Holding the chain, Medusa appeared alone in the Blackbeard Pirates' defense.

At the same time, the silver light flickered, and the Celestial Beast soared into the sky: "Your plan Carlo has already arrived, and today I will destroy you all!"

Everyone in the Blackbeard Pirates was dumbfounded.

The evil government king and Diemei don't know what orders they can give now.

It would be okay if it was only Alabasta's 130,000 soldiers, but at this moment, the Celestial Beast has already set up a sacred bow and arrow with both hands to aim at the positions of the two of them.

Originally, ten thousand people killed this country by surprise, but the opponent is now fully armed with 27 people, completely encircling all the actions of Chaos.

The black group's pirates have strong single-station capabilities, but they are no match for the opponent's side, which is more than ten times stronger than their own side.

"How to do?"

"What to do! The siege is coming!"

The man in the middle is holding a weapon in a panic.

The people in front screamed again and again.

"Ah——" being pierced by muskets and shot into hedgehogs by the rain of arrows, they are falling down in pieces.

"Run away!" The first one yelled, and morale immediately fell apart.

In the subjectivity of human brains, they themselves spread the idea of ​​escape, not the idea of ​​resistance.

"Retreat from behind!"

"Are you crazy? Behind me is Carlo Pirates' invincible Medusa, who can rival Marine Admiral Kizaru.

"Nana break out from the left!"

Now the people of the Blackbeard Pirates have become ants on the hot pot, instantly.

"Holy Bow and Arrow!"

Tiannv Beast shot three times.

The evil government king and Diemei leaped away, and the ground exploded under their feet.

When they landed, countless bullets shot at them.

"The power to break the illusion!" The evil government king armed the color package with both hands, and smashed the rain of arrows with his tyrannical fist style, and the bullets flew to the left and right.

Captain Fan level, pirates with hundreds of millions of bounties on offer, such a hail of bullets can't do anything to them.

And the ugly Katrin Diemei directly transforms into a beast form, an ability user in the form of dog dog fruit · phantom beast species · Nine Tails fox.

Turn into a blue-white Nine Tails fox, the fox fire burns, and all attacks are reduced to ashes.

Angrily looking at the Celestial Beast in the air: "What a beautiful face, I want to tear up all the beautiful faces and make them my toys!"

Tiannv Beast holds a bow and arrow: "Today is your day of death."

It was completely chaotic, tens of thousands of people from the Blackbeard regiment "disintegrated" into three waves in an instant.

Some break out to the left, and some break out to the right.

Most rushed to Medusa at the first time.

After all, there is only one person, if you kill my partner, when you kill my teammate, can't I run away?

Selling teammates is too common in the Blackbeard Pirates.

"Let their regiment go first, die first, attract Medusa, and then we run from the other side."

Did not rush together, scattered separately.

The armies of Alabasta on the left and right collide with it.

On the other side, at least a thousand people rushed towards the direction of Medusa at the same time, this side is wide, it looks like... 323

Two sounds tearing the air.

In an instant, the Blackbeard pirates who were not running behind looked over.

The entire line of sight is blocked by the "companion".

When the two voices swept past and looked again, they could all see Medusa.

Because, those hundreds of thousands of people, all above the waist disappeared.

At the same time, the fountain of blood and the half-body body fell to the ground.

Medusa's face was expressionless, and the blood dripping would not fluctuate in the slightest. The two chains in her hands glowed with purple-red light, Shinigami-like light.

"Carlo's order is to send all of you trash to hell."

In an instant, Medusa disappeared, rushed into the crowd, and started killing!

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