Sign In To Grand Line, Start with Kirin Fruit

Chapter 560 Sightseeing Rabbit Bowl Prison, All Here

There are cages on the walls, on the ground, and in the ditch.

Lots of samurai, lots of pirates, and all kinds of people in Wanokuni costumes.

"That woman also has horns, don't talk nonsense."

Yamato has red horns on top of his head, which is the symbol of Beasts Pirates.

Carlo "visited" with several girls.

"I haven't been here for a while. I didn't expect so many people to be imprisoned." Yamato was also shocked. Thousands of people have been imprisoned in the current free bowl prison.

In the distant mine, all prisoners wear bracelets and anklets.

their side.

Those of the Beasts Pirates who had been affected by the Conqueror's fell to their knees, foaming at the mouth.

And these prisoners did not faint directly, but trembled all over, unable to use any strength.

"Captain, is your Conqueror's control so strong? Different people have different powers?"

Carlo can make these people die suddenly or stun to the ground at any time.

"We call the domain Conqueror's." The vampire had challenged Carlo, clearly.

Yamato looked at Carlo again, his eyes twinkled with worshiping stars, it was too strong.

The Conqueror's Haki for everyone in every location.

"That woman is! Marine Momousagi Vice Admiral!"

The person who was locked up pointed to Momousagi, and several people recognized it.

"That guy looks familiar, he doesn't look like someone from the Beasts Pirates."

Leopard Goro stared at Carlo, the young man gave him a feeling that he was too calm.

He obviously felt like an ordinary person, but a large number of Beasts Pirates around him knelt down, foaming at the mouth.

"Conqueror's Haki! Such a horrible Conqueror's, is he a red-haired Shanks!"




Tsunade couldn't hold back with the flagon.

The vampire is carrying a big knife: "Little old man, can you see clearly? Where is my captain's hair red?"

It is true that Carlo is not a redhead.

"Red-haired Shanks, what a piece of crap. Vampires aren't afraid of Shanks at all, and want to fight him.

Dare to call the redhead Shanks!

This woman doesn't want to live anymore.

"How many years have you guys been imprisoned? I left Marine three or five years ago, and now I am the captain of the Black Rabbit Pirates." Momousagi narrowed his eyes.

The vampire is holding a knife, ready to cut people at any time.

"It's normal that he doesn't know each other. This little old man has been imprisoned for twenty years. Am I right, Leopard Goro.

Leopard Goro was shocked: "You young man knows me? Are you only in your early twenties?"

"Carlo, who is he?"

"Wanokuni used to be a famous samurai, will Emission."

"Yo, I didn't see it, this little old man will also be in Armament Haki's third Emission."

"Carlo? Why does this name sound so familiar?"

It's on, someone recognizes it!

"Carlo! He's Carlo!"

"Carlo! I said it looks so familiar! Haidi Carlo!"

"What is Haidi Carlo? Hey, you pirates, speak up, why haven't we heard of the title Haidi?"

Or some pirates were just caught.

"After the Four Emperors Whitebeard Pirates broke up, the new Four Emperors are the Carlo Pirates."

"In just one or two years, Four Emperors Carlo has developed terror, and well-known pirates have joined one after another, and their reputation has exploded."

"A while ago, Four Emperors Carlo led people, and easily eliminated the old Four Emperors aunt, who was so powerful that she was called the emperor of the sea by countless pirates, Sea Emperor!"

Hear someone explain.

Now the whole Rabbit Bowl prison heard it.

Four Emperors Carlo himself is here!

"Carlo is here?"

"I also heard someone say it earlier."

"It's really the Four Emperors Carlo."

"Is Four Emperors Carlo going to fight Kaido?"

"Big Mom has just been destroyed, Carlo is going to dominate the Great D route!"

It was discussed everywhere.

It was completely spread, and there was a commotion.

"I'm making a lot of noise, I'll count to three seconds, and anyone whose voice exceeds forty decibels will go straight to hell.

Carlo was obviously smiling, but his voice reached everyone's ears.




Puff puff puff puff puff puff puff ----- Some disobedient people who are still talking about it directly spurted blood.

The Conqueror's let their guts explode, red and green all spewed out and fell to the ground.

In an instant, no prisoner dared to make any noise in the entire Rabbit Bowl Prison.

"It's quiet, so it won't affect my sightseeing."

Carlo walked with his hands behind his back, the Conqueror's was still covered, and each prisoner's neck was cold, as if a knife had been placed on it.

"There are quite a few samurai in Wanokuni."

Leopard Goro wanted to talk, swallowed again, he wanted to beg but Carlo looked perverted and not easy to mess with at all.

"Let me see, this big yellow cat, the cat Viper, the lame big brown dog, Inulan."

Cat Viper is missing one hand, and his whole body is covered with whips: "I've heard about Four Emperors Carlo for a long time, and I've read a lot of newspapers, but I didn't expect to see him here today. It's really scary. Conqueror's Haki.

(Wang Nuo's) Inulan was chained and sitting next door: "Four Emperors Carlo, come to Wanokuni, come to this rabbit bowl prison, there must be some purpose, right?"

Momousagi stands next to Carlo: "The more people may know, the faster they die."

"Gion Vice Admiral.... Captain Gion, we met once before, right? They're all locked up here, most of them are dead."

Carlo walked with his hands behind his back: "There can be a purpose, or there can be no madness."

Stopped, in front of a cage, in which a beautiful person was locked.

"But if the beauty intercedes, I might do something."

Nakiri Erina and Tsunade looked over.

"It looks really good."

Looking at the prisoner who was locked up and put on shackles.

"However, he is a man, am I right, Kikunojo."

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