Sign In To Grand Line, Start with Kirin Fruit

Chapter 562 The Holy Land Mariejois Explosion And Chaos

Boom boom boom, the holy land of Mariejois exploded in circles.

The Red Line tremors in this area.

"This little thing is so easy to control?" Lao Sha and Violet's hundred people were on the small island next to the Red Line.

The front tripod holds the electronic screen.

In the picture is the east gate of Mariejois, the sanctuary of the explosion, which was bombed to pieces.

Lao Sha and Mr3 watched Violet control [I didn't expect this remote control helicopter to be so easy to use.

The opposing guard didn't notice at all.

"As long as you are proficient, it is indeed a good thing for sneak attacks. It has no life perception. But the disadvantages are also obvious. The movement speed is not fast, and the buzzing sound can still be heard when you are close to it."

Bombing and shooting from high altitude, Lao Sha rubbed his chin: "Violet, leave five for me."

Violet knew that Lao Sha would want it: "Let ten of them go to you, five for you, and you send someone to the Light-tone Pirates to take the other five."

"Mr3, please make arrangements."

"Got it, boss."

Violet bombed both gates on the Holy Land Mariejois, because if you bomb the inside, you will be found even from high altitude.

So only bombing the gate.

The signal to attack was instantly ignited.

"Everyone of the Revolutionary Army, follow Koala [go to the underground in the north to rescue the prisoners!"

Sabo is responsible for directing the jump to the high place.

Koala led dozens of people and rushed towards the northern construction area, taking out long knives and pistols.

In order to facilitate operations, the rescue team is also the elite of the Revolutionary Army, equipped with lightweight weapons.

"Sabo, a large number of guards are coming from the west!"

Lindbergh, commander of the Southern Region, took out the bomb: "The sabotage team will follow me!"

They were all sabotage teams with bombs on their backs, bombing the Mariejois building.

Thousands of Mariejois guards rushed this way to the west.

"Morrie, you block this way!"

Morrie nodded and walked underground. With a flip of the harpoon in his hand, the rocky ground turned into waves, forming a wall that swept away a large number of guards and blocked more coming roads.

Mori, commander of the Western Army, Xia rewarded 2,793,000,000 Berry.

A large number of CPs in black on all sides came.

"Everyone, let's fight!" Sabo used his dragon claws. He still has more than 200 people here.

"Let's fight, the drums of war have already sounded, and we will teach the world government a hard lesson this time!" Bello Betty shouted with a cigarette in his mouth, waving a flag.

The morale of all nearby friendly troops is high, tired, sore, all negatives disappear, and can burst into 100% combat power for a long time.

Belo Betty, commander of the Eastern Army, who has the ability to inspire fruit in Paramecia, offers a reward of 4,757,000,000 Berry.

"Catch them!"

A large number of CP5 and CP9 rushed over.

Sabo leaped away, a steel rod swept away, and the Dragon Claw Hand used it, and he instantly killed one of the opponent's CP9.

The holy land of Mariejois was roaring everywhere under Lindbergh's explosion.

Be and soldiers are attracted.

Morrie changed the ground into a quagmire and walls to restrict a large number of soldiers, and thousands of soldiers were about to drown in the ground.

Countless black crows attacked down.

Crow, the commander of the Northern Army, offered a reward of 400 million Berry.

Three directions attract firepower and destruction, and countless Mariejois soldiers and guards are rushing towards this direction.

No one noticed that Koala led hundreds of people to rescue the prison where Celestial Dragons held the most prisoners.

The Celestial Dragons living in Mariejois are awakened by the noise.

Roswald Saint: "What's going on? Why is it so loud!"

St. Charles Rose: "Come on! Come on, what's going on, what's going on!"

St. Charmarco: "Damn ants, dare to climb on our clothes, and don't notify Marine! Let Marine Admiral come!"

Kama Al San: "Come on, don't let those dog things into my yard."

The Celestial Dragons were all awakened, some were excited, some were frightened, and they were basically calling on their servants to protect themselves.

The arrogant Celestial Dragons consider themselves the gods of this world.

"Go find the Five Elders!"

"Our people, why haven't we suppressed those ants after five minutes!"

"You bastards."

Among the Celestial Dragons, there are also those who are completely brainless, basically cursing.

A few went to Pangu City to find the Five Elders.

The Five Elders were awakened early in Pangu City: "Notify Sengoku, let Admiral come quickly."

Naval Headquarters, Marineford.

There are quite a few Marines in the square who are already looking in that direction, "There is an explosion.

something wrong?"

"I don't know, it seems that there was an explosion in the direction of Sabaody."

…… Ask for flowers………

"No, I feel like Mariejois."

"Red Line Rockfall?"

"Also a possibility!"

"Look, it's Kizaru Admiral coming!"

"And Fujitora Admiral!"

Marine saw Kizaru yawning and walking towards Sengoku's office.

Fujitora also rushed over with a stick and knife, and the lieutenant beside him was still yawning.

After all, it's two o'clock in the morning.

Five Elders said it was urgent, but Sengoku didn't let Kizaru and the others go immediately, and deliberately delayed five minutes to go to his office first.

"Marshal, it's just right to sleep, it's so scary, these pirates are so scary, don't people sleep in the middle of the night?"

"Porusalino, it's obvious that the Revolutionary Army may be responsible for this operation."


Fujitora also came in from behind.

Sengoku still has dark circles under his eyes: "It is indeed the gang of the Revolutionary Army. Those five old guys have already called twice to remind them, and they know that they are reminded. I have to slow down. What's wrong!"

Sengoku said and opened a bag of biscuits: "You two go, pay attention to each other."

"What a hassle." Kizaru said, turning into light and flying out of the corridor.

"Sparkling fruit, it's really convenient." It was Tian doctor who Pei Hu smiled.

He was even less anxious.

I just walked downstairs not far away, wanted to get a boulder, and then flew up the Red Line.

But the knowledgeable saw that a person, a woman, flew down from the stone.


Black military uniform, long silver hair, an assault sniper on the back, and a sky mark on his waist.

"It's so late, you blind man running around, isn't it dangerous?"

"Who is this beautiful little girl?"

"Carlo, a member of the Pirates, Altair." She lifted her skirt a little bit, showing noble etiquette.

"Did you also participate in this operation? It's really tricky, hahaha."

"It's really tricky, then you won't be so slow, I can tell you that we are just having fun.

"Is your target the old man?"

"Almost, it's cold, ten minutes, let's eat a bowl of noodles, Carlo said that you, an old blind man, like to eat buckwheat noodles, so he gave me special money to treat the two of us to eat.

"Huh? Does Carlo, the Emperor of Pirates, know this old man so well? Since the little girl of Altair has said it, let's go eat noodles!".

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