“Huh? Are you Yoruichi? It was then that she noticed Yoruichi beside Brin.

“Long time no see, sister Lola.”

Yoruichi greeted politely.

“Long time no see, Yoruichi! You’ve grown so big! ”

Laura smiled in surprise, and then suddenly hugged Yoruichi and rubbed and rubbed!

Yoruichi, as an “older female killer”, has long been accustomed to this treatment, so he calmly let Laura rub it.

“Can I marry my sister when I grow up?” She said with a smile on her face.

“Forgive me for refusing.”

Yoruichi returned very quickly and expressionlessly.

“Sister Lola!”

“Brother Yoruichi like you will be very troubled!” Little Breen tugged at the corner of her coat and said angrily.

“Haha, I’m sorry La Breen, return Brother Yoruichi to you.”

Laura put Yoruichi down, and Bryen quickly grabbed Yoruichi’s arm looking afraid he would be snatched away.

“Brother Yoruichi is going to marry me in the future!” Breen said without admitting defeat.

Yoruichi on the side shook her head with a wry smile, Lola’s marriage proposal was due to her personality, she would propose without hesitation when she saw a man, which was already equivalent to a mantra.

Only a child like Breen would compete with her.

“Speaking of you, when did the relationship become so good?”

Laura asked a little puzzled.

Next, Breen told her what had just happened….. The two wasted a lot of effort to stop Lola, who wanted to seek revenge.


Kokolia Island

The morning sun shone through the window, and Yoruichi slowly opened his eyes.

Last night, at the warm invitation of Laura and Bryn, Yoruichi came to stay in the house of the two on the island of Kokolia for one night.

But later, he soon regretted it.

Because he didn’t expect their dinner to be a complete chocolate dinner!

The staple course is chocolate cake, the soup is chocolate milkshake, and the dish is chocolate chip cookies, chocolate Daifuku and chocolate balls!

When he got up in the morning, Yoruichi felt that his stomach was still a little churning, and it was really thanks to Breen that he ate chocolate every day and was so slender.

“Hmm… Brother Yoruichi…”

Suddenly, I heard a warm murmur beside me.

Little Bren wore white pajamas, closed her eyes, and her fair wrists held Yoruichi’s hand and muttered in her dream.

Yoruichi shook his head and smiled bitterly, gently withdrawing his arm, yesterday Bryn pestered him to sleep with him, so it became like this in the morning.

He looked out the window, and the room where they slept was on the second floor.

Through the window, you can see the blue sky, and the morning air enters the nose, which is pleasant.

Yoruichi didn’t wake up naturally, as he sensed that several people were eagerly coming to Lola’s house.

And the tall thin man in the lead, Yoruichi is very familiar.

The man wore strange makeup on his face, a colorful top hat on his head, a slender figure and a long tongue that spat out his mouth.

In his hand, he also held a cane in the shape of a lollipop.

– Charlotte Perospero!

He is the eldest son of the Charlotte family!

Although he looks more like a comedian performing mimes than the eldest son of a large family, Yoruichi does not dare to have the slightest contempt for him.

Perospero, as the eldest son, was responsible for managing various large and small affairs on the island.

At the same time, he is also the person who has the most contact with Aunt on weekdays!

“It seems that something big has happened…” Yoruichi mentioned mentally.

Because of the existence of the top perception color domineering, Yoruichi can “listen” to their conversations without going downstairs.

The group soon arrived at the door of Lola’s house, and Perospero’s face looked a little impatient, but he still stopped at the door with crutches very gentlemanly.

Knocking lightly on the door and saying, “Lola, are you there?” ”

“Here it comes!”

Soon, she heard the sound of Laura “knock knock” coming downstairs, and she opened the door, still wearing an apron, which looked like she was supposed to be preparing breakfast.

“I hope it won’t be chocolate.” Yoruichi on the second floor thought silently.

After Laura saw Peros Pero, she was also surprised, “Brother Pero Peros, why are you here?” ”

Unless it is during Auntie’s banquet, everyone rarely sees Peropellos on weekdays.

Peropellos grinned with a long tongue and spoke with a strange fetishes, which looked a little funny, but the news he brought could not make people laugh, and “Peropero ~ Mom’s” anorexia committed again! ”



Laura was startled when she heard this, and the two pink horn braids on her head stood up!

“Anorexia” is a strange condition that bigmom suffers from, it will have seizures from time to time, and once it occurs, it will make Aunt fall into madness, and it will smash and beat everywhere and wreak havoc everywhere!

It is an extremely dangerous condition!

“Pero Pero ~~”

“It’s still early days, and I can control it, if I don’t let my mother eat what she wants…”

Peropelos said with a sad look on his cane on his cane.

The most terrible thing about “food thinking disorder” is that the aunt will not recognize her six relatives after the onset of illness, and if she enters the later symptoms, she will even kill her son at that time, no matter who it is, she will not listen to it!

The consequences are terrible!

There is no other way to bring her back to her senses than to make her eat the best food she wants!

Gourmet dessert is the best medicine for Auntie!

“Peropero~ I will also go and inform the others, Lola, you prepare the best dessert, and then send it to Cake Island!”

Perospero was here to inform about this.

The only way to solve Auntie’s “anosia” is to mobilize the strength of the entire Charlotte family to make the best dessert for Auntie to enjoy.

Fortunately, Kingdom Drag Torrant has gathered the best dessert chefs in the world, and Lola, as the [Chocolate Minister], is one of the best!

“Yes, brother Peropellos!”

Laura knew that the matter was very important, and quickly agreed.

Peropelos nodded and hurried away.

Before leaving, he also took a special look at the second floor of Lola’s house.

Peropellos seemed to feel an aura on the second floor watching them, but after thinking about maybe it was an illusion, he threw it to the back of his mind.

“Sister Lola, what happened?”

Lola’s home.

Yoruichi pretended to have just woken up and rubbed his eyes and went downstairs.

“Yoruichi, my mother’s anorexia has attacked again, and I am going to the chocolate factory now.” Laura was busy preparing the kitchenware and said hurriedly.

The snacks made for my mother must be so huge that they cannot be made at home, only in the chocolate factory on the island!

There are not only many precious ingredients collected from all over the world and paid tribute from various families, but also a large number of “timiz” as helpers.

“If you can make that “chiffon chocolate cake”, it should be able to please your mother. ”

Laura prepared the materials and muttered.

ps: Thirty-seven is a number that the author came up with casually, and the protagonist is not a soul-piercing original character…

(The author also did not expect that there would be readers to check who the thirty-seven children were.) )

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