like this, the Draco and the navy who found the bodies of the Belluseb family would definitely not let the night one go so easily!

Even though he is not afraid of retaliation from the navy, the Charlotte family behind him is about to suffer.

Although the Charlotte family is strong, its strength is not enough to withstand the anger of the entire world, at least not yet

Faced with this situation, Yoruichi of course thought of a countermeasure from the beginning.

“Scatter beans into soldiers.”

Yoruthi stretched out his finger to everyone in the Belluseb family, and a stream of soul energy floated out from his finger and burrowed into the bodies of the members of the Belluseb family!

[Scattering beans into soldiers].

One of the seven abilities of the Hades Fruit, this ability allows Yoruichi to transmit soul energy to objects, so that it can gain consciousness and action ability, that is, refining “Yin Soldiers”!

The original souls of the Belluseb family have now been extracted and turned into an empty shell, so that Yoruichi can instill into it the souls that he has refined himself!

These souls are a small fraction of all the soul energy stored in Yoruichi’s hands.

Soon, the members of the Belluseb family opened their eyes, and their faces returned to their normal rosy, but they could still see a demented dazed look in the depths of their pupils.

But now they have no memory, no desire, and are as blank as a blank piece of paper!

The only thing that exists is absolute loyalty to Yoruichi!

This is tightly bound to their souls, and it can be said that the meaning of their existence lies!

Never worry about their betrayal, this is the biggest benefit of these “Yin soldiers”!

However, if it is the current stupid appearance, it will not deceive the Draco and the navy, so Yoruichi will also add a little “seasoning” to them.

“Meng Po Soup!”

Yoruichi whispered, and then a bowl of clear soup that exuded tranquility and was held in a broken ceramic bowl appeared in his hand, but if he looked closely, he would find that this bowl of soup was not an entity.

It’s a soul item that floats erratically in reality!

This is all the memories of the members of the Belluseb family extracted by Yoruichi and locked up in the eighteenth level of hell!

In their lives, it can be said that they have all been concentrated in this small bowl of soup, but they are pitiful!

Yoruichi let the “Yin soldiers” drink the Meng Po soup corresponding to the memory.

Soon, they had a memory of it!

In the pupils of the Yin soldiers, they slowly became conscious, but the first thing they said was: “Master.” ”

Although the Yin soldiers absorbed the memories of the original owner, their control over them was absolute and imprinted in the depths of their souls.

So even if they have a memory, they will show loyalty in the first place.

Yoruichi then asked about their memories, and the Yin soldiers answered successfully and accurately.

Although, the appearance is still a little dull.

But Yoruichi was satisfied, this was his first attempt to refine Yin soldiers, and it was already very satisfying to be able to do this level.

And as time goes by, their souls and bodies will become more and more deeply integrated, and eventually they will become no different from the original owner!

Complete the Dove Occupy Magpie’s Nest!

“In a way, it’s quite similar to the crosser…”

For no reason in Yoruichi’s mind, this thought appeared.

ps: Ask for flowers, ask for tips, ask for evaluation votes!

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