“Pero Perros, why do you say that?”

Auntie was stunned by his headless words.

Originally, the Charlotte family and Elbaf were married, and the two united to form the strongest force in the New World to dominate the New World!

This is the original plan.

But now it has become the establishment of diplomatic relations, and the relationship between the establishment of diplomatic relations and marriage is not a little bit worse!

But why did Peropelos say congratulations?

Peropellos went on to explain: “Think about it, if Elbaf and us marry, the whole world will know the news! ”

“What would they do if the other four emperors heard the news?”

Peropelos asked seriously.

“They can’t sit idly by and watch our Charlotte family alone, they must find every opportunity to attack all nations!”

“That’s right, if we have the assistance of the giant race, our strength will be very strong!”

“But what if the other four emperors are jealous of this strength, so they also unite?”

Peroperos worried, “Even if we join forces with the Giant Clan, we are bound to be unable to resist the attack of the Three Emperors joining forces!” ”

“At that time, whether it is the Totland of All Nations or the Charlotte family, I am afraid it will be in danger!”

Peropellos is the think tank of the Charlotte family, and the aunt trusts him very much, and busily said, “Well, well, if this is not good!” ”

“So, it’s best now.” Peropelos smiled proudly.

“The Charlotte family just announced the establishment of diplomatic relations with Elbaf, and the four emperors who saw this news must not take it seriously.”

“After all, we are not the only country that has diplomatic relations with Elbaf.”

“In a few years, we will announce the news of our marriage with Elbaf in one breath!”

“When the time comes, they will think about reaction, it will be too late!” Pero Peros said loudly.

“Ma, ma, ma!”

“Peroperos, you’re right!”

“By then, Kaido, Whitebeard, and Redhead, those guys will all be my men!”

After listening to his words, Aunt immediately smiled and laughed!

After persuading his aunt, Peropellos finally breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

He set his sights in the direction of Yoruichi, in fact, from the beginning of negotiations with Loki and the reasons for persuading Auntie, all from Yoruichi’s original words!

That brings us to last night.

Last night, Yoruichi came to Peropellos’ residence.

He repeated the words that Peropelos had just persuaded his aunt to him intact, and Peropelos suddenly realized!

It turns out that this marriage is not a strong alliance, but a marriage that will send the Charlotte family into the abyss!

In the end, Yoruichi gave a solution, that is, today through the excuse of “war marriage” to make Prince Loki temporarily abandon the idea of marriage!

When Pero Peros first heard about his plan, he also thought it was a whim!

After all, the key point for the success of this plan is that Yoruichi can defeat the prince of the giant race!

How can one believe this!?

But there was no better way, so he could only agree.

And today, Yoruichi’s performance hit him hard in the face, and at the same time hit everyone in the face!

He beat Loki very cleanly!

Surprised everyone!

“Yoruichi…. How much more are you hiding from us? Peropellos looked in the direction of Yoruichi and couldn’t help but sigh with emotion.

Yoruichi has already shown extraordinary cooking skills, a smart mind, and a terrifying near-demon fighting talent!

Peropellos was terrified of his talent on the one hand, but also deeply fortunate because he was from the Charlotte family!

If he becomes an enemy!

Peropellos felt a chill down his spine just by imagining it!


Three days have passed since the arrival of the Giants fleet.

In the past three days, the news that happened in the Charlotte family has spread throughout the world through newspapers!

But compared to the news of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Elbaf and Totland, everyone was obviously completely attracted by a more heavy news!

“Heavy! Charlotte Yoruichi of the Charlotte family defeated Loki, the prince of the Giants! ”

“Don’t look sorry! The eleven-year-old young genius defeats the prince of the Giants! ”

“Shock!! The prince of the giant tribe was defeated at the hands of an eleven-year-old boy!? ”

The news that Yoruichi defeated Loki dominated the headlines of major newspapers and magazines, and the news popularity remained for a long time!

The news of the establishment of diplomatic relations between Elbaf and Totland was squeezed into a corner by him, and if someone did not look for it, it would be difficult to find it at all!

After all, Elbaf is known as the world’s number one power, but there is very little relevant news, and few outsiders know about this country of giants.

But the giant race is still martial, and the custom of worshipping the strong is known to the world!

The strength of the giant race is also a fact that attracts worldwide attention!

At this time, I actually heard that the prince of the giant race was defeated by the hands of an eleven-year-old boy, who was not shocked when he saw it! Don’t feel that the worldview collapsed!?

And there is a picture and the truth, it is completely impossible to fake!!

In the photo, the huge body size difference between Yoruichi and Loki is quite eye-catching!

The scene of Prince Loki being shot away was also filmed by many quick-eyed reporters, which shocked the world!

Through the detailed reports of the reporters, people also have a deeper understanding of this showdown.

Then, discover an even more terrifying thing!

That is-

Charlotte Yoruichi did not use any Devil Fruit ability from beginning to end!

He may well be an incompetent!

This is very scary!

You know, the news that young geniuses defeat the strong is not for nothing, but it is generally relying on the ability of the devil fruit to achieve the miracle of defeating the strong with weakness!

If it is a person who has eaten the ability of the natural system or the magic beast species demon fruit, it is normal to become superhuman overnight!

But those who are incapable, if they want to do this, it is as difficult as heaven!


USS Mozambique

Whitebeard sat on the throne on the deck, holding a wine bottle in one hand and a newspaper in the other, and laughed: “Goo la la, there is a terrible little ghost in the Charlotte family!” ”

Saatchi, the captain of the Whitebeard Four Team, stood next to him, also holding a newspaper in his hand, and his eyebrows danced; “Dad, I’m right, this kid is definitely not an idle person!”

After Saatchi returned to the Mozambique, he kept gushing about Yoruichi and praising the other party as a real young genius!

Now that this news has come out, it has verified that his vision is extremely accurate, no wonder Saatchi feels proud!


“You just said that his cooking skills were extraordinary, but you didn’t say that he was a combat genius!”

Whitebeard took a sip of wine and laughed.

“Dad, what’s the difference between being geniuses anyway!”

Saatchi said with a slightly embarrassed face.

“Daddy, you’re drinking too much.” Whitebeard captain, the undead bird Marko sighed on the side.

He was the ship’s doctor on the team and knew that Whitebeard’s body had actually begun to show signs of weakness.

So Marko recently began to limit the amount of daily drinking that Whitebeard consumes.

“Goo la la! What does it matter! ”

“Here, let’s toast to this little imp of the Charlotte family!!”

“Goo la la-la!” Whitebeard raised the wine bottle and laughed boldly.

At this time, the Whitebeard Pirates are holding a banquet, and his “sons” are sitting around Whitebeard, which is also the happiest moment for Whitebeard every day!


The members of the Whitebeard Pirate Ship all raised their glasses high, laughed, drank lavishly, and enjoyed unscrupulously!

“I see…. You’re just a reason to want to drink. ”

Marko shook his head and smiled bitterly, but he still raised his cup and took a sip of it, because he didn’t want to destroy his father’s Yaxing!

“Huh? Tichy, don’t you drink? ”

At this time, Marko noticed Marshall Titch next to him, who for some reason squeezed the newspaper and put the wine glass to his lips, but he was stunned.

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