Sign in to the God Body at the Beginning

Chapter 104: Morning exercise

It's a coincidence.

Many years ago, Sect Master Long went to a city and defeated a group of rogues halfway through.

After the spring breeze, Wuhen was found from the robbers, and after returning to the sect, he threw it into the inconspicuous corner of the house.

If I hadn't seen it again today, I wouldn't be able to remember it in my life.

"Look at the journal, young heroes, this thing is not a poison, but a famous thing spreading across the continent...spring, spring, no trace of spring breeze..."

Speaking of the end, Sect Master Long's voice became smaller and smaller, and he became less confident.

This old face was completely lost by my daughter...

Family is unfortunate!

He is really ashamed of it!

If it weren't for someone else around, I would have liked to slap myself, regretting that she would pinch to death when Long Wanyi was not born.

If this matter spreads out, the reputation of the Iron Bone Sect will inevitably be ruined.

As a father, he couldn't raise his head to be a man anymore.


The journal hesitated.

If he remembered correctly, there seemed to be this kind of drug in Lu Chenfei's waist cards.

In addition, there are still quite a few, and I don't know where it came from.

"Big Brother Lu is also an absolute man. Two wives at home and a lover outside are not enough!?"

Ji Kan secretly said in his heart, "You can do such things in other people's homes... and you can't restrain yourself, can you forbearance? It's really even Qin Ming than Qin Ming! If it goes out, Tianyun Sect has to bear Infamy."

But soon, he recovered, his face was apologetic.

"Sect Master Long is sorry, I have saved the abdomen of a gentleman with the heart of a villain. This is an apologetic gift, please accept it."

The journal apologized very sincerely, and by the way, he also took out dozens of spiritual stones and said: "This matter is not on the table, please don't tell the truth about it."

"It won't be spread out, but I really can't accept it!"

Sect Master Long hurriedly pushed back, but he couldn't hold back the journal, and he also took out some decent treasures, saying: "Even if you accept it, you have to deal with courtesy... we will keep it secret together!"

Subsequently, the two exchanged their gifts.

But for the journal, accepting these inferior products is really a waste of waist card space.

However, if you don't hit the smiley person with your hand, the other party is enthusiastic, and face is still to be given.

"From now on, between the Sky Cloud Sect and the Iron Bone Sect, you must move around more often."

Soon, everyone began to greet each other.

There are disciples serving dishes one after another, and the atmosphere of the dining room is pleasant.

"Actually, my elder brother is the sacred son of Tianyun Sect. From now on, I can guarantee that the Iron Bone Sect will surely rise."

"How strong is Tianyun Sect?"

"There are more than 20 elders, all of whom have similar cultivation bases to those of the Primordial Saints. If they are placed in the same era, Tu Sheng is definitely not a false statement! In the near future, the Tianyun Sect will go to all directions and conquer the major sects, and Qingzhou will welcome Come unification like never before!"

"Hey! Niubi...really, there are mountains outside the mountains, and there are people outside the world, so bold, the name of the overlord is truly deserved."

"Not only that, our respective masters all have the ability to slaughter immortals. Many of them are now alive in the world. When the canonization ceremony begins soon, all of them will be out."


The meal was eaten late, and during the period, Elder Iron Bone Sect, Jikan, Du Jing and others took turns to dig the site to guard.

The news that thousands of disciples were dispatched to dig the mountain naturally couldn't be concealed from the nearby Tian Yuanzong.

Other sects that are far away have also received intelligence one after another.

The external claim is that it is suspected to have found a mineral vein, an ordinary steel mine.

When the Tianyuan Saint's tomb was actually dug out, the three directly collected the treasure and left, but the rest of the sects simply couldn't respond.

As for the safety of the Iron Bone Sect in the future, the many high-level members of the Tianyun Sect have long planned to conquer all forces of various sizes in the south.

After more than ten days, when the grand ceremony was canonized, it was the moment when Tianyunzong declared war!


The sky was slightly brighter the next day.

Lu Chenfei got up from the bed, recalling the scene when he was stunned, angry and angry.

"Half-pushing, half-pushing, I am not incapable of doing it, so why do I just prescribe medicine?"

Being drugged at home, and drugged when going out...

This is so annoying!

The most important thing is that he is completely unaware of what happened after being drugged.

The other party had a good time, but he didn't feel it at all! Except for low back pain when I wake up in the morning, I don't know anything else.

"Fortunately, I have a gold belt, otherwise I will kneel and get out of bed again today." Lu Chenfei grinned.

As usual, walk into the yard for morning exercises.

Across a wall, I happened to see Long Wanyi meditating.

"Miss Long, your body is important, so take more care to rest. Your body is definitely too much for you like this!" Lu Chenfei said earnestly.

While he was speaking, he subconsciously covered his waist with one hand.


Long Wanyi woke up from her practice, looked up at Lu Chenfei, and said apologetically, "Master Lu, I was really sorry yesterday."

"It doesn't matter, everyone has needs, understanding, understanding..."

Lu Chenfei waved his hand, and then began morning exercises.

This set of his boxing methods is the Tianyunzong's authentic boxing method, which activates the muscles and bones and accelerates the movement of spiritual power in the body.

According to rumors, when the Patriarch met a strong enemy and both were physically exhausted, he used this set of boxing techniques to take the enemy's life.

Although the name of the boxing method is not elegant enough, and even a bit crude, it is undeniable and practical.

"Lu Gongzi's boxing technique is exquisite, strong and soft, open and close, with four or two strokes of a thousand catties, can you tell the little girl what is the name of this boxing method?" Long Wanyi asked in surprise.

"Kill you tortoise grandson!" Lu Chen flew back.

This is because when Grandpa Master used this set of boxing techniques, he shouted that way, and later this sentence became the name of boxing techniques.


Long Wanyi was taken aback.

She felt like she was being scolded...

"I mean the name of boxing."

Lu Chenfei explained: "This is the orthodox academic of the Tianyunzong, from the real disciples to the handyman disciples, all of them use this technique for morning exercises."

"It's really amazing, it's several times stronger than the Iron Bone Sect's morning practice method." Long Wanyi exclaimed.

"Come, come over, I will teach you."

Lu Chenfei beckoned, he was enthusiastic and heroic, with little intention of hiding himself.

Moreover, this is not a baby boxing technique, the Tianyun Sect has one hand, and the street has long been rotten.

"This is a bit bad, after all, I haven't joined the Sky Cloud Sect yet." Long Wanyi hesitated.

"It doesn't matter, it's not a secret technique."

Lu Chenfei disagreed, and then urged: "Learn quickly, and go back to catch up after you finish studying."

"I'm not very sleepy." Long Wanyi tweaked.

Afterwards, the two practiced boxing in the yard.

Whenever there was a wrong posture, Lu Chenfei helped to correct it in time and was very careful.

Fortunately, the two courtyards were built in quiet places, and almost no one passed by.

Otherwise, seeing the two of them in such close contact, Long Wanyi twisted and showed her little daughter's posture, fearing that she would be shocked again.

At the same time, among the Qingming School.

After Yang Lan came back, he began to inquire about Tianyunzong, and some elders became suspicious.

After inquiring, it turned out that Yang Lan had met a true disciple of Tianyun Sect.

Some elders in the sect looked through the books and found out that Tianyun Sect turned out to be the overlord of Qingzhou!

It is definitely a blessing to be able to get to know the true disciples of the first-class sect.

However, after Yang Lan's statement, the three of them were unknown, and hurried to Tianyuanzong, and they looked like they were sure to win.

Obviously, he was not here to visit the mountains and rivers, but to head towards the tomb of the saint.

Throughout the ages, many people have tried to find the tombs of the saints, but disciples of such overlord powers have never visited, all of them are the sixth-rate or seventh-rate forces.

After receiving the news, many elders of the Qingming Sect discussed, and finally dispatched the top masters in the door.

The tomb of the saint is no joke. If you profit from it, the whole school will benefit infinitely and rise strongly.

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