Erza confronts Liana.

The time difference between the two being summoned was not long, and Erza already had the strength to fight against Marine Admiral when she came.

Liana is much different, after all, the registration of summoning is different from the additional attributes.

But Lianna is not bad, and her bloodline is not simple.

By Carlo's side, she can also drink a mouthful of soup from the natural culture fluid of all the girls, and there are more strong ones than Marine, and she learns very quickly.

The team is led by Kuina, a female lunatic who is also known as Carlo Pirates.

Kuina, Mikasa, Liana.

They are day and night, except for sleeping, they are practicing and competing.

The palm of Haki is extremely fast.

Ersha's foundation is there, and it's not bad.

"It's really tricky, although I didn't expect to win, but...

Lianna looks at Erza, change into the magic-magic black feather armor!

The black armor of the white cross has bat-like wings on the back, and the weapon is a black one-handed sword, which is Erza's commonly used armor.

Liana's deep voice: "I just want to bring a BGM-like female warrior, is this Conqueror's Haki?"

Erza took a step forward.

The Conqueror's Haki unfolded, rushing away.

Liana put her hands in front of her body and was forcibly pushed fifty meters away.

"Conqueror's Haki!"

"Except for Marshal Sengoku, there aren't many people in our Marine?"

"Yeah, Erza Vice Admiral actually awakened Conqueror's."

Instantly suppress Lianna from the momentum.

"Show your true skills, otherwise, it will be ugly to lose." Erza Conqueror's rage is not scary, but for Liana who is still specialized in armed and knowledgeable

Really strong.


Lianna raised her head to the sky and roared, her body trembled.

Aeration -

Lianna has silver-white wavy air marks all over her body.

Erza's Conqueror's Haki instantly has no effect on her.

"What kind of move is this?"

Liana tilted her head and her body changed.

Zoan · cat cat fruit · phantom beast species · cat and form.

"Is this a phantom beast?"

The air wave dispersed, and the phantom beast Maoyou with a body of ten meters.


It moves around the entire fighting platform at high speed, and it moves like lightning.

Erza was vigilant all over, holding a black sword and slashing sideways.


The black sword collided with the sharp claws.

Erza is indeed strong, and she can completely judge Liana's attack angle at such a fast speed.

However, Liana's claw machine was blocked.

I saw her cat mouth smile.


There are three claws, one claw is on Ersha's abdomen, and two are on Erza's wings.

The left wing shattered directly.

The whole person leaped 100 meters.

"what's the situation?"

"Isn't Erza Vice Admiral already blocking the opponent's attack?"

Erza was also shocked.

Hina and the awakened Tashigi were watching, all too aware because they had both sparred with Liana.

This is the ability of her phantom beast fruit.

Diffusion attack, ignoring any resistance, like a wave of air on the basis of the attack, but also spread out.

Erza slashed four times in a row.

While waving, the sword energy is vertical and horizontal.

Erza's slash is different from the flying slash, the range is not so large, and the burst speed and power are terrifying.

Crash, the fighting platform is cut open.

Crashing, the sea surface was cut open.

A few boats went close to the bubble, and when they reached the divided sea, the soldiers trembled with fear.

"Erza Vice Admiral won't kill us, will he?"

"If we meet, we will be turned into ashes, right?"

From Marine's side, the sound of knife light cutting was heard.

Liana also turned into an afterimage and attacked Erza violently.

The two sides moved so fast that Vice Admiral couldn't see anything clearly.

In an instant, there are thousands of tricks against each other.

I saw Ersha retreating continuously, and the black feather armor on her body was basically broken.

"How is it possible? Is Erza Vice Admiral a loser?"

The cat appeared again, and Mrs. Lian rolled her eyes.

Fujitora smiled: "Yes, Xiaosha is at a disadvantage. The opponent's fruit ability is very strong. At least she has to adapt for a while."

Kizaru cocked his mouth: "It's so scary that the current pirates can spread the attack power in a small range without direction with one attack!"


They are all masters, and they have already seen the characteristics of Maoyouguo.

Carlo's big fleet kept cheering, Liana got the advantage, and the drums beat here.

But on the side of Carlo's big fleet, they are all very calm.

Matsumoto Rangiku took a sip secretly: "No, that girl named Ersha is as firm as a rock, and her will has not been affected at all."

Mikasa also said: "Lianna is good at speed, and the cat form is already the highest speed. With so many moves, and the surprise of the fruit ability, it is difficult to fail to win the opponent and be seen through."

"If...Elusha defends Lianna's attack, the situation will be reversed instantly, and it will be completely suppressed.

Erza's whole body is covered with light: "Armor of Vajra!"

Ring Magic: Armor of Vajra!

Alsa's armor is the most defensive, with white and dark blue as the base, armor with white shields in both hands. The characteristic is that the whole body is covered with armor to defend against attacks from all directions.

"Vampire, you crow's mouth, she realized." Kuina said.

"It's like a shield like a hedgehog. That woman's fruiting ability is amazing." Yinhe said beside him.

Nami lowered his voice: "Yamato, let me tell you quietly, that woman used ring magic, not fruit, and she didn't eat Devil Fruit."


"Shh, keep your voice down, she walked out on our boat, don't say it."

Yamato didn't expect that such a powerful young woman Marine, Marine's super rookie, would actually come out of Carlo's big boat group?

Erza smiled: "I have already seen through your moves, let them go!"

Liana rushed forward, Talon attacking.

Dang-dang-dang-dang-dang-dang-dang-dang-dang-dang-dang-dang-sparks of metal clashing.

Erza didn't move at all, and heard the sound of countless sharp claws attacking, no matter whether it was spread three times or the limit of five times, because there was no dead angle defense.

Erza's armor cannot be broken at all.

Reflexively hit a shield.

Taking Erza and scolding, knocked the cat out of the pill again. .

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